Joint treatment with salt. Deposition of salts in the joints: treatment with folk remedies

There are a fairly large number of causes for joint pain. These can be diseases such as arthrosis, arthritis, contracture, or joint inflammation. As well as rheumatism, polyarthritis and salt deposition. Often even doctors find it difficult to determine the cause of joint disease, and medications help only temporarily. That is why many people begin to resort to traditional medicine. Joint diseases can be treated with various herbs, but salt is one of the most effective and readily available remedies. It is important to consider the need for prior consultation with a specialist.

Causes of Periarthritis
deposition of salts in the joints treatment with folk remedies

Doctors call periarthritis salt deposition in the shoulder joint. Treatment for this disease can be either medication or with the help of folk remedies, which is often much more affordable. Basically, this ailment occurs in workers who often perform a shoulder rotation over a large radius or raise one arm up with tension. To perform such movements, a lot of energy is invested, and with their frequent repetition, the tissues that are around the joint suffer. In such situations, salt deposition occurs.

Causes of gonarthrosis

joint treatment with salt

Doctors call gonoarthrosis the deposition of salts in the knee joint. Treatment of this disease can be carried out using folk remedies - salt. This disease provokes a disturbed metabolism or circulatory failure in the tissues. It can also lead to endocrine diseases, microtraumatization, overweight or heavy loads on the joint.

How unique is salt?

Salt is considered to be a white death, but many years of practice refute this. After all, back in the distant military times, salt was treated for joints. Then a napkin, abundantly moistened in a hypertonic solution, was applied to the infected wound. The action of the solution spread to the entire wound, it penetrated into the bone tissue, and this prevented further infection. Salt has an absorbent property, due to which excess fluid is absorbed from the tissues. And most importantly, in this case, harm to living cells is not done.

deposition of salts in the shoulder joint treatment

Healing sea salt

Joint treatment for salt can be done with a 10 percent solution of sea salt. Even a 10: 1 solution is considered an active absorbent that patients use externally. Such a dressing is good in that its effect extends to the entire surface where it is applied.

How does salt work?

salt in the shoulder joint treatment

Treatment of joints with salt involves the imposition of a hypertonic dressing on an inflamed area. After this, the interaction of saline and skin begins. In this case, the liquid of the surface layer is absorbed. After tissue tissue begins to rise to the skin. Viruses, microbes and other harmful substances that negatively affect the muscles and bones of the person are removed from the tissue, namely from its deep layers. If you use this kind of compress for a long time, the harmful bacteria that cause the pathological process to develop will be destroyed.

Solution preparation

salt treatment of the knee

A fairly common disease is the deposition of salts in the joints. Treatment with folk remedies most often emits saline solutions. This method has already been tested for many years and is quite effective. But how to properly prepare a saline solution so as not to harm? It is much better if salt or sea salt is used for cooking. It is good because it does not cause allergies. Do not use flavored salt or with natural oils, again to avoid an allergic reaction. It is also not recommended to use sea, spring or artesian water.

To prepare the composition, you need warm water (temperature not lower than 65 degrees). To prepare the dressing, you can take gauze, bandage or linen. Gauze needs to be folded a maximum of 8 times, and tissue - a maximum of 4 times. It should be noted that the use of polyethylene is contraindicated, since air must be provided to the skin during treatment.

To ensure the treatment of joints with salt, you need to apply a wet compress to the affected area. To do this, rolled up gauze must be lowered into the solution for several minutes, then use your fingers to get rid of the resulting air bubbles between the layers of the dressing, and then fix the moist dressing on the body with a bandage. It is permissible to keep the compress on the body for no more than 12 hours. With this tool, you can provide yourself with treatment with salt of the knee joint.

How to apply a bandage on a knee?

In order to achieve the maximum effect during treatment, it is advisable to apply a bandage with salt not on the knee joint itself, but on neighboring areas of the skin near the knee. To prevent therapy from being useless, treatment should be continued for 2-3 weeks.

Dry salt treatment

deposition of salts in the knee joint treatment

It also happens that salts are deposited in the shoulder joint. Treatment with a wet dressing in this case is not very convenient. Since the rewound shoulder brings only discomfort, and the treatment is minimal. Therefore, you can use dry warm salt. Coarse salt is initially heated in a pan, then poured into a bag and applied to a sore joint until it cools, then the procedure is repeated.

Saline Recipes

  1. The tool allows you to treat salt knee joints. To prepare it, you need 1 tablespoon of salt, preferably small, and melted fat (100 g). These ingredients are mixed, after which the resulting ointment is applied to the sore spot and left for half an hour. This procedure must be repeated 3-5 times a week.
  2. A mixture of flour and salt can be used to relieve inflammation and relieve pain. To prepare this medicine, you need to mix the two ingredients in equal proportions. Then add a little water to the mixture to knead the dough, which should be cool. The resulting cake should be applied to the sore joint and soak for 2-3 hours. To obtain the desired effect, you must repeat the procedure daily for 2-3 weeks.
  3. Another recipe is an excellent remedy for joint deformation. To prepare it, you need to stir a glass of salt in half a liter of cognac and cut a couple of pods of hot pepper there. The resulting mixture must be mixed daily for a week. Then use for compresses. When applying a compress, you must first lubricate the affected area of ​​the skin with vegetable oil. After that, squeeze the gauze moistened in the solution and fasten it with a bandage to the deformed joint. You need to remove the gauze after a couple of hours.

In conclusion

One of the serious problems is the deposition of salts in the joints. Treatment with folk remedies can help in this case, but some rules should be taken into account so as not to make it worse. So, when using salt, it is necessary to reduce its ingestion. But this does not mean that it should be excluded from the diet.

In folk medicine, there are a fairly large number of recipes using salt, no one forbids trying them all on yourself, because basically they only bring benefits. But it should be borne in mind that before using any medicine you need to consult a specialist, because only he can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the treatment that will be most effective.

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