Candles "Tambuil." Instructions for use, reviews

In our article, we will talk about Tambuil. Suppositories (candles) with this name are in great demand today, and for good reason! Probably all of our readers are aware of the healing properties of the Dead Sea. But did you know that in Russia there is a lake that is not inferior in miraculous power to that overseas reservoir? This lake is called Tambukan. It is in it that the main component for therapeutic suppositories is extracted.

Suppositories "Tambuil": composition

As already mentioned, the basis of the drug is an extract of healing silt mud from Lake Tambukan, which has strong antiseptic properties. In addition, the suppository includes three more components:

  • emulsifier T-2;
  • natural propolis;
  • cacao butter.

candles tambuil

"Tambuil" (candles): instructions for use

The drug is used rectally at night. Before applying suppositories, it is recommended to put a microclyster from a warm decoction of chamomile flowers. To do this, you need 10 g of dried flowers to brew in 200 ml. boiling water and cool to an acceptable temperature.

After an enema, Tambuil candles are inserted into the rectum - one or two. The use of suppositories is permissible both daily and every other day. The frequency of procedures should be determined by the attending physician. The usual course of treatment lasts from 10 to 15 days. In case of serious urological or proctological diseases, the duration of treatment can reach 30 days. After 3 months, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

For diseases of the female genital area, Tambuil is used vaginally after douching with a solution of a light antiseptic. Suppositories (one or two) are introduced at bedtime into the vagina daily for ten to fifteen days.

tambuil suppositories candles

Using Tambuil (suppositories), a doctor may prescribe a special procedure - ultraphonophoresis. It is performed using ultrasound devices ("Rod" or "UZT-101U") by the intracavitary method after preliminary introduction into the vagina or rectum of the suppository. The procedure lasts 10 minutes. and is carried out daily for 10 days.

It must be said that the body's reactions caused by treatment with suppositories with healing mud continue after the course (phase of the consequences). A repeated treatment cycle consolidates the effect obtained, makes the stage of remission longer, or even makes it possible to completely cure the disease. Therefore, depending on the indications, it is possible to repeat the treatment with Tambuil every three months.

pharmachologic effect

Candles "Tambuil" have the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • antibacterial;
  • activating regeneration in damaged structures;
  • immunomodulatory.

The use of suppositories allows you to get a valuable therapeutic effect: the normalization of microcirculation of cells in the areas of the prostate gland and large intestine. Suppositories reduce perivasal edema, restore the elasticity of capillaries, and their functionality, lumen in the vessels become uniform. Thanks to the use of Tambuil, microaggregation of the formed components of the blood (blood coagulation) and intravascular stasis caused by a sedentary sedentary lifestyle disappear.

tambuil candles instruction

The drug improves trophic tissue, resolves adhesions well, stimulates regeneration, reduces soreness and swelling, activates local immunity in damaged cells.

Description of the mechanical effects of suppositories

When Tambuil suppositories are introduced into the body rectally or vaginally, their therapeutic substances immediately begin to be actively absorbed into the mucosa, without being exposed to the negative effects of enzymes (as is the case with drugs intended for oral use).

The inorganic components of Tambucan mud act as an adsorbent, irritating the multiple receptors of tissues and vessels that feed them. This stimulates the necessary neuro-reflex reactions.

Indications for use

Candles "Tambuil" can be prescribed by a doctor as the main drug for the following diseases:

  • chronic prostatitis (with exacerbation or remission);
  • sigmoiditis, proctitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • prostatic hyperplasia (benign);
  • cracks in the rectum;
  • chronic cervicitis;
  • sphincteritis.

As one of the components of complex therapy, Tambuil is used in the following conditions:

  • erosion on the cervix;
  • in the postoperative period after surgery on the rectum or urogenital organs;
  • endometritis;
  • adhesions in the pelvic organs.

candles tambuil prostatitis

Candles "Tambuil": reviews

We were not able to hear or read negative reviews about this drug, but there are a lot of positive ones. These are mainly the stories of women whom the gynecologist recommended to the Tambuil suppositories. Among the advantages, the relatively low price of the drug and the receipt of a quick result from the application (rapid disappearance of pain, reduction of edema, nodes, etc.) stand out. Moreover, many write that they had previously used other medicines, highly advertised and expensive, but did not feel such an instant effect from them.

tambuil candles reviews

Men are less verbose, as always. But, having analyzed their reviews about Tambuil, we can say that Tambuil prostatitis suppositories are indeed treated and proctologists and urologists very often recommend this drug to their male patients.

Contraindications to the use of suppositories

Suppositories "Tambuil" - a drug consisting of natural, clean environmentally friendly components, so it has virtually no contraindications. And yet there is one thing, and it concerns people who have an allergic reaction to beekeeping products, because Tambuil contains propolis.

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