Bagdasarov Mikhail Sergeevich - actor: biography, personal life, films

Bagdasarov Mikhail Sergeevich - an actor known in our country, in whose piggy bank more than 100 movie roles have already been collected. His comedic talent managed to appreciate the directors, viewers and critics. Everyone who wants to get acquainted with the personal and creative biography of the artist, we suggest reading this article.

Bagdasarov Mikhail Sergeevich

Mikhail Bagdasarov: family and childhood

He was born in Moscow in 1960, on October 8. He was brought up in a friendly Armenian family. For the summer holidays, he was sent to Krasnodar or Gelendzhik, where numerous relatives of his mother lived. There, the boy spent days on the beach, collecting beautiful pebbles and swimming in the Black Sea.

Misha grew up an active child. Many fantasy writers could envy his imagination. Every day Bagdasarov told his friends a new tale. The boys from the yard even came up with the nickname "Bear-liar."

At school age, he was engaged in sports and music, constantly participated in literary productions and amateur performances.


Where did Mikhail Baghdasarov go after receiving a certificate of maturity? The biography indicates that at first the young Armenian was accepted into the auxiliary troupe of the theater-studio located on Krasnaya Presnya. And a year later he became a student of GITIS. Teachers and mentors of Mikhail were S. Kolosov and L. Kasatkina. In 1983, Bagdasarov was awarded a diploma.

Theatrical activity

GITIS graduate had no problems with further employment. He was offered to go to one of three cities - Oryol, Smolensk and Nalchik. The young actor wanted to stay in the capital. And then another option appeared. It's about the Puppet Theater. Obraztsova.

At first, Misha was delighted that he would work in such an illustrious institution. But already at the first rehearsal, joyful emotions gave way to longing and irritation. Bagdasarov had to control one or another doll involved in the play with his right hand. And the young and energetic actor so wanted to perform on a real theater stage.

One day Misha did not come to the rehearsal. His finger hurt. But they didn’t give him a sick leave. Then our hero went to the theater to personally apologize to Obraztsov for his absenteeism. But in the end, Baghdasarov broke into a cry and left the theater, slamming the door.

Bagdasarov Mikhail Sergeyevich returned to the theater studio on Krasnaya Presnya. There he worked only a year. Then he moved to the theater studio "Sphere". The local artistic director involved the actor in almost the entire repertoire (35 productions per month).

In 1988, Bagdasarov was accepted into the main troupe of the Studio Theater of O. Tabakov. However, the main characters did not get him. And Oleg Pavlovich himself called Mikhail the master of episodes. In 1993, the actor announced his departure from the theater. Tabakov did not persuade him to stay.

Mikhail baghdasarov actor

In the future, Mikhail Sergeyevich collaborated with institutions such as the Moon Theater (not for long) and the Bat Theater (more than 10 years).

Movies and TV shows with him

Bagdasarov’s film debut took place in the distant 1984. In the Soviet film "The best road of our life", the young actor successfully reincarnated as the builder of BAM.

In 1985, the filmography of Mikhail Baghdasarov was replenished with three tapes - the historical drama “Roads of Anna Firling”, the series “The City Above Head” and the adventure film “Original Russia”.

In the 1990s, Mikhail Bagdasarov continued to act in film. The actor tried on different images - a restaurant servant, a reseller, an electrician, a photographer, and so on.

Listed below are his most interesting film works from 2000-2008:

  • detective series "Turkish March" (season 1, 2000) - the owner of the cafe;
  • comedy "Medics" (2001) - Gogi (one of the key characters);
  • action movie "Operational alias" (2003) - the waiter;
  • Russian-Belarusian detective “Calling” (2005) - Serob;
  • youth comedy “Three on top” (2006) - Arnold Moiseevich;
  • the series "All so sudden" (2007) - a shoemaker;
  • Detective "The Best Evening" (2008) - lawyer.

In 2009, the premiere of the comedy “High Security Vacation” took place. The cast is truly stellar. The main characters were brilliantly played by Bezrukov Sergey and Dyuzhev Dmitry. As for Mikhail Bagdasarov, he got a secondary role - the colonel (head of department).

High Security Vacation

The comedy “High Security Vacations” was watched by a huge number of Russian citizens - over 3.4 million people. Sumarokov and Koltsov, as well as the character of M. Bagdasarov, aroused particular sympathy among the audience.

In 2017, you can see the actor in the following pictures:

  • comedy-drama series "Proof";
  • Detective "Dinosaur" - a character nicknamed the Navel;
  • Russian series "Expropriator";
  • fantasy film “The Secret City” (season 3) - Yurbek Tomba;
  • musical comedy "Dancing at the height" - Radik.

Mikhail Bagdasarov: personal life

As you know, many representatives of the Caucasian peoples (men) are distinguished by their love of lovingness. And our hero is no exception. But first things first.

The actor met his future wife almost 30 years ago. Raisa has nothing to do with cinema. She received a law degree. In recent years, works as an insurance agent.

Mikhail baghdasarov family

Spouses Baghdasarova raised two sons. Both of them followed in the footsteps of their father. The eldest son, Sergei, is a graduate of the scenario faculty of VGIK. He had already managed to star in several films with his father.

The youngest son, Anton, also made a choice in favor of the acting profession. The guy managed to enter VGIK without any kind of blat.

New love

Friends and colleagues considered Michael an exemplary family man. Therefore, they were very surprised that the actor announced a divorce from his wife. In 2008, Mikhail Sergeyevich Bagdasarov met Victoria Berezina on the Internet. The girl at that moment worked in the Lenkom Theater, was an assistant director and artistic director. At first, the communication between the young beauty and the mature man was friendly. Soon, the artist realized that he had strong feelings for Vika, and she reciprocated.

Mikhail Sergeevich honestly told about everything to his lawful wife, asked her for a divorce. Then he packed his bags and left. He left the apartment to his wife and sons. Immediately after the divorce, Bagdasarov wanted to marry Victoria. But the girl was quite satisfied with a civil marriage.

Mikhail Baghdasarov personal life

Vika Berezina and M. Bagdasarov lived together for 5 years. At some point, our hero realized that he had cooled to a young darling. And on the part of Vicki, perhaps there was no love for him. In addition, Mikhail was tired of eating vegetables, buckwheat, steamed fish and water. With all this, Berezina fed the actor so that he lost weight and looked younger.

March 8, 2014 the couple finally broke up. Bagdasarov returned to his ex-wife. Raisa was able to forgive and accept him.

Interesting Facts

Here are some interesting things about Mikhail Bagdasarov.

Directors see him as crime bosses and serious bosses. And he wants to play more hero-lovers.

Mikhail Baghdasarov biography

In the hungry years of perestroika, the actor undertook any part-time job. For example, he starred in an advertisement for an instant drink.

He is often confused with namesake and namesake Mikhail Baghdasarov, a well-known trainer. Several funny cases are connected with this. Once in the apartment of our hero a phone rang. This was the representative of the Control Procurement program. As a tiger trainer, he was asked to tell viewers about cat food. Mikhail Sergeyevich answered: "You were mistaken with the number." But they did not believe him.

In 2010, M. Bagdasarov graduated from directing courses. His teachers were V. Fenchenko, P. Finn and V. Khotinenko.


Diligence, openness, punctuality and determination - these are the qualities of Mikhail Baghdasarov. The actor continues to delight his fans with new movie roles.

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