In the article, we consider the side effects of Ibuprofen.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a large group of drugs that help eliminate inflammation, as well as relieve pain. The famous medication of this group is Ibuprofen, which relieves pain discomfort and quickly reduces the temperature.
Composition of the tablets
Ibuprofen has a triple effect on the body. Considering this drug, from what these tablets are intended, there is no definite answer. The fact is that this medicine has several effects at once. It not only localizes the focus of inflammation, but also perfectly relieves pain, normalizing the temperature. The effect is achieved due to the composition. Active components can quickly inhibit the inflammation factor: they disrupt the metabolism of arachidonic acid, reduce the synthesis of cyclooxygenases.
As a result, a decrease in the synthesis of prostaglandins in healthy tissue and the focus of inflammation is achieved, which inhibits the exudative phase, thus reducing pain sensitivity. An antipyretic effect is due to a decrease in the excitability of thermoregulation centers located in the diencephalon. Considering in detail the preparation itself and the composition of the tablets, it is necessary, in addition to the active substance, to highlight its additional ingredients in the form of potato starch, magnesium stearate, povidone, calcium stearate.
Consider the indications and contraindications of Ibuprofen.
Many have heard about the drug, but from what exactly it is prescribed, not everyone knows. Also, patients often are not aware of the side effects of Ibuprofen in tablets. Before use, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the instructions. The manual describes in detail the appropriate cases of using this tool:
- The medication can be used as an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis, osteoporosis, and other joint diseases.
- For the treatment of inflammatory non-rheumatic processes. For example, with inflammation of the articular membranes, bursitis.
- In the role of an anesthetic drug with sprain.
- As part of the symptomatic treatment of painful conditions like dysmenorrhea, headache or toothache, discomfort in the lower back and back, fever with otolaryngological pathologies.
How to take Ibuprofen for adults?
When prescribing this drug, the dosage along with the frequency of administration and duration is set individually. Everything directly depends on the type of violation, the stage of the pathological process, the severity of the disease. As noted above, the drug can be used in the inflammatory process of different localization, which determines the dosage, method of use and duration of therapy.
Talking about "Ibuprofen" and its use, it is worth highlighting the peculiarity of using this medication in the presence of toothache. It can occur for various reasons: due to inflammation of the roots, violation of the integrity of enamel. In this case, the drug is used in the form of tablets. It is necessary to drink the medicine with water so that the tablet in the esophagus does not linger.
Doctors recommend drinking Ibuprofen after meals. With severe pain, experts allow the use of up to three to four tablets per day. It should be borne in mind that the medicine does not affect the cause itself, but simply eliminates the pain, therefore, without visiting a doctor, it will definitely not be possible to solve the problem.
For headache
This is a fairly common occurrence for many. The causes of the appearance of a headache are various: from temporary vasospasms to more serious diseases requiring medical emergency care (for example, with a brain stroke). However, in most cases, people experience short and constricting pains. Dull, aching and short-term discomfort often covers the entire head or only a certain area. After physical exertion, an increase in unpleasant sensations may occur. Using "Ibuprofen" in such cases, you can get rid of the pain after thirty to forty minutes.
Doctors with periodic attacks associated with overstrain and stress recommend using Ibuprofen at 400 milligrams. When the incidence of headaches exceeds fifteen episodes each month, a course of this medicine may be prescribed. In this case, it is used three times a day for two weeks. The therapy is carried out under the supervision of a doctor who, if necessary, adjusts the dosage, frequency and duration of treatment.
With menstruation
You can also quickly relieve pain during menstruation using Ibuprofen. The medicine quickly localizes the discomfort associated with rejection of the mucous uterine layer and an increase in muscle tone of the genital organ. Myometrial contractions are sometimes so pronounced that they cause severe pain to women, worsening overall well-being.
Actively the medicine is used for primary dysmenorrhea, which is in no way associated with pathological changes in the reproductive system. How should Ibuprofen be used in this case, how many tablets you can drink, the doctor determines. To relieve pain, usually take one or two tablets. It is not recommended to use more than four pills per day.
From temperature
With a cold, the medication can be used as an antipyretic. In addition, the medicine helps to cope with the inflammation that accompanies the flu, reduces pain during a sore throat. In this case, a remedy is prescribed in a dosage of 200 milligrams. Take this medicine two tablets three times a day at high temperature. For children, the dosage is divided into four doses.
Ibuprofen for children
For young patients, this drug is released in the form of a suspension. The medicine should be used orally after a meal. Shake the medication immediately before use to obtain a homogeneous mass:
- From six to twelve months they drink the drug three times at 2.5 ml per day.
