What good cognac will tell the sixth sense

Many are well aware that people who have managed to achieve a certain position in a social society often intentionally demonstrate their superiority over the others, but each independently chooses how to present it. So, someone buys luxury villas abroad, someone - new car models, and someone stops at the use of noble drinks. As a rule, it is cognac to the taste of noble people.

Many centuries ago, nobles around the world preferred this drink, since only a true connoisseur can appreciate its quality and value and say which brandy is the best.

A variety of colors ...

For the manufacture of real cognac, various grape varieties are used. As a rule, the best cognac is infused with grapes from Uni Blanc and Colombard, less often from Fall Blanche. Wine from this grape is not of very good quality, even slightly sluggish and inexpressive. Of course, it is tasty, but for true connoisseurs it is truly uninteresting. However, when distilling this grape to make cognac, the result is excellent. And a few years later, after spirits slowly age in oak barrels, a unique aroma, luxurious elegance, sophistication of taste, harmony, but at the same time a certain complexity and elevation, appear. Namely, for this they appreciate good cognac. Which brandy is actually better to determine is not so difficult, because the number of stars on its bottle will help you in this.

Of course, all alcohols age differently. And despite the fact that they were driven out at the same time and from the same grape variety, after which they were placed in absolutely identical barrels and the storage conditions were identical, the result may differ in any case. Indeed, it will take five years, and some more than fifty years, to use only alcohols to ripen and acquire all the qualities of a real cognac. This process has not yet been fully studied, however, all cognac producers are firmly convinced that the final result is most important in this business.

Checked by time ...

What good cognac would not be, it all depends on its exposure and the quality of the alcohols used. Its production is based on a mixture of different types of alcohols to achieve a stupefying taste and an exquisite aroma. Sometimes the number of varieties of alcohols used can reach several tens. However, there have been cases when their number exceeded even a hundred varieties. But this is absolutely not important, because only the extraordinary aroma and taste of cognac matters.

Nevertheless, the manufacturers always keep the recipe for making this or that brand of brandy a secret. And what a good brandy to choose for everyone personally, because it all depends on his individual preferences. Someone likes a stronger and more rigid taste, while someone prefers cognac with notes of a soft aroma of cinnamon. However, the world famous β€œfour” sets the tone for all other manufacturers: Hennessy, Remy Martin, Martell, Courvoisier.

Currently, the activities of most enterprises are aimed at producing cognac exclusively for commercial purposes, often forgetting that it is a great drink, the creation of which requires a lot of effort and patience in order to achieve a breathtaking taste and aroma.

What a good cognac, will show the degree of its endurance. Two-year-old cognacs are considered young, while drinks of the highest category require about six years. Of course, the cognac of the four favorites is characterized by a fifteen-year exposure.

The charm of taste ...

As a rule, cognac is served in spherical wide glasses so that lovers of this noble drink can enjoy the taste and aroma, and, of course, the play of color.

Today, most high-end cognac varieties convey a huge palette of flavors, and this is not only the taste of dried fruits, walnuts, various spices, but also cheese, mushrooms and even a light aroma of a cigar box. These notes give the cognac not only an exquisite and sophisticated taste, but also stupefy the minds of those who remain devoted to this drink, who know what good brandy you need to drink.

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