Many women have experienced unpleasant symptoms of thrush - genital candidiasis. The pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of medicines whose action is aimed at combating fungal pathogens - the cause of the disease. Suppositories "Fluconazole" application instructions refers to the antifungal group of drugs and recommends use not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of thrush. Let us consider in more detail the composition of the drug, the features of its use and reviews.
Description of the drug
Vaginal candidiasis is one of the most common female ailments. Signs characteristic of the pathology cause a lot of discomfort and discomfort. Fortunately, you can deal with them quickly enough. A positive result of therapy is the use of a drug such as Fluconazole (suppositories). The instruction indicates that the active substance of the drug - fluconazole - quickly inhibits growth and interferes with the vital activity of fungal pathogens.
Foreign and domestic pharmaceutical companies are engaged in drug production. It is this fact that affects the cost of an antifungal drug.
Candles have a powerful therapeutic effect, acting directly in the focus of the pathological process. This is achieved thanks to the high percentage of assimilation of the components of the drug.
The composition of the drug
The therapeutic effect of the drug provides its composition. Suppositories "Fluconazole" are able to exert an antifungal effect due to the presence of fluconazole (Fluconazole). This is the main active substance that blocks the enzymatic processes that occur in the cells of pathogens, which leads to their death.
Causes of thrush
Fungi of the genus Candida are the main causative agents of a pathological condition in which the normal microflora of the vagina is disturbed. Activation of the activity of microorganisms occurs under the influence of external and internal factors. Hormonal disorder, dysbiosis, prolonged antibiotic treatment, wearing synthetic underwear, the presence of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system in a woman can provoke the development of the disease.
The appearance of vaginal candidiasis is often associated with pregnancy. During this period, the immune system does not work at full capacity, which allows the candida fungus to βattackβ the female body and begin reproduction. For the treatment of candidiasis, medicines are prescribed to pregnant women with extreme caution. Only a specialist can prescribe Fluconazole (vaginal suppositories).
Symptoms of thrush
You can determine the beginning of the pathological process by such signs as itching and burning in the external genitalia. There are also abundant secretions that have a white or light yellow color and a curd texture.
The intensity of the symptoms of candidiasis may vary. When urinating and having sexual intercourse, discomfort often intensifies. Keep in mind that the disease can affect men.
Indications for the appointment of candles
Antifungal suppositories "Fluconazole" application instruction recommends use when the first symptoms of vaginal candidiasis caused by yeast-like fungi appear. A doctor can establish such a diagnosis only after conducting a patient examination. Intravaginal use of suppositories can be prescribed in combination with oral antifungal medications that have a systemic effect. Fluconazole capsules (150 mg) are effective.
Suppositories and capsules for the treatment of thrush should be used within 5-7 days. A more detailed treatment regimen is determined by the doctor. After the course of treatment, the patient should undergo a follow-up examination. If necessary, antifungal therapy is also prescribed to the partner.
Fluconazole is a fairly strong antimycotic substance. Therefore, when appointing candles based on it, some contraindications to use should be taken into account. According to the instructions, the product is not suitable for treatment in the following cases:
- intolerance to the active substance;
- hypersensitivity to fluconazole;
- severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
- pregnancy;
- lactation period;
- severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Suppositories from thrush "Fluconazole" during pregnancy are prescribed extremely rarely. This is due to the risk of side effects and the possible negative effect of the active substance on the development of the fetus.
Side effects
Even with intravaginal use of drugs, there is a high probability of side effects. It should be borne in mind that fluconazole is a potent antifungal substance, therefore, the risk of negative reactions of the body increases significantly.
In the process of applying candles, the following side effects may develop:
- flatulence;
- abdominal pain of a spastic nature;
- headaches.
In most cases, similar symptoms occur against the background of exceeding the recommended dosage and uncontrolled use of fluconazole-based products.
The benefits of using candles for thrush
The modern pharmaceutical industry offers to treat thrush with drugs in the form of tablets, suppositories, capsules, ointments. The leading position is, of course, suppositories intended for intravaginal administration. It is recommended to use them only after passing tests and determining the type of pathogen.
One of the most effective are suppositories based on fluconazole. The active substance is in the composition of such drugs as Diflucan, Flucostat, Medaflucon, Forkan. In almost every pharmacy you can buy fluconazole suppositories. Instructions for use position the medicine as inexpensive and fast.
The advantage of using suppositories from thrush is the effect of the active ingredients in the focus of the inflammatory process and the absence of negative effects on the system as a whole. "Fluconazole" quickly eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of vaginal candidiasis. Suppositories can be used a little longer than tablets or capsules.
The disadvantages of therapy
Suppositories from thrush are usually recommended to be used in combination with other antifungal medications. This means that the systemic effect of antimycotic components cannot be avoided. It should be borne in mind that with intravaginal use of antifungal medications, intimate life is prohibited.
The effectiveness of suppositories based on fluconazole and other antimycotic substances has been proven only at the initial level of development of vaginal candidiasis. If a woman has been troubled for a long time, she will have to use systemic drugs for treatment.
"Fluconazole" (suppository) instructions for use with thrush recommends using it at the initial stage of development of pathology. Otherwise, the drug may not have the proper therapeutic effect.
Most suppositories intended for the treatment of candidiasis have a powerful therapeutic effect. The cost of the drug depends on the active substance in the composition and manufacturer. The drug should be selected depending on the individual characteristics of the pathology and the age of the patient. The following drugs are the most effective, inexpensive, and popular:
- "Nystatin";
- Livarol;
- Pimafucin;
- Klion-D;
- "Clotrimazole";
- Polygynax;
- Ginezol;
- Betadine
- "Terzhinan."
Nystatin or fluconazole suppositories?
The instruction for the use of fluconazole-based suppositories suggests that the drug is effective in combating various types of yeast-like fungi that cause the development of genital candidiasis. This is a significant advantage of the medication. Suppositories from Nystatin thrush, having the same active substance, have a fungistatic effect only on fungi of the genus Candida.
Despite the narrow spectrum of exposure, the drug is very popular and has repeatedly managed to confirm its effectiveness. Fungi show high sensitivity to the active component and practically do not develop resistance to it. The duration of the use of candles is 2 weeks. The dosage and frequency of administration is determined by a specialist. Antifungal suppositories are often prescribed during the period of antibacterial treatment of inflammation of the genitourinary tract.
Features of the use of candles
Candles from thrush "Fluconazole" instruction recommends to be administered at night so as not to feel discomfort arising from the dissolution of the suppository. You should first take a shower and thoroughly wash the external genitalia. After unpacking the candle, do not hold it in your hands for a long time, because it quickly begins to melt.
After introducing the candle, you must be in a supine position for at least half an hour. This time is enough for the active substance to begin to act. During the use of suppositories from thrush, it is necessary to use daily pads so that the medicine does not leave stains on the linen.