How to make mayonnaise at home: ingredients and recipes

It is no secret that mayonnaise is a mandatory dressing at the New Year's feast. It is used in numerous salads, including Olivier, popular among Russians. Recently, the sauce beloved by many (its store version) has been attacked by adherents of the theory of healthy eating, who called the product harmful due to its fat content and calorie content, as well as the presence of preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers and modified starch in it.

Many housewives today abandoned store mayonnaise, whose ingredients, according to experts, contribute to the development of excess weight, cellulite and indigestion. They prefer to make this delicious home dressing sauce. How to make mayonnaise at home? We will try to answer this question in our article.

About homemade mayonnaise

Home-made sauce is a great substitute for a store-bought one. Firstly, it is considered more useful because it does not contain preservatives, secondly, the home-made product is much cheaper, and thirdly, the ingredients of the mayonnaise, which is prepared at home, can be changed and supplemented with various spices to your liking.

Sauce yellow

Mayonnaise is used in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes, such as appetizers with cheese and garlic, beets with garlic, carrots with garlic. The product also acts as an ingredient in some more sophisticated dressing sauce. You can use the mayonnaise recipe at home, preparing the first dish, for example okroshka. For many, the way to create a product is a real mystery.

How to make mayonnaise at home? This question is often asked by young housewives. Further in the article we will try to present in detail various cooking technologies.

On the composition and method of preparation

Making mayonnaise at home will require the hostess to have olive oil, eggs, lemon juice, sugar, salt, mustard and other spices. First, egg yolks are separated from the proteins. Then they begin to beat them with a blender or whisk. Then gradually add a thin stream of oil (vegetable).

About the variety of recipes

The recipe of the Provencal mayonnaise, popular and beloved by many, is distinguished by the indispensable presence of mustard, which gives a piquant taste. For those who, for whatever reason, do not want to eat eggs, there is a recipe for homemade sauce (low-calorie) without eggs, which are replaced with milk. You can also cook vegetarian mayonnaise - without eggs and milk. This lightweight product is used by those who diet or fast. Soy milk sauce is being prepared. It is known that there is also Ducane mayonnaise - a special sauce on paraffin oil that does not contain fat at all.

Tips from experts: how to beat?

Many people ask: what is the best way to beat mayonnaise? The lack of professional mixers and blenders often confuses the housewives. Experienced masters assure that whipping homemade mayonnaise in a blender (in the recipe for preparing the product this option is most often suggested), you can, of course, achieve a reduction in the time for making the sauce, but an ordinary culinary whisk also copes with this task.

Mayonnaise in a blender

Professionals do not recommend making mayonnaise in high humidity and high room temperature. In such conditions, the sauce is "heavier", making it difficult to whip.

About choosing oil

Which oil is better to use for mayonnaise? This issue is important. Some people mistakenly believe that the best of the products used is Extra Virgin Olive Oil. In fact, experts say that this oil is not quite suitable for mayonnaise, because it has an overly bright taste. According to experienced craftswomen, it is better to replace it with ordinary olive oil diluted in a 1: 1 ratio with some vegetable analogue with a mild taste: grape, corn, walnut or even ordinary, sunflower. Unrefined vegetable oil is considered unsuitable for making homemade sauce, as it thickens the mixture worse than refined. Such mayonnaise exfoliates faster.

About proportions and acidifier

Those who are interested in how to make mayonnaise at home, it is recommended to focus on the following proportions: one egg yolk is used for one glass of oil, in addition, one tablespoon of acid is added to each glass of sauce. If vinegar is used instead of lemon juice, make sure its quality. For these purposes, it is preferable to use white wine vinegar, which will add a delicate and delicate taste to mayonnaise.

About using eggs

Ingredients for making homemade sauce should have room temperature. Therefore, eggs should be removed from the refrigerator at least half an hour before the start of the cooking process. Those who wish to get a richer flavor of the product are recommended to use only egg yolks (without proteins). Often, housewives cook mayonnaise with egg powder (for a recipe, see the rest of this article).

Ingredients for Mayonnaise

How to salt?

For those who like to add mayonnaise, it is better to do this after the whipped yolks have cooled, otherwise the sauce will be stratified. Ideally, you should add salt to the yolks separately and introduce them already salted into the oil. The addition of a pinch of mustard and cayenne pepper will help to avoid product stratification.

About density and calories

You can reduce the calorie content of homemade mayonnaise by diluting it in a ratio of 1: 1 with yogurt (natural). This option is considered ideal for salad dressing. Too thick sauce can be diluted with warm water or cream.

