Pollen. Application, properties

Flower pollen is a beekeeping product and a true storehouse of longevity and health. She has a huge bouquet of unique healing properties that support the normal functioning of the body; helps a person regain strength after serious illness or prolonged overwork. Flower pollen is a high-quality, nutritious and biologically active substance in which the active components are in the most balanced form for the human body. Studies have shown that it contains about twenty-seven elements of the periodic table. One of its negative qualities is its short shelf life.

Beekeeping products have long been used by humans to treat many diseases, and a special place among them is occupied by pollen, the application of which we will now consider. In its nutrients, it significantly exceeds honey. Amino acids, trace elements, proteins are contained in it in large quantities. Due to amino acids, protein deficiency in the body is restored, which is especially important for malnourished patients and people whose age is above average.

In the treatment of cardiovascular disease, pollen also plays a huge role. The use of this substance helps with strokes, heart attacks, coronary disease. It also has a positive effect in the treatment of arrhythmia, tachycardia, hypertension and other heart diseases. Another amazing property of flower pollen was discovered. She is actively involved in the regeneration of damaged tissues, restores liver function and treats diseases of the pancreas.

As an additional source of trace elements, nutrients and vitamins, pollen is also used. The use of anemia and loss of strength contributes to a quick recovery. Adults are recommended to use 20 g of pollen per day in 1 or 2 doses on an empty stomach, for children - 5 g 1-2 times a day.

When taking pollen, like any other medication, you need to consult a doctor. To prevent negative consequences, listen to his recommendations. An overdose can upset the balance of vitamins in the body. When taking this remedy, you should take into account the amount of food consumed, especially protein, which is very rich in pollen. The use of only 20 g per day is equivalent to eating a piece of meat weighing 1 kg, only pollen is a much more useful product.

The normalization of the activity of the nervous system against the background of the use of pollen also proves the advisability of taking it for insomnia, depression, and various kinds of mental disorders.

Stimulation of the immune system, general strengthening of the body, as well as increased mental and physical activity - all these are the properties of such an amazing beekeeping product as flower pollen. Use in a strong half of humanity will significantly increase potency.

It is advisable to take pollen for colds and infectious diseases, since it has an antibacterial effect. It has long been observed that this tool can act as an antibiotic. Pollen pollen has a positive effect on people engaged in heavy physical and mental labor. It improves appetite and helps the body regain physical strength faster.

The fact of the existence of allergic reactions to pollen has not been proved, since the pollen brought by bees to the hives is diluted with their saliva and nectar, which in turn block allergens.

Pollen is taken for a month, and treatment courses can be repeated several times a year. You should be careful when storing pollen, the best place for this is a refrigerator. Shelf life does not exceed 1 year.

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