Vaginal tablets from thrush for women are inexpensive and effective

Sooner or later, almost every woman is faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as thrush. In such a situation, the question of how to quickly deal with discomfort and related symptoms of the disease arises very sharply. Let's see what thrush is and what are the best ways to treat it.

What is thrush and what is its symptomatology

Candidiasis (or thrush) is a disease that is triggered by excessive reproduction of fungal bacteria on the mucous walls of organs (in this case, the vagina). This happens as a result of a decrease in general or local immunity.

vaginal tablets for thrush

As a rule, thrush is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • burning and itching in the genital area;
  • white curd discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • discomfort during urination;
  • discomfort or pain during sex.

Self-medication during thrush is extremely undesirable, since only a doctor can choose the most effective drug in each case of the disease. In addition, a visit to the gynecologist will help to exclude other possible female ailments.

Types of drugs for the treatment of thrush

There are two main types of drugs for treating thrush: external and internal.

effective thrush tablets

External medicines include a variety of creams, solutions, ointments, suppositories and vaginal tablets from thrush. The active ingredients of these drugs are clotrimazole, levorin, miconazole and nystatin. External agents are used to treat the mild stage of the disease and bring quick results.

Internal drugs include tablets. They are prescribed for the treatment of severe stage of thrush, as well as in cases where local therapy has not brought any result. Medicines of this type inhibit the reproduction of the fungus or even kill it.

Features of the treatment of thrush

The use of medications to treat candidiasis will only benefit if a few more formalities are followed. The main factor for quick recovery is compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene. This will help to avoid possible irritation, unpleasant odor of secretions and slow down the rate of reproduction of the fungus and bacteria.

Another important detail that many do not know about or lose sight of is that both partners should be treated. At a time when a woman has thrush is clearly expressed, in men her symptoms may be completely absent. As a result, he continues to be a carrier of the disease, and the fungus constantly returns to his partner.

During treatment, you should not wear underwear made of synthetic materials, use flavored daily pads, flavored liquid for intimate hygiene and toilet paper with dyes. In addition, it is worth temporarily giving up sex or using condoms.

It is also important to strengthen the immune system, since the disease occurs due to a decrease in the protective functions of the body.

The mechanism of action of drugs against thrush and restrictions on use

Suppositories, ointments, creams, oral and vaginal tablets for the treatment of thrush have a similar type of action. The active substances of the drug penetrate into the blood, with the help of it they are carried throughout the body, they stop the reproduction of the fungus and kill it inside the affected organs. After that, they are excreted through the kidneys.

thrush tablets are inexpensive and effective

Usually, each doctor has his own system for combating thrush, which he offers his patients. But there are situations when it is necessary to individually prescribe the necessary drugs and constant monitoring of the course of treatment and possible side effects. It is necessary to limit the use of funds for the treatment of thrush or to choose the most harmless options in cases:

  • pregnancy
  • breastfeeding;
  • taking any other medications;
  • hepatic or renal failure;
  • manifestations of allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Vaginal suppositories and pills for thrush: inexpensive and effective drugs

If candidiasis is at an easy stage, its treatment is carried out using topical drugs. As mentioned above, the most popular of them are suppositories and vaginal tablets against thrush.

vaginal tablets for the treatment of thrush

In the situation with the treatment of candidiasis, the price category of the drug has nothing to do with its effectiveness. In short, more expensive does not mean better. You can easily pick up pills for thrush inexpensive and effective, which not only successfully relieve the disease, but also save the family budget. Based on the advice of your doctor, you can choose one of the budget options presented below.

The most popular cheap vaginal thrush pills:

  1. Terzhinan.
  2. "Clotrimazole".
  3. Neotrizol.

There are also many products that are issued under other brand names, although the same components are at the core of their composition. Consider in more detail each of the main drugs.


The first thrush tablets for women that we will consider are Terzhinan. The drug is intended for the treatment of candidiasis, bacterial vaginitis, vaginal trichomoniasis and mixed vaginitis.

thrush vaginal tablet clotrimazole

The use of "Terzhinan" in the first trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding is allowed only in cases where the expected benefit for the woman exceeds the possible risks to the fetus or child. There are no other restrictions for taking the drug.

Side effects are very rare and can manifest as burning, itching, and irritation in the vagina. Allergic reactions may be even less common.

Terzhinan is available on prescription only.


The next drug that helps to quickly get rid of such a problem as thrush is the vaginal tablet Clotrimazole. Treatment with this tool takes only a few days, but after it requires a special recovery course for the body.

vaginal tablets against thrush

As for restrictions on use, Clotrimazole cannot be used for children under 12 years of age and during lactation. If absolutely necessary and as directed by a doctor, the drug is approved for use during pregnancy.

Vaginal tablets from thrush "Clotrimazole" are also used to prevent the disease: once a week for a month. But you should not abuse the drug, especially if there are no obvious symptoms of candidiasis.


The following thrush tablets (effective and relatively inexpensive) are called Neotrizol. They are used to treat candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis and vaginitis, and also as a prophylactic before gynecological surgery or abortion.

cheap vaginal thrush tablets

The use of "Neotrizol" is allowed during pregnancy and lactation, but on condition that the benefit to the woman exceeds the possible risks to the fetus or child.

Use the product once a day - in the evening, before bedtime. For the convenience of introducing tablets from thrush for women in the package with the drug there is a special applicator. It is intended for reusable use, so after use it must be washed with warm water and soap and dried.

Treatment of candidiasis with Neotrizol does not need to be interrupted for the duration of menstruation. The duration of therapy is 8 days, and it must be continued even if the symptoms of the disease have disappeared much earlier.

Side effects from the use of the drug are extremely rare and can occur in the form of itching, burning, local allergic reactions.

Features of the use of vaginal tablets

Pills for thrush are effective drugs that differ from others in the speed of their action. There are some simple rules for using these tools:

  • before use, the tablet should be dipped in water for 20 seconds;
  • for deep introduction of the pill into the vagina, the procedure is preferably carried out in a supine position;
  • the ideal time for the introduction of vaginal tablets is in the evening, before bedtime; if the treatment involves the use of tablets twice a day, then this must be done in the morning and evening;
  • the use of other intravaginal drugs during treatment of thrush is prohibited.

If abundant discharge is observed during the disease, before using vaginal products, it is necessary to rinse the vagina and clean it from the curd masses. Otherwise, the contact of the tablets with the mucous membrane will be difficult, which will reduce the effectiveness of the drug and increase the total treatment time.

During menstruation, the use of vaginal medicines is prohibited.

Reviews on the use of vaginal tablets

Are vaginal thrush pills really effective? Judging by the reviews of many women, the way it is.

Satisfied patients talk about the quick action of the drugs described above and the convenience of their use. At the same time, there are practically no reviews about the occurrence of side effects. Very rarely there are situations when the weaker sex complains of a burning sensation, itching or local rash after the use of vaginal tablets. In most cases, manufacturers are only grateful.

But be that as it may, this or that drug should be prescribed by the attending gynecologist. Only he can choose the perfect tool based on the analysis of the taken smear.

In no case do not self-medicate, it can be dangerous to your health.

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