"Chondroitin sulfate": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Chondroitin Sulfate is essentially a structural chemical component of human cartilage. With a pathological disease or injury, the joint begins to collapse. To accelerate the regeneration, there is not enough natural forces, and therefore, an artificial stimulant is needed through special medicines, chondroprotectors.

chondroitin sulfate

When a patient undergoes a course with such drugs, the joint bag and cartilage surface are slowly restored, the secretion of fluid inside the joint increases, the biological synthesis of connective tissue is accelerated, the development of arthrosis is reduced, and symptoms such as limited mobility, pain, joint clicks are eliminated.

Release form and its composition

Chondroitin Sulfate has various forms of release:

  • lyophilizate for the manufacture of a solution for intramuscular injection: a porous white mass compressed in the form of a tablet (powder in a volume of 100 mg in colorless ampoules, five ampoules in a blister pack, one or two blister packs in a cardboard box; five or ten ampoules in a box );
  • solution for intramuscular injection: a clear or yellowish liquid with a pleasant floral aroma that is characteristic of benzyl alcohol (one or two milliliters of solution in colorless glass ampoules, five ampoules in blister packs, one cardboard box contains one or two packs of injections " Chondroitin Sulfate ").

One ampoule of lyophilisate includes 100 mg of active active ingredient. One milliliter of the solution contains 100 mg of chondroitin sodium sulfate, that is, the active ingredient, as well as excipients: water intended for injection, gasoline alcohol.

chondroitin sulfate instruction

Pharmacodynamic specificity

Chondroitin sulfate acts as the main ingredient of proteoglycans, which together with collagen fibers create a cartilage matrix with the following properties:

  • It has the effectiveness of a chondroprotective type.
  • It inhibits the activity of enzymes that cause degradation of the cartilage of the joint.
  • Increases metabolic processes in the subchondral bone and cartilage.
  • Stimulates the production of proteoglycans by chondrocytes.
  • It affects the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the cartilage, contributing to its regeneration and taking part in the construction of the main substance of cartilage and bone tissue. This drug is characterized by anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, it allows to reduce the release of inflammatory mediators into the synovial fluid, to reduce pain factors through synoviocytes and macrophages of the synovial membrane, inhibiting the secretion of prostaglandin E2 and leukotriene B4.
  • The use of “Chondroitin sulfate” makes it possible to prevent collapse of connective tissue, accelerates the restoration of articular cartilage surfaces, normalizes fluid production in the joints, thereby improving their mobility and reducing pain intensity and inflammation, as well as reducing the need for anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs. If degenerative changes occur in the cartilage, then the drug acts as a means of substitution treatment. The patient feels the effect of this drug two to three weeks after its use, the intensity of joint pain decreases, the clinical signs of reactive synovitis are eliminated, and the range of movements in the inflamed joints increases. When therapy ends, the effect of it lasts from three months to six months.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use with Chondroitin Sulfate.

chondroitin sulfate instructions for use


This drug is well absorbed during administration intramuscularly, after an hour the maximum concentration is achieved, which decreases gradually over the course of forty-eight hours. The drug accumulates mainly in the cartilaginous joint tissue, penetrating through the synovial membrane. "Chondroitin sulfate" is found in the synovial fluid fifteen minutes after the injection, after which it enters the cartilage of the joint, where the maximum concentration is reached after two days.

When is the drug used?

Lyophilisate is used for osteoarthritis of the spine and peripheral joints. In the form of a solution it is used for degenerative and dystrophic pathologies of the spine and joints: intervertebral osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis; osteoarthritis of the joints in the periphery. The drug is used to accelerate the production of bone marrow during fractures.


According to the instructions to "Chondroitin sulfate", the following are contraindications:

  • thrombophlebitis, a tendency to bleeding and bleeding itself;
  • the pregnancy of the patient and the lactation period;
  • excessive sensitivity to a particular component of the drug.

An additional contraindication to the use of the drug in the form of a solution is the children's age of the patient.

Method of use and necessary dosage

The drug "Chondroitin sulfate" is used intramuscularly. To prepare a solution based on lyophilisate, before injection, it is necessary to dissolve the agent contained in the ampoule in one milliliter of water for injection. Desired dosage: every other day, one milliliter. After the fourth injection with good tolerance, you can increase the dosage to two milliliters.

chondroitin sulfate application

The duration of therapy is from 25 to 30 injections. After six months, you can conduct repeated courses. Their duration should be determined by the doctor. To achieve a stable effect, at least 25 drug injections are required, in this case, a long-term preservation of the positive effect is observed. Repeated courses are used to prevent new exacerbations. To form bone marrow, the solution must be used every other day for 3-4 weeks.

Side effects and possible overdose

As indicated by the instructions for use, chondroitin sulfate side effects are:

  • hemorrhages at the injection site;
  • allergic manifestations.

If such undesirable symptoms occur, it is advisable to cancel the drug.

There are currently no reports of cases of overdose in patients.

Special instructions, analogues

In accordance with the instructions, the tool does not have any effect on the concentration of attention, as well as the speed characteristics of psychomotor reactions, and therefore the person’s ability to drive transport and other complex mechanisms in treatment does not change.

chondroitin sulfate reviews

There are no data on the efficacy and safety of using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. At this time, it is better to refrain from treatment with this drug. If there is an urgent need, it is necessary to interrupt breastfeeding during the therapeutic period.

Data on the use of the drug in young patients is also not available. This is also confirmed by reviews and instructions for "Chondroitin sulfate."

The analogues are: “Arthra”, “Artradol”, “Artogistan”, “Artravir”, “Artrafik”, “Mukosat”, “Drastop”, “Chondroitin”, “Chondrolon”, “Chondroitin-AKOS”, “Chondrogard” , Chondroxide.


It is a stimulator of regeneration in cartilage.

instruction for use

Glucosamine and chondroitin sodium sulfate participate in the biosynthesis of connective tissue, prevent the destruction of cartilage, stimulate regeneration. The drug has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.


The drug provides cartilage tissue protection. The synthesis of proteoglycans is stimulated, enzymatic activity is inhibited, which caused the destruction of the cartilage, the metabolism in the cartilage tissue improves, and as a result, the basis of bone and cartilage is formed.

The medicine relieves pain and inflammation. The surface of the cartilage is restored, the secretion of synovial fluid is regulated, painful sensations become less noticeable, and the range of motion in the joints increases.

chondroitin sulfate injections

Reviews on "Chondroitin Sulfate"

Reviews are mostly positive. An exception are situations when patients were forced to abandon the drug due to the occurrence of adverse reactions.

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