What to do if the nose is stuffed up, there are no snot?

In life, quite often there are situations when the nose is stuffy, there are no snot. This condition gives a lot of trouble and discomfort. It is impossible to blow your nose, breathe normally through your nose. All the time you have to open your mouth for breathing. The tongue dries quickly and is often thirsty. Often other symptoms join such ailments: the patient complains of weakness, weakness, his nose and ears are stuffy. This condition of the body is associated with the next stage of complications after a cold. The fastest help in such cases of nasal congestion is the use of vasoconstrictor drops.

But you can use them no more than five days. Then comes the addiction. It is necessary to change one type of vasoconstrictor drops to another type, which will have a different drug as the active substance (in addition, in this situation you should seek medical help). In advanced cases, pathogenic bacteria - staphylococci, streptococci - are transferred from the nasal cavity to the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube. As a result, its normal lumen closes. The outer walls become inflamed, swell and adhere to each other. Due to the resulting different pressure, the eardrum is pulled in, and the sick person feels that his nose is stuffy, there are no snot, and in addition, his ears are stuffy or sore. Hearing may even be impaired.

The second reason for which the nose is blocked and the head hurts (in the absence of a runny nose) may be the curvature of the nasal septum. This ailment develops for a long time. The feeling of complete nasal congestion does not occur immediately, but gradually, year after year. The only help in this situation will be a special operation. The surgeon will eliminate the defect in the nasal septum, and the patient will immediately feel nasal free breathing.

The third reason for the phenomenon when the nose is blocked, snot, no, is an increase in adenoids or the growth of polyps in the nasal cavity. Just as with a curvature of the nasal septum, the symptoms of the disease develop slowly. As the growths completely cover the nasal cavity, the normal process of breathing through the nose stops. The main means of help is surgical treatment, the use of laser technology. Other treatments have only a temporary effect.

In a baby, in the absence of a runny nose, when a nose is blocked, there is no snot, a foreign body can be detected in the nasal cavity. In such a critical situation, you need to clear the nasal passage yourself as soon as possible if the foreign body is not deep. If it is not visible (or picking it up is problematic), then you must immediately consult a doctor.

In no case should we forget about the barotrauma associated with air flights. The difference in pressure between the outer ear and the tympanic cavity can also cause the appearance of unpleasant sensations, which are characterized by decreased hearing, nasal congestion and headache.

If the human body has a predisposition to allergic reactions, then a constantly stuffy nose in the absence of a runny nose can be a symptom of an allergy. The use of antihistamines, the rejection of products and drugs that caused allergies, will restore normal free breathing through the nose.

If a person tries to independently determine the cause of his illness, without going to a doctor, then he needs to remember that a stuffy nose is only a symptom characteristic of a huge variety of diseases. Therefore, if self-medication does not help within 1-2 days, you should consult a doctor (or better not to delay and visit a specialist when the first symptoms appear). He will quickly make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. And if we are talking about a child, then self-medication is unacceptable!

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