Nausea, diarrhea. What to do in such a situation?

Probably every person knows what diarrhea is. What should be done in such cases to stop this condition as soon as possible without negative health consequences? When can you cope on your own, and when do you need to immediately contact a doctor? And what are the likely causes of diarrhea? Let's find out.

Fever and diarrhea

"What to do in such situations?" - People often ask. There is only one answer - call an ambulance, a doctor or go to the hospital. These symptoms are dangerous and can indicate serious infectious diseases. The diagnosis can only be made by a doctor, because we can talk about intestinal flu, salmonellosis, dysentery, etc. With such diseases, there can be no talk of self-treatment, since lost time will result in irretrievably lost health.

diarrhea what to do
Unfortunately, there are not so rare cases when people, due to untimely received professional assistance, became disabled. The same applies to situations when a person continues diarrhea for 5 days.

What to do with diarrhea

We repeat, if there is no temperature, but only diarrhea and nausea, then you can really try to do without medical help. Most likely, something was eaten wrong, or in this way the body is cleaned of toxins and toxic substances that have got into it. So, diarrhea has begun. What to do to stop it and relieve unpleasant symptoms? The main thing is to drink as much liquid as possible, preferably alkaline mineral water. Diarrhea is not so terrible as its consequences in the form of dehydration. Therefore, you need to drink water every 30 minutes, in small sips. It is better to refuse food altogether, but you can cook dried fruit compote.

Diarrhea: what to do

diarrhea 5 day what to do

You can prepare a manganese solution (a couple of drops per liter of warm boiled water). It has a disinfecting property and will help to cope with the disorder faster. It should be drunk once every half an hour in a glass. Still preparing a drink from boiled water with a spoonful of sugar and salt. Drink half an glass in an hour. Activated charcoal will help stop nausea. It must be taken at least 6-7 tablets dissolved in water. This solution absorbs toxins, after which relief will come. If diarrhea does not stop, what should I do? Swallow a teaspoon of starch with boiled water. Diarrhea should then recede. Green tea, mineral water are also excellent in combating the effects of indigestion.

Other drugs

As was said, the main thing is to prevent dehydration and the removal of valuable elements and substances from the body. Restore balance will help such "soldering" funds, such as "Regidron", "Glucosolan", "Oralin", etc.

temperature and diarrhea what to do
To breed and take them should be strictly according to the instructions, be sure to in the first two days of the disease. Medicines that restore microflora will also not hurt - these are Smecta, Linex and other similar products. They will help to cope with the effects of diarrhea. This is all for an adult. If vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea are observed in a small child, then you must immediately call an ambulance. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable!

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