'Filatov Aloe Extract' - a real salvation for the eyes

A unique tool that can cause restoration processes in the eyes at the tissue level is “Aloe extract according to Filatov”. This amazing drug has truly rare healing and healing properties. Under the influence of this “miracle tool”, the tension in the eyes is relieved, thereby maintaining good human vision, the level of visual acuity is increased , the eyes are protected from harmful radiation from a computer monitor. In addition, at any increased loads, as well as during physical activity, the product helps preserve the capillaries of the eyes, destroys any infection in the eyes, and generally triggers powerful recovery processes in the tissues and skin.

The development of scientists from NNPTSTO, which thoroughly studied all the subtleties of the process of making tinctures, was given the name of the famous academician with the name of world significance - V.P. Filatov, since aloe leaves undergo a very complex processing, which was described in his works. By the way, aloe is supplied to our country from South America, and exclusively mature leaves of plants that have reached the age of at least 15 years are used to produce the drug “Aloe extract according to Filatov”. During the production of the medicine, specially prepared water is used, which is heavily saturated with silver, which makes it possible to make the tincture longer in storage. By the way, the manufacturing technology of the drug is so complex that it does not represent the possibility of obtaining the drug at home, since even the modern pharmaceutical industry is not yet capable of it.

The composition of the drug includes the following components:

  • silver ionized water;
  • Aloe extract according to Filatov;
  • aloezin - A;
  • atsemannan;
  • asphodelin;
  • bee honey (alpine).

The use of this drug is indicated for:

  • cataract
  • opacification of the vitreous body (the so-called transparent mass filling the cavity of the eyeball);
  • iritis (inflammation of the iris );
  • keratitis (inflammation of the cornea);
  • inflammation of the outer shell of the eye (conjunctivitis);
  • blepharitis (inflamed edges of the eyelids);
  • peripheral and central retinal dystrophy;
  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • eye disease with decreased vision (myopic chorioretinitis);
  • hemeralopia (in violation of the adaptive mechanisms of twilight vision);
  • various degrees of myopia (including progressive).

In addition, “Aloe Extract according to Filatov” will help improve vision for patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as the elderly, adults, schoolchildren who especially need to take care of preserving vision from an early age. This wonderful medicine is indicated for the unique treatment of many diseases of the visual organs and relieve eye fatigue.

"Aloe extract according to Filatov." Mode of application

Apply the drug to children over 12 years of age and adults, instilling 1-2 drops in each eye two to three times a day. The course of treatment usually lasts from 2 to 3 months, if necessary, the appointment of a second course of treatment.

"Aloe extract according to Filatov." Reviews

Among the many enthusiastic reviews about the rescue tool, there are no complaints about the drug. On the contrary, words of gratitude come from many people who have significantly improved their vision with the help of miraculous drops. Moreover, according to patients, relief comes after chemical burns of the retina of the I-II degree, allergic reactions to cosmetics disappear, vision improves significantly, and in some cases the need for surgery disappears.

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