Lyoton (gel): reviews. "Lyoton" (gel): instructions, use, effectiveness of the drug

Very often, patients who complain of swelling and pain in the legs, doctors prescribe medication "Lyoton". Well, if the doctor prescribed the drug: the dosage and dosage regimen are known. Those same people who, due to certain circumstances, did not bother to visit a specialist, are interested in when to resort to using medication and how productive is the use of Lyoton (gel)? Instructions, reviews about the drug, discussed in our article, will help to understand this issue.

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Indications for use

The drug should be used for diseases of superficial veins. These include varicose veins and its consequences. In addition, the mentioned tool is actively used for soft tissue injuries, damage to the musculoskeletal system, swelling of the legs, fatigue and heaviness, muscle strain.

What is varicose veins?

This chronic disease makes itself felt most often after 40 years. 20% of the female population and 10% of the stronger sex suffer from it. In the initial stages, varicose veins may not bother, but over time the situation worsens. Veins become more noticeable, swelling of the legs appears , constant severity worries. Such phenomena cause great discomfort. Women have to give up beautiful shoes, choosing more comfortable. Walking becomes a burden. Patients suffering from this disease leave the most negative reviews. "Lyoton" (gel) fights all these symptoms and helps to transfer the disease easier.

lyoton gel instruction reviews

Why do veins expand? There may be two reasons. The first is a reduced tone of the venous walls. The second is poor venous outflow as a result of injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

The walls of blood vessels become weak under the influence of many factors. For example, pregnancy (which is why women are more likely to suffer from varicose veins). It also contributes to a long stay in an upright position. Therefore, it is not recommended to work for a long time while standing (as an example, we can cite, say, the profession of a seller). Weakness of the venous walls can be congenital, or it can be caused by being overweight or wearing tight stockings.

Risk factors

Varicose veins can trigger smoking, wearing high-heeled shoes, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, caffeinated products. The risk group includes people of "sedentary" and "standing" professions, as well as athletes and athletes who overload their legs. The latter category includes sports such as tennis, weightlifting, bodybuilding. Particularly negatively affecting the body are large breaks and sudden debilitating workouts.

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Treatment of varicose veins with drugs: "Lyoton-gel" (reviews, price)

There are a number of medications for treating varicose veins. They are produced, as a rule, in the form of gels and ointments. The first form, by the way, is more effective, as reviews show. "Lyoton-gel" acts due to the content of the venotonic substance heparin. For external use, heparin has a local antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect. It penetrates the blood vessels through the skin without disturbing the composition and coagulation of blood. In addition, the gel contains such an auxiliary component as lavender oil, which helps to relax and reduce pain.

The cost of the drug depends on the volume of the tube. Minimum - from 300 rubles. Of course, various reviews are extremely important to consumers. "Lyoton" (gel) is positively characterized by doctors. Patients do not always agree. The undoubted advantage of the drug is its effectiveness, and the negative qualities include a bad smell and a rather high cost.

Mode of application

It is recommended to apply the gel from 1 to 3 times a day (depending on the severity of the disease) only on the damaged area. Squeeze a strip of the product from 3 to 10 centimeters long and rub in a circular motion.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to use are diseases such as hemophilia and thrombocytopenia, individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as a tendency to bleeding. Do not use the gel with open wounds and ulcers on the skin.

There are also reviews about side effects. Lyoton (gel) may cause hypersensitivity reactions. These include the appearance of itching, redness, a burning sensation. Sometimes a rash, hives and even swelling appear. In such cases, the drug must be discontinued.

And what do people say about the use of Lyoton-gel during pregnancy? Reviews of patients are very diverse: for some, the medication is suitable, for others not. Some doctors prescribe the drug, others are advised to abstain. In any case, in an interesting position and during lactation, you can not self-medicate. Be sure to consult with a specialist who, if necessary, will prescribe the right tool.

lyoton gel during pregnancy reviews

Medication "Lyoton" for thrombophlebitis and hemorrhoids

The gel can be used not only for varicose veins of the lower extremities. Vein thrombosis (a consequence of varicose veins) also requires the use of Lyoton 1000 (gel). Reviews about the drug are mixed. Someone claims that the gel has a wonderful effect, others say that no special changes have occurred. However, one should not forget about the individual reaction of the body to the drug, as well as the degree of neglect of the disease. With more severe forms and complications, Lyoton does not allow the disease to progress, but you can completely get rid of it only with complex treatment.

In addition, the Lyoton gel is used for hemorrhoids. It must be applied to the swab and inserted into the anus. You can put a bandage on the outside. The course of treatment is short - 3-4 days.

Other uses of the drug

Some use Lyoton Gel for the face. The reviews here are very positive: swelling is removed, wreaths disappear. As a rule, the remedy in question is resorted to after a sleepless night to remove bags under the eyes or to heal bruises. However, you should not abuse the gel, after all, the main indications for its use are completely different. You can not resort to his help with acne rashes on the skin, and in other cases, when applying, make sure that the gel does not get into the eyes.

Lyoton face gel reviews

Venous Disease Prevention

The first alarming calls are swelling and heaviness in the legs. In order to avoid serious consequences, you should remember a number of important rules. First, you should move more, lead an active lifestyle, but do not overload yourself excessively. Secondly, do not get carried away by hot baths, steam rooms, do not abuse the sun. Third, keep an eye on the figure. Overweight leads to poor outflow of blood (increased load on the legs).

You also need to strive to increase the tone of the veins. This will help hardening. Start with the simplest - with a contrast shower and wipe with cool

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with a towel. Perform simple exercises with your feet lying in bed or on the couch: move your fingers, bend your knees.

Remember that prolonged wearing of shoes with heels also provokes varicose veins. Try to reduce the height of the heel or alternate shoes with flat soles with model shoes. When you come home from work, lie down slightly with your legs up so that there is an outflow of blood. It is also recommended that you sleep with a roll or pillow under your feet.

Another means of combating thrombophlebitis and varicose veins is a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet. Alcohol, tobacco, caffeine contribute to the formation of blood clots. And blood clots are a very dangerous phenomenon. A blood clot that has entered vital organs can cause instant death.

Include as many plant foods rich in vitamins as possible.

If you feel that varicose veins are progressing, then be sure to consult a doctor. Comprehensive treatment is needed. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe drugs that you need to take by mouth. There are also special cospression stockings and tights that squeeze blood vessels in the right places and improve blood circulation in the legs.

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