How to clean zander? Several ways to make the procedure easier

Today, according to sociologists, one of the most popular hobbies of Russians is fishing as a good way to take a good rest from the bustle of the city, and at the same time to catch the desired fishing trophy (well, so that you could later brag to your fellow fishermen). But if almost all men love to fish, then not everyone can boast of the ability to properly clean it. Some "delegate" this process to their family: wives, mothers, daughters. Like, I brought the booty, and cooking it is already yours, a woman’s business. Thus, the hostesses may be in shock: how to clean zander, perch or other fish, having spent a minimum of effort on it, because some species have scales that are difficult to cut? And that is to say the least!

how to clean zander

Folk methods

How to clean fish from scales? It is no secret that water inhabitants can be poorly cleaned, especially river or lake ones suffer from this nuance. Scales disgustingly separated from the carcass, it tends to scatter across the entire space of the kitchen, and the fish itself pricks delicate female hands. We bring to your attention some practical tips on how to clean fish from scales. All of them can be successfully applied in practice in relation to various types of fish - river and marine. It will also describe in detail how to clean pike perch on fillets (or other fish with small and hard-to-reach scales). We hope that these recommendations will help housewives to save both strength and nerves.

how to clean fish from scales

Some tips

  1. Before the cleaning process, we cut off all the available fins, except for the tail (can easily be done with kitchen scissors). This preparatory procedure will help us not to get hurt during the cleaning, as the fins (especially the dorsal) in some cold-blooded can be very sharp.
  2. We gutted the fish and separate the head from the carcass only after the cleaning process. The only exceptions are water residents who are already sold headless in a supermarket or market.
    how to clean zander with a knife

Water jet cleaning

Fish that have weakly held scales, for example the same roach, are cleaned well, but there is one problem: the scales fly apart during the process. There were cases that a couple of months after the kitchen work, the picky housewife noticed a tiny adhering element almost on the ceiling during cleaning. To avoid this, it is enough to draw a sufficient amount of water into the basin or sink or to carry out the process under the current trickle, which will immediately wash away the cleaned. And wet scales will not scatter throughout the kitchen.

Grater is our everything!

How to clean zander or perch, which traditionally have small and strong scales? There is one good method: we take an iron four-sided grater (this is to make it more convenient to hold it in your hand). Methodically, three grater fish from the tail to the head. It is noticed that in this case the scales go better and practically do not fly apart.

Boil boiling water

How to clean zander, pike, perch in a different way? Professionals advise scalding them with boiling water. To do this, bring a sufficient amount of water to a boil and put the fish in a pan. The time of water procedures will depend on the variety and freshness of the aquatic inhabitant and can vary from 30 seconds to several minutes. We take out the scalded fish, cool it a bit, remove the scales under running water: it should separate easily. When using this method, the basic rule is not to overexpose, otherwise the scales are removed together with the skin of the pike perch.

Salt before cleaning

How to clean zander, pike, perch? Experienced fishermen say that you can salt this kind of fish well, for example, in the evening, leaving it in a cool place. And in the morning already proceed directly to the cleaning. Salted pike perch is a little easier to clean.


It will be easiest to clean the fish with small scales if it is previously frozen. We put the carcasses in the freezer for several hours, then take out an hour before the scheduled cleaning time, put, for example, in the sink. It can be cleaned much easier and faster - tested by experience.

How to clean a zander with a knife?

Well, firstly, there is a special knife for cleaning fish with small scales. You can buy it at the market or in the supermarket and use it. But if one was not in the kitchen arsenal, do not be discouraged. Take a not too long and sharp knife and make methodical movements from tail to head. At the same time, for fidelity, you should hold the head and tail with your hands and how to pull in different directions. At the same time, a characteristic light crunch will be heard. Of course, this method will work if the fish is not too huge. But in this way the zander or perch can be cleaned with an ordinary knife much easier.

how to clean zander on filet

On filet

How to clean zander on filet? For this, there is no need to get rid of the scales, spending on it strength and patience. We proceed as follows:

  1. We optimally sharpen sharpen a long narrow device (it is called a “filet knife”).
  2. Cut off all the fins.
  3. Cut off the head of the carcass. We open the belly from the tail itself along. We clean the insides and remove the film. This process with a certain skill takes no more than 5 seconds.
  4. Along the back of the pike perch we make a deep (up to the ridge) incision.
  5. We cut the meat from the ridge, moving forward from the tail.
  6. We turn the carcass to the other side, repeating the same movements. We should have two large pieces of fillet left on the skin with uncleaned scales, plus a ridge with a tail.
  7. We put each of the pieces of fillet on a plate for cutting with scales down.
  8. Keep the knife parallel to the table, cut the flesh from the skin of the pike perch. Repeat the same with the other half.
  9. Bottom line: two pieces without bone, from which you can already cook a lot of tasty and healthy dishes.
    zander fillet recipes

Pike perch fillet: recipes

Of course, they are known to any hostess. Well, firstly, these pieces can be dipped in batter and deep-fried. Fast, tasty, healthy. Secondly, cutlets from this ingredient are very tasty. Thirdly, you can make an excellent casserole of potatoes, fillets and sour cream cheese sauce. Yes, in fact, there are about a hundred dishes of pikeperch fillet. The recipes are not too complicated, so it’s worth a try. The main thing is to learn how to clean!

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