Contraceptive "Janine": reviews of women and doctors, instructions for use

To protect against unwanted pregnancy, women use hormonal contraceptives for oral use. Such drugs are convenient to drink, they have a pronounced effect, can eliminate premenstrual syndrome. One of the popular pills (both among practicing gynecologists and among women taking the pills) are OK (oral contraceptives) “Janine”. Next, reviews of women about the drug, indications for use, contraindications, features of admission, recommendations of doctors and the like will be considered.

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The effect of the drug on the body

"Janine" is a new generation contraceptive based on progestogen and estrogen. The effect of the drug is achieved due to the complex effect on the female body:

  • cervical mucus becomes impermeable to sperm, more dense;
  • the structure of the endometrium changes in such a way that a fertilized egg cannot fix on it;
  • suppression of ovulation.

According to doctors, “Zhanin” has minimal side effects and is characterized by a low content of biologically active substances. However, admission should be carried out with extreme caution, especially in the first few months. There are situations when the use of tablets as a contraceptive is generally contraindicated. In this case, you need to use other methods of protection from unwanted pregnancy.

Indications for use

Women use birth control pills to protect against unwanted pregnancy. On the likelihood of contracting sexually transmitted infections, taking "Janine" or other oral contraceptives has no effect. Only barrier contraception can protect against STDs.

According to reviews, “Zhanin” not only allows you not to worry about having an unwanted pregnancy, but also helps with endometriosis, amenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, reduces the amount of vaginal discharge, promotes weight loss and reduces oily skin.

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In some cases, oral contraceptives are prescribed to women who can not conceive a child. The fact is that after the abolition of the tablets, an increased frequency of pregnancy is observed, because the ovaries begin to work more actively. According to the reviews of women, “Janine” contraceptives really helped some couples become parents after a number of unsuccessful attempts.

List of contraindications

"Janine" is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. Hormonal contraceptive (if you continue to take pills for a long time after conception) increases the risk of congenital malformations in the child. Any negative effect of OK taken in the early stages (until the moment when the woman found out about pregnancy) was not detected. Pills can alter the composition of breast milk and inhibit lactation, so it is forbidden to prescribe during lactation.

You should stop taking contraceptives before elective operations, after serious injuries and with prolonged restriction of physical activity for any reason. The list of contraindications also includes:

  • certain diseases of the heart and blood vessels: heart rhythm disturbance, valve damage, high blood pressure, coronary artery pathology;
  • pancreatitis
  • conditions preceding arterial or venous thrombosis;
  • angina pectoris, ischemic attack;
  • migraine;
  • diabetes mellitus with vascular complications;
  • thrombosis, both present and those that have a history of;
  • hormone-dependent malignant diseases or suspected similar pathologies;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown nature;
  • liver failure, some liver diseases.

According to reviews, “Janine” after 40 years helps to cope with the symptoms of an approaching menopause, but you need to remember the recommendations of doctors. So, gynecologists allow the use of oral contraceptives only until the cessation of menstruation, that is, the onset of physiological infertility. During menopause, taking "Janine" is prohibited.

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Relative contraindications

"Zhanin" (according to the reviews of gynecologists and patients who have experienced side effects due to certain diseases) should be taken with extreme caution in the following cases:

  • obesity and other pronounced disorders of fat metabolism;
  • Dubin-Johnson, Rotor, Zhiotber syndromes;
  • otosclerosis accompanied by hearing impairment;
  • diabetes;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • hypertension;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • uremic syndrome;
  • some forms of anemia.

Immediately after determining pregnancy, the tablets must be canceled. The use of contraceptives in the early stages cannot provoke pathologies or a severe course of pregnancy, which is unequivocally confirmed by numerous studies.

Instructions for use

Reviews about "Janine" recommend not to deviate from the instructions for the drug and doctor's recommendations. Otherwise, the contraceptive will be ineffective, and additional side effects and other health problems may occur. OK are accepted every day, preferably at the same time. Drink the tablets with drinking water. The duration of one course is 21 days. Then you need a break (week), during which menstrual bleeding is usually observed.