- From one to three years, take three times 5 ml.
- From three to six years, 7.5 ml per day, taken three times.
- From six to nine, you can already use 10 ml three times a day.
- From nine to twelve years, 15 ml is used three times a day.
The duration of treatment in the presence of fever is no more than three days, and in the case of pain, a maximum of five days.
Side effects of ibuprofen
With the correct use of the medicine, compliance with the dosage and frequency of administration indicated by the doctor, the drug rarely provokes side effects. However, it is impossible to completely exclude their probability of occurrence. The following reactions are distinguished depending on the type of affected system:
- The digestive system can respond to medication with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, decreased appetite, flatulence, diarrhea, and an ulcer. This side effect of Ibuprofen in children usually develops.
- Respiratory organs respond with bronchial spasms, shortness of breath.
- Damage to the sensory organs is expressed in hearing loss, visual impairment, periodic tinnitus, visual impairment, swelling of the eyelids and conjunctiva.
- Perhaps the development of heart failure along with tachycardia, increased pressure. What other side effects can Ibuprofen provoke?
- Disturbances in the urinary system are expressed in the form of acute renal failure, allergic nephritis, edema, cystitis, polyuria. This is a common side effect of ibuprofen in adults and children.
- Allergic reactions occur in the form of skin rash, itching, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, bronchial spasm or apnea.
- A malfunction of the hematopoietic system is expressed by anemia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, and leukopenia.
Anxiety as one of the adverse reactions
A very common side effect - Ibuprofen is alarming. The fact is that this drug has an effect on the nervous system. It is worth noting that in addition to anxiety, people can also experience dizziness along with insomnia, the appearance of depression and confusion.
In order not to develop side effects from "Ibuprofen", you need to know about contraindications and clearly follow them.
Before using this drug, it is necessary, among other things, to find out whether it can be used in the presence of certain diseases. The medicine has a number of contraindications, so it is not always allowed to drink it, and not all patients. Among the main violations and ailments in which it is prohibited, it is worth mentioning the following pathological conditions:
- The presence of erosion and ulcers of the gastric mucosa.
- The presence of intestinal bleeding.
- The appearance of acute intestinal inflammation.
- The occurrence of bronchial spasm, rhinitis, urticaria after using another anti-inflammatory drug.
- The presence of liver failure and disease of this organ.
- Renal failure and hyperkalemia.
- The development of hemophilia and other disorders in the functioning of the blood coagulation system.
- In childhood, up to twelve (taking tablets).
- With hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Strict adherence to all recommendations will help reduce the risk of side effects from Ibuprofen.
How long can I be treated with this medication?
Now we will deal with the possible duration of therapy. With the active use of the drug in patients, the question sometimes arises about how much you can take this medicine without a break. It all depends on the reasons for the appointment. With a general inflammatory reaction, colds, drug use as part of symptomatic treatment, Ibuprofen is taken no more than five days in a row.
In the event that during the specified time the pain syndrome does not resolve, and the temperature does not return to normal in three days, then you must consult a doctor and stop taking it. In the case of complex therapy of joint diseases, the medication can be used for a long time according to the appointment of a specialist.
Ibuprofen analogs without side effects
In the absence of the effect of taking the medicine, patients often ask doctors what is better than Ibuprofen. But it is worth noting that each case is always individual and it is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. There are a lot of drugs similar in composition and effect.
People are also sometimes disturbed by the fact that the medication in question provokes negative reactions of the body. In this regard, it must be emphasized that there are no analogues of Ibuprofen without side effects. But you can pay attention to funds that rarely provoke certain unwanted manifestations when taken. We are talking about drugs in the form of "Artrokam", "Nekst", "Ibuprom", "Ibutard", "Novigan", "Ibufen" and "Ibunorm". Next, we find out what the doctors and patients say about this drug in their comments.
Reviews of patients and doctors
Reviews often leave messages that Ibuprofen is a powerful and effective medication against pain. One of the main advantages of the drug is that it, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients and does not cause irritation of the gastric mucosa.
Young mothers like the fact that during lactation this drug is one of the safest choices. It does not affect the secretion of milk and penetrates into breast milk only in small quantities.
However, there are also reviews of side effects from Ibuprofen. It is reported that in some cases, the medication causes manifestations in the form of shortness of breath, bronchial spasm, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, heartburn, diarrhea, flatulence and more. In rare cases, perhaps even a violation of the functions of vision.
Doctors, in turn, note that the mechanism of action of the drug has been well studied to date, and its effectiveness has been clinically tested several times, so it is included in the list of important medicines.
We examined the side effects and contraindications of Ibuprofen.