Yaroslavl Chamber Theater: history, repertoire, troupe, address

Young and new cultural institutions include the Yaroslavl Chamber Theater. His poster consists mainly of plays by contemporary authors, but there is also a classic. In addition, there are a couple of children's productions in the repertoire.

Yaroslavl Chamber Theater

About the theater

Yaroslavl Chamber Theater is one of a kind. In our country, he has no analogues. This theater is private, but at the same time repertoire. A permanent troupe works in it. He does not receive any subsidies from the state, but regularly pleases his audience with performances and even holds festivals on his stage.

This theater was opened in 1999 by three enthusiasts: actor Yuri Vaksman, who at that time left the Youth Theater for business and opened his cafe, directed by Vladimir Vorontsov and artist V. Gusev, who left the troupe of the capital because of its unprofessionalism, which defeated him in shock. These people worked first three together. Rehearsals took place at night in a cafe owned by Yu. Waxman, since they had no other rooms.

The first performance was staged by P. Suet's "Interview". This production is still in the repertoire of the theater. This trinity staged a performance for the soul and did not plan that something big would come of it. But the production was a huge success. They were even invited to Moscow to the festival. As a result, the Interview performance, played by only two artists, received two awards at once: for the best directorial and acting work. This was the event due to which the Yaroslavl Chamber Theater was born. Soon the troupe expanded, and then found its premises - the building of the former cinema. All theater productions receive praise from leading critics. They like the public.

Vladimir Vorontsov - the head of the troupe, left the state theaters. This happened for the reason that, in his opinion, squabbles, intrigues, routine reign there, they are like clumsy mechanisms that cannot be revived. V. Vorontsov is very pleased that he works in a chamber theater. Everything suits him here. And the actors consider it a great honor for themselves that such a master cooperates with them. Yuri Vaksman is not only an actor and director, but also a theater producer. He does a lot for his brainchild. He is an indisputable creative leader, but believes that success can be achieved only if the troupe is a single organism.

The performances that are included in the repertoire of the theater comply with the principles of the psychological Russian school. They are both funny and sad. Among them are comedies, and tragedies, and philosophical parables. V. Vorontsov, creating the performances, does the delicate, filigree work of the director, and the skill of the artists is complemented by light and music. In its productions, the theater tries to talk about the eternal, the sublime. Many performances show the viewer that the hopelessness of being can and should be confronted. Artists oppose cynicism with hope for the best.

The Yaroslavl Theater is a great example of how business can help art. Here everything rests on the personal initiative of enthusiasts and leaders, caring people. In addition to staging performances, the theater is also engaged in the organization of festivals. Among them there are even four international levels. The leading troupes of our country and abroad take part in them. Over the years of its existence, the troupe has played many charitable productions. Artists worked for WWII and Afghanistan veterans, children from orphanages, and disabled people. Charity takes a rather large place in the theater.

Yaroslavl Chamber Theater Poster


The Yaroslavl Chamber Theater offers its viewers the following repertoire:

  • "How the Babi Yagis saved the tale."
  • "Polygraph".
  • "The carriage of holy gifts."
  • "A year later that day."
  • "Interview".
  • "When you're around".
  • "Sylvia".
  • "Travelers in the night."
  • "Unforgettable."
  • Goodbye Judas and other performances.

Yuri Vaksman


The Yaroslavl Chamber Theater is a fairly small artistic group. But despite their small numbers, actors play the most diverse performances in complexity. The troupe includes Peter Rabchevsky, Nazar Artamonov, Zamira Kolkhieva, Alexander Chmelev, Vladimir Gusev, Zinaida Sopotova and other actors.


The director of the theater is Yuri Vaksman. He was born in 1961. Yuri Mikhailovich - a graduate of the Theater Institute of the city of Voronezh. After graduation, and until 1992, he served in the Yaroslavl Youth Theater. In 1999, he became one of the founders of the Chamber Theater, where today he is an actor and director. Yuri Vaksman is known to a wide audience for his roles in films and TV shows. He starred in the following films:

  • "Phoenix Syndrome."
  • "Young Wolfhound."
  • "Garbage man".
  • Kotovsky.
  • "Special Purpose Prison."
  • "Fighter".
  • Detectives 1: Damn Bald.
  • "Yaroslav. A thousand years ago. ”
  • "Emergency call".
  • "Youth".
  • "Sea Patrol."
  • "Return of the Titanic 2" and so on.

Yaroslavl Chamber Theater repertoire

Theater Address

The Yaroslavl Chamber Theater is located in building No. 9 on Sverdlov Street. Next to it are Pervomaisky Boulevard, a museum-reserve, the embankment of the Volga, the Church of Elijah the Prophet.

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