The choice of the first day of taking "Janine"

If a woman has not previously taken oral contraceptives, then it is necessary to start drinking tablets on the first day of the menstrual cycle, that is, on the day the bleeding begins. You can start taking it on the second or fifth day of the cycle, but in this case you should additionally use barrier contraceptives for another week.

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Was another contraceptive taken in the previous cycle? Then the reception of "Janine" can begin the next day after applying the last pill of the previous OK. So, between two cycles of taking different pills to protect against unwanted pregnancy, a break does not occur.

Postpartum or abortion

According to reviews and instructions, “Zhanin” after an abortion can begin to be taken on the same day, additional barrier contraception is not required. After an abortion in the second trimester or premature birth, tablets should be used on day 21-28. Before taking the pills, you need to make sure that you are not pregnant, so that after giving birth or abortion, it is better to wait for the menstruation first, and then start taking oral contraceptives according to the scheme indicated above.

Violation of the drug regimen

In case of violation of the reception schedule, the contraceptive effect does not decrease only if the delay is less than 12 hours. In such a situation, you just need to take the pill as quickly as possible. No additional measures are required, and the next pill is taken as usual.

In the event that the delay was more than 12 hours, there is a chance of conception. Further actions depend on which week of admission this happened. It is important to remember that you can’t stop using the pills for a period that exceeds seven days, and in order for the contraceptive effect to be achieved, you need to take “Janine” for at least a week.

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Skipping pills in the first to second week

In the first week, you need to take the pill as soon as possible, and if the delay approaches the day, then you should immediately drink two tablets. Then you can return to the usual scheme, but within a week, use additional means of barrier contraception. In the second week the actions will be the same, only additional protection measures will not be required.

Pass in the third week of admission

In the third week when skipping pills, there is a risk of a decrease in the contraceptive effect, then the risk of an unwanted pregnancy. You can either take "Janine" as soon as possible, and then drink the drug according to the usual scheme, but without a weekly break between cycles, or immediately take a weekly break, after which continue taking tablets from the next package.

Possible side effects

When taking oral contraceptives "Janine" (reviews of women confirm this), side effects may be observed, including:

  • decreased sex drive;
  • swelling and fluid retention in the body;
  • rash, itching, other dermatological reactions;
  • spotting and bleeding on the days of taking the tablets;
  • stomach ache;
  • migraines, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea;
  • discharge from the mammary glands;
  • leg pain, cramps;
  • change in body weight.
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Additional recommendations

The use of "Janine" (reviews of gynecologists indicate the following with special importance) should occur under the supervision of a doctor. You should seek additional advice in cases where any unusual headache is observed during reception, problems with vision and speech, coughing fits without a cold, sudden shortness of breath, dizziness and weakness, severe pain in the abdomen or chest, swelling of the legs.

Reviews of Janine tablets confirm that before using hormonal contraceptives, it is necessary to undergo a general medical and gynecological examination, as well as to exclude the presence of pregnancy. With prolonged use of oral contraception, you should be examined by a gynecologist and therapist once every 6 months.

Availability in pharmacies and cost

Zhanin can be purchased at drugstores without any problems. Prescription pills. Twenty-one tablets will cost about 1,000 rubles (from 972 to 11,190 rubles in various pharmacies), the package, in which 63 tablets, costs 2,500-2,700 rubles.

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Reviews of doctors and patients

Reviews about "Janine" from women who used dragees to prevent unwanted pregnancies were generally positive. Doctors often prescribe the drug to patients, which indicates the safety and effectiveness of the tablets. If you follow the recommendations of the gynecologist and instructions for use, then you can avoid adverse side symptoms and get a pronounced contraceptive effect.

Of particular note are the reviews left by patients who drank tablets as prescribed by a doctor to correct certain pathological conditions and the treatment of gynecological diseases. Reviews about "Janine" with endometriosis, temporary infertility, amenorrhea and other diseases that are treated, including with the help of oral contraceptives, also indicate the effectiveness of the drug.

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