We dance a show number

A typical student day at any Moscow dance school consists of group classes - funny, energetic and covering several types of dances. And now, many movements have been learned, and it turns out to dance, and confidence has come, and there are not enough group exercises, and most importantly - I really want to show my skills to the general public and get well-deserved applause. Well, a completely understandable and wonderful desire, which opens up a lot of even more interesting activities and opportunities for students. And you, indulging in your own desires, begin to prepare the show case.

Just say that this is a very fascinating type of training on bossanovaclub.ru , and it all starts with individual lessons - you and your partner coach determine what you are dancing to, what kind of music and with what story. Here your hands are completely untied, because there can be any choreography, you choose a dance too, the story is yours again. You can come up with anything, at least comedy, at least drama, the main thing is that it is interesting to you and finds an internal response.

True, preparing a room is not always one continuous pink joy, and such activities happen when everything in my head is mixed up in porridge, and it seems that clarity will never come. But! Once you calmly think about what you want to convey to the viewer, how everything immediately falls into place.

And, of course, the day of the performance itself carries a huge amount of positive emotions.

The main thing here is to remember that this is your show, and therefore only you can be the queen of the ball. A lot of people came to look at you, and they will eagerly catch the courage with which you fill your speech. To be honest, they will not care if you danced the scheme correctly or not, whether you made any mistakes or did everything technically perfect. The audience came here for the story and for the emotions, so generously share your mood with them and donโ€™t think about anything else! And they will answer you with such force that the technology will suddenly become unimportant to you, and you will dive into your own room with your head.

Then, of course, it will end, the audience will give you a round of applause, and you will feel something very contradictory. On the one hand, it will be the joy of a wonderful room, and on the other, the emptiness of the fact that it has already been made and given to the hall. And while you are being applauded and given flowers, think that emptiness is also very good. Because it is in her that a new idea is born, and this means that tomorrow you will come back to class and start a new number, completely different, but also inspired.

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