Be creative!

When asked how to make mayonnaise at home, experienced housewives recommend not being afraid to experiment with herbs and spices. Homemade product goes well with onions, horseradish, curry, garlic, herbs (green), chili peppers, lemon zest, tomatoes (sun-dried) and even blue cheese crumbs.

Homemade mayonnaise recipe (with vinegar): ingredients

Cooking a popular sauce at home is a snap. The whole process takes no more than 5 minutes. The following recipe is useful for those who are interested in how to make mayonnaise with vinegar. Use:

  • 400 g of vegetable oil;
  • two eggs;
  • one tablespoon of vinegar;
  • to taste - pepper, salt.
Step cooking

Step by step recipe for mayonnaise

Preparation of the sauce consists of the following steps:

  1. 400 ml of oil (refined, vegetable) are poured into a glass from a blender (deep). Those who wish to experiment can use olive oil.
  2. In a glass with oil (vegetable) add 2 eggs (fresh chicken). It is advisable to use homemade eggs. So the mayonnaise is given a pleasant yellowish color. If you use store eggs, the sauce turns snow-white.
  3. Then add vinegar, salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Then the nozzle from the blender is lowered into the glass. It is necessary that the nozzle certainly touches the bottom, while the mayonnaise will whip faster. If the nozzle does not rest against the bottom, the contents of the blender cup will mix longer.
  5. Turn on the blender. At first, the knives of the device will beat the eggs, then gradually the butter will be involved in the whipping, and the color of the mixture will change in the eyes.
  6. Beat the mixture until the consistency of the sauce is thick enough. At this point, you should taste the mayonnaise and add salt, vinegar, or pepper if necessary. The product can be considered finished.

Description of the technology for the preparation of mayonnaise takes much longer than the whole process. Many housewives, preparing sauce, are happy to experiment. For example, vinegar is replaced with lemon juice, mustard or garlic is added. Experienced culinary specialists assure you that once you learn how to make homemade mayonnaise, you will never want to use a convenience store.

Some recipe tips

Please note:

  • The ingredients indicated in this recipe are sometimes supplemented with mustard powder (one teaspoon) or mustard (half a teaspoon of pure liquid product).
  • If desired, the volume of balsamic vinegar is increased to 50-60 ml.
  • Home-made mayonnaise is stored in the refrigerator in sealed packaging for at most 3-4 days. Further, the sauce will begin to delaminate and lose its properties.
  • An alternative to balsamic vinegar can be apple, white wine or any other three percent. Sugar can be replaced with honey.
  • If the sauce turns out to be too liquid, add a little more oil (vegetable) and re-whisk everything until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  • To create a more spicy, fragrant sauce, spicy spices are added to the finished mayonnaise: red pepper, coriander, rosemary, suneli hops, fennel, etc.
  • If there is no blender, do not be upset. You can use a food processor or mix all the ingredients with a whisk.
Making mayonnaise


Sometimes, when preparing the famous sauce at home, the housewives are puzzled that the result of their efforts does not meet expectations. The consistency of homemade mayonnaise sometimes turns out to be too liquid, the mixture does not thicken even 10 minutes after the start of whipping. Often the sauce turns out tasteless, too sharp, and its color does not seem white enough, etc. All this indicates that the mistress made some mistakes in the cooking process. To avoid disappointment, experts recommend taking into account the following nuances:

  • Mayonnaise, made at home from village eggs, is not completely white, since there are no dyes in it - such a sauce usually has a yellow tint.
  • If you use only yolks to make mayonnaise, in combination with oil they will form a thick emulsion faster.
  • Mayonnaise made from quail eggs is more tender and considered more healthy.
  • A little lemon juice should be added to the liquid mayonnaise, but do not overdo it so that the sauce does not become too acidic. You can put mayonnaise in the refrigerator - this will help speed up its thickening.
  • If the mixture is too viscous, you can dilute it with one teaspoon of water (the taste will not suffer from this).
  • Cold milk is usually used to make mayonnaise, since warm milk whips worse. All other ingredients should maintain room temperature.
  • To add spice to the sauce, mustard is replaced with mustard powder.
  • In some recipes, the use of caraway, cumin, coriander, various types of peppers, paprika, Provence herbs is recommended. The sauce can be safely enriched with any spices, due to this various new shades of taste will be achieved.
  • If the mayonnaise is made solely on the basis of olive oil, the sauce will be bitter. Specialists recommend definitely diluting olive oil with sunflower (refined).
  • Often, housewives ask about the shelf life of homemade mayonnaise in the refrigerator. Homemade sauce should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks (unlike a store sauce, which, thanks to preservatives, does not lose its properties for several months).
Homemade mayonnaise

How to make a light, low-calorie product without vinegar

The recipe for making light homemade cholesterol-free mayonnaise is simple enough. Instead of eggs, it is recommended to use milk, in the role of a thickening agent is lemon juice, which turns liquid milk into a fairly thick mass almost instantly. Light homemade mayonnaise is prepared with starch (potato) and cottage cheese, while half the oil specified in the recipe is replaced with broth (vegetable) cooked from celery, carrots, onions, mushrooms and parsley root. Jelly is cooked on this broth, then it is whipped with butter, and a light diet mayonnaise is ready.

Garlic mayonnaise

This sauce, prepared at home and containing garlic among its ingredients, is in perfect harmony with meat, salads, and simply, according to gourmets, it is very tasty if they are spread with bread and eat with fresh cucumber. This mouth-watering, rich home-made mayonnaise is in many ways superior to the store-bought product. Consider how to make garlic mayonnaise.


Used to prepare seven servings:

  • 130 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • one egg;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp mustard;
  • 1/2 tsp salt.

The time required to prepare the sauce is 10 minutes.

How to make mayonnaise step by step

The sauce is prepared in stages:

  1. First enter the egg into the blender bowl.
  2. Then squeeze the juice of fresh lemon into the container. Mustard and salt are added.
  3. Peel the cloves of garlic. If you want to get mayonnaise with a more delicate taste from the slices, you need to cut the rods. Garlic is passed through a press and poured to the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Then oil (vegetable) is poured there.
  5. The blender nozzle is immersed in a container and begin to whip the sauce. After one minute, the contents of the bowl will resemble the desired product. Continue whipping until the sauce becomes homogeneous, that is, at least 7 minutes.
  6. Ready sauce is carefully poured into a small bowl for serving. Such a product can be used for dressing salads, cooking main dishes and sandwiches.
Add spices

Homemade Mustard Powder Sauce

To create 6-8 servings of mayonnaise with mustard powder, use:

  • one egg;
  • 0.5 tsp mustard powder;
  • two tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • 200 g of vegetable oil;
  • one pinch of ground black pepper;
  • a third of a teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method

Mustard, egg, salt, sugar, lemon juice and pepper are added to the container. Beat everything with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Gradually pour oil (vegetable), continuing to whisk. According to reviews, homemade sauce with mustard powder only tastes like homemade sour cream.

Homemade Quail Egg Sauce

It's no secret that many foodies love to experiment. Mistresses suggest using a simple recipe for making homemade mayonnaise on quail eggs. In the composition of the products:

  • quail eggs - 6 pieces;
  • sunflower oil - 150 ml;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • sugar - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • mustard - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper;
  • lemon juice - one tablespoon;
  • add greens to taste.


Salt, sugar, eggs, pepper and mustard are mixed and whipped with a blender for one minute. Then gradually add the oil (sunflower) until the mass thickens. Lemon juice is added to the finished sauce, whipped again and mixed with herbs. The resulting mixture is refrigerated. This recipe differs from the standard one solely in that it uses not quail eggs, but quail eggs, which are considered very useful and have a more delicate taste.

Add oil

Homemade mayonnaise on egg powder

Dry egg powder (melange) is a natural product, which is a regular egg, dried using a certain technology. The product has all the beneficial properties that distinguish the "raw material" from which it is made. The ingredient is widely used in the food industry instead of ordinary eggs. This food product is justifiably considered valuable because it has certain advantages over eggs:

  • subject to optimal conditions, the warranty period for its storage reaches 2 years;
  • transporting melange (egg powder) is much easier than eggs, including over long distances;
  • the use of melange dishes eliminates salmonellosis infection.

What products are used?

You will need:

  • 20 g of melange;
  • 30 ml of warm water;
  • half a teaspoon of mustard;
  • one teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • vegetable oil;
  • sugar and salt are added to taste.
Product composition

Cooking method

Egg powder is dissolved in water, in which it should swell for half an hour. Then mustard, sugar and salt are added to the solution. After that, the mass is beaten with a blender at minimum speed. At this point, oil is gradually added to the mixture until a completely homogeneous emulsion is obtained. Next, you should also add lemon juice according to the recipe, and a delicious home-made mayonnaise is ready without any preservatives, food additives or harmful thickeners. Enjoy your meal!

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