Ginger is a plant growing in Central America, Japan, and China. The root crop is considered the most valuable. It was introduced to Europe in the Middle Ages as spices. In the following years, thanks to research, many useful properties of ginger root were revealed.
A bit of history and usage traditions
During excavations, ginger was discovered in the second century BC in China. This suggests that the plant has long been used for various purposes. Ginger root, useful properties and contraindications of this representative of the flora were studied in such works by such great people as Avicenna, Confucius and Hippocrates. Even in the period of Vedic medicine, which is more than 5 thousand years old, there are notes about this plant.
Each country has its own tradition of using ginger. So, the horned root in Asia, considered the birthplace of the plant, is a universal remedy for many diseases. In China and India, it is believed that the use of this plant contributes to a long and healthy life.
In Holland, ginger root, whose beneficial properties and contraindications will be described below, are used as a houseplant. In ancient Greece, this plant was taken when overeating. In our country, ginger is used more as a spice, and very few people know about its beneficial properties.
What is the miraculous power of a plant?
Ginger has many different useful properties that can come in handy in the most unforeseen situations:
- Immunomodulator The root will be especially useful in autumn and winter. It should be noted that a couple of cups of ginger infusion will prevent possible colds. Even if you already have the first signs, a drink from this plant can remove the symptoms and prevent the further spread of the disease. What other benefits does ginger have? Recipes of our grandmothers help to prepare products that warm in cold weather.
- Antioxidant. The beneficial properties of ginger for weight loss are proven. The root is often used in various diets, because it contributes to improved digestion and secretion of gastric juice. Pickled ginger is always served on land, as it copes with various intestinal parasites that can be found in fish. The infusion from this plant is used to combat various poisonings of the body. In addition, ginger improves appetite.
More about the benefits of the root
The beneficial properties of ginger can also include such indicators:
- Stimulant. Ginger root dilutes blood, thereby speeding up the blood circulation.
- Increases potency, favorably affects male power. In Asia, this is one of the main tools in the fight against erectile dysfunction.
- Anti-aging effect. Horned root masks have a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the face and hair. What are ginger's beneficial properties and contraindications? For women, this plant is simply indispensable, as it helps to fight acne and acne. However, do not abuse these masks if you have too sensitive skin.
- Used in the fight against various manifestations of allergies.
- Struggles with sciatica. The properties of ginger are very useful for the entire musculoskeletal system. The plant strengthens the joints, reduces muscle pain and has a calming effect when stretched.
- For headaches and toothaches, it is recommended to apply compresses from ginger. Also, the plant is famous for its anti-inflammatory effect.
- Freshener. Often the root is used as a means to remove bad breath from the oral cavity. In addition, the plant helps with motion sickness and motion sickness.
The root benefit for women
Ginger also has beneficial properties and contraindications for women. The plant has a positive effect both on the whole organism and on individual human systems. In particular, the root favorably affects the reproductive organs of women, relieves pain during menstruation.
With regular use of tinctures from ginger root in women, sexual desire increases. This is due to the fact that the essential oils and lysine that are present in the plant increase the flow of blood and tone the muscles of the female genital organs.
What you need to know about a plant like ginger? Useful properties and contraindications. For women - this is a great opportunity to lose weight. Thanks to this plant, toxins are removed from the body, and fat deposits are burned. The condition for successful weight loss is the long-term use of ginger. It can be both root tea and its small shavings added to the dish.
It is important to know that this plant can help in the treatment of infertility. With its regular intake, the menstrual cycle is restored. Ginger also contributes to the normalization of female sex hormones in the body.
The plant helps fight depression. Women for various reasons have outbreaks of aggression, after which it is difficult to calm down. Also, through suspiciousness, they take any problems to heart. Just in this case, ginger shows beneficial properties, and contraindications for women are minimal. Infusion from the root of the plant improves mood and can invigorate a person even better than coffee. With prolonged use of such a drug, performance increases.
Pregnancy Benefits
The presence in the ginger root of such substances as phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron, various salts and minerals, favorably affects the body of the future mother. In addition, the plant is still valued by amino acids, carbohydrates and vitamins.
For a pregnant woman, one of the most beneficial properties of ginger is its antiemetic effect. Taking the root reduces nausea, thereby allowing mom to tolerate increased intoxication more easily.
Often, pregnant women are prescribed various sedatives. Ginger tea can also have a calming effect on the human nervous system. It relieves headaches, improves the general condition of the body, fights with dizziness, normalizes well-being.
A common problem for women who are expecting a baby is swelling of the legs. Taking dosed ginger root, you can eliminate excess water from the limbs. This will help relieve the burden on the body of the future mother.
Also, the horned root fights well with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. This phenomenon is often observed in pregnant women. The plant belongs to natural antispasmodics and, accordingly, stimulates the work of the stomach.
A big nuisance is for expectant mothers a catarrhal disease. Indeed, when carrying a fetus, it is forbidden to take any strong medications. Ginger root in the form of tea helps to overcome the symptoms of the common cold, and if you take it regularly, you can avoid their recurrence.
Ginger has some contraindications. So, it is not recommended to use this plant for children under the age of two. You should also use caution with the root for people who have problems with the heart or blood sugar. An overdose of ginger can lead to diarrhea or irritation in the mouth. If blood coagulates poorly or drugs are used to thin it, it is recommended to refrain from using this healing plant.
The main contraindications include:
- duodenal ulcer or ulcerative colitis;
- lactation;
- increase in body temperature;
- stomach ulcer;
- gastritis.
It is not recommended to use the root for people who have cirrhosis of the liver or stones in the biliary tract. For any bleeding, even from the nose, it is forbidden to take ginger, as this will only aggravate the situation. An increase in pressure, as well as pre-stroke and pre-infarction conditions are also grounds for abandoning the root of this plant.
Ginger will not benefit people prone to various allergies. Also, you should refuse to take the plant in late pregnancy and if there is a history of miscarriages.
It is advisable to consult your doctor before eating ginger root, to find out from him the compatibility of the plant with other drugs taken. The first thing ginger is famous for is its beneficial properties. Treatment with this plant is undeniable, but for some people it is strictly prohibited.
Medical recipes
Ginger can be used in different ways. This is a dried root, and pickled, and a powder from a plant, and pasta. We examined in detail what ginger has useful properties and contraindications. The recipes below will help you make the most of this unusual plant.
To protect the throat and oral cavity, you can simply suck the ginger root, after removing the peel from it. During the process, you will feel a slight tingling. When the concentration of essential oils decreases, you can bite off a piece. Chewing the root will also help relieve toothache and remove bad breath.
If you add yarrow, the color of black elderberry and peppermint to the ginger decoction, you will get a good painkiller for the abdomen.
To improve digestion and reduce the amount of toxins in the body, you can eat a fresh grated plant with a pinch of salt and lemon juice. Take this medicine before meals.
For headaches and chronic rheumatism, ginger paste is a good help. To prepare it, mix the root powder with water. The resulting mass is applied to painful places.
Another painkiller option is a compress. Mix with a spoonful of turmeric and chili pepper, as well as two tablespoons of grated ginger root. The heated mixture is laid on the fabric and applied to the sore back. If sesame or mustard oil is used instead of water, then such a compress will help relieve joint pain.
For motion sickness and seasickness, take half an hour before departure a little ginger and drink a glass of tea or mineral water.
Using the root, you can get rid of the boil. To do this, apply a paste of ginger and turmeric, taken in equal proportions and diluted with water, to the affected area.
Taking twice a day for a teaspoon of aloe with a pinch of dry root, you can forever forget about such an ailment as hemorrhoids. These are ginger's beneficial properties. Reviews about this plant are mostly positive.
Pickled ginger
It is advisable for each type of dish to observe a certain proportion of the root. Now you know a lot about a plant such as ginger: useful properties and contraindications, recipes and treatments. But how to store this plant at home?
The most popular is pickled ginger, whose beneficial properties and contraindications are preserved in this form. To prepare this healthy dish, you need half a kilogram of fresh root, 4 tablespoons of dry pink wine, the same amount of sugar, 2 tablespoons of vodka and 200 grams of vinegar, better than rice.
Ginger, previously washed and dried, peeled and cut into small pieces. Then they are thrown into boiling water and boiled for one minute. The finished root is dried and cut into small slices. For marinade, sugar, vodka and wine are mixed and boiled until the ingredients are dissolved. Then add vinegar and let the marinade boil. The resulting mixture is poured into a jar with slices of ginger, covered with a lid and after cooling, placed in the refrigerator for three days. There, pickled ginger can retain beneficial properties and contraindications for up to three months. This product has a beautiful pink color.
The root prepared in this way is used both in cooking and for medicinal purposes. The positive properties include:
- amazing spicy aroma, rich in essential oils that stimulate appetite;
- the presence of phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, as well as amino acids - phenyline and tryptophan;
- relieve fatigue, fight against nervous exhaustion, eliminate fear and insecurity;
- slowing down the aging process, removing slag;
- the breakdown of fats and subsequent weight loss.
Ginger in sugar
Another popular recipe is sugar ginger. Useful properties and