Conditions and shelf life of pasteurized milk. The benefits of milk for the human body

The product without which few can imagine their life is milk. Nature gave cow's milk the lion's share of trace elements and vitamins necessary for the qualitative growth and development of cow offspring (calf). And now a person takes milk from a cow in order to raise his children.

Healthy milk

Glasses with straws

I must say that, despite various disputes that do not cease around the benefits and harms of milk, the majority of mothers try to ensure that their children must have a certain amount of dairy products in their diet, including milk. The presence in the menu of children of this product is considered essential.

Should milk be given to a child?

But let's start in order. There are so many omissions and even rumors around milk that debate about how old milk can be given to a child is still ongoing. Someone finds this product useless. To some, milk seems completely unhealthy. But many will hear stories from their lives or from the lives of relatives, saying that it was thanks to the presence of cow's milk in the house that the child was able to survive and is healthy and happy until now. A bottle of milk per day was able to create a real miracle and save the baby, whom there was nothing to feed.

However, there are other stories that say that the child’s body could not absorb the nutrients in the drink, and had to replace milk with other products. Most likely, parents already know how their baby tolerates lactose in milk, and they know how it (milk) can be replaced in modern conditions. Everything written above was written about full and real milk.

From what age?

Girl and milk

From what age can pasteurized milk be given to a child? Modern nutritionists are adamant. They do not recommend introducing convenience store dairy products into a child’s diet earlier than three years of age. The thing is that in a bottle of milk there may be various additives that are not intended for use by children. Although, most likely, such an incident often happens with cheaper products. Children who are breast-fed are allowed to introduce pasteurized milk into the diet from the age of one year.

What is the use?

And now let's recall what is the use of milk for the human body. Milk regulates the metabolism in the body. It supplies us with a decent amount of calcium, thanks to which the teeth and bones of a person remain strong and healthy for a long time. Just one glass a day - and you get half the total recommended daily intake of calcium. Milk also balances the body's water balance. The necessary proteins and carbohydrates enter the body, including from milk.

For men

Man drinks milk

What is the use of milk for the body of a person engaged in heavy physical labor or experiencing a lot of stress? It turns out that the benefits are considerable. For the male body, eating milk is necessary. It makes up for the required amount of protein. This is important because men are more likely to undergo hard physical work or attend strength training in sports halls. The need for protein and carbohydrates increases significantly and is filled with milk, because milk protein is the builder of muscle tissue. Yes, and protein shakes in bulk are based on milk.

Energy recovery

Office workers also experience stress, and sometimes these stresses are no less strong emotionally than physical ones. Stressful situations are fraught with loss of vitality, lethargy and chronic fatigue. Drinking a glass of milk a day, a man restores the general emotional background. Milk is almost a natural antidepressant.

For women

Woman drinks milk

Women who regularly consume milk and dairy products have not only healthy and beautiful teeth. Milk gives strength and beauty to their hair and nails. All this happens due to iodine and calcium, which is part of the drink.

Pregnancy and lactation must be accompanied by the intake of additional elements found in dairy products. From there, the body will take the necessary forces for the successful development of the situation.

Cosmetic procedures for the skin can be carried out on the basis of this magic drink. Skin is an organ that can be fed and not only oxygen. Washing with milk, masks and baths will rejuvenate and give beauty to any woman.

According to GOST

Drink milk

And now about how to get pasteurized drinking milk in accordance with GOST. The product is heated to sixty degrees. After one hour, the milk cools quickly. Thanks to this method, bacteria that can cause product spoilage are killed in drinking milk pasteurized according to GOST. At the same time, a large number of various pathogens die, which may appear in a fresh paired product.

The method is good in that milk remains almost as useful as if it were just from under a cow. But the fresh product would never have stood the road to the store so that urban children and adults could feast on it. And the shelf life of pasteurized milk is significantly increased in comparison with the shelf life of fresh whole product.

About types of processing

Outlets today provide a wide range of dairy products. Before all this milk appeared on the shelves of supermarkets, he had to undergo some types of processing.

In addition to the pasteurized product, you can also find sterilized and ultra-pasteurized.

Sterilized milk

Sterilized was subjected to heating (boiling) for several minutes. When asked about how much milk is stored in the refrigerator, if it has been sterilized, manufacturers say that ten days is not the limit. Even the lack of a sterilized milk fridge is no barrier. However, it is recommended that the opened bottle or other packaging be placed in a cold place for storage.

Ultra-pasteurized milk

Ultra-pasteurization occurs at higher temperatures than pasteurization and sterilization. Milk during ultra-pasteurization undergoes instant heat treatment, being in a temperature regime of more than one hundred and twenty degrees, and is immediately packed. Such a drink can stand without a refrigerator and not sour in sealed form for at least six months.

Shelf life of pasteurized milk

milk in the refrigerator

Nevertheless, only pasteurized can be considered the most “lively” product. It undergoes less stringent measures to increase its shelf life than sterilized and ultra-pasteurized milk.

What will be the shelf life of pasteurized milk depends on the conditions in which it will be. Of no small importance is the fact that the packaging with milk was opened or hermetically sealed and was not opened. If you brought a dairy product sealed in airtight containers from the store, it will last longer.

Shelf life of pasteurized milk (even in sealed, undamaged packaging) exposed to sunlight is significantly reduced. And a huge proportion of nutrients when stored in the light is destroyed.

Solid packing

Solid packing

An important factor is what kind of packaging the milk has. If the product is sealed in solid packaging, then the shelf life of pasteurized milk is about ten days from the end of the process. Inside the package is designed in such a way that does not allow light to break through to the product and begin its destructive effect. And in the dark and cool, microorganisms breed less willingly. At the same time, milk should not be opened and kept in a cool place.

If it was necessary to keep the milk open, it must be placed in the refrigerator at temperature values ​​from zero degrees to plus five. In this state, the milk will be well stored for three days. The solid packaging is equipped with a screw cap, which stops the strong flow of oxygen into the product.

Soft packaging

Soft containers reduce the shelf life of pasteurized milk. The thing is that such a package does not have a lid that allows you to close the opened box. Inside the bag, of course, air enters, and microorganisms develop much more actively. Therefore, the shelf life of pasteurized milk in a closed soft container will be no more than three days. And the opened packaging ceases to protect the product after thirty-six hours. Milk turns sour after this time. However, it can still be eaten using in baking.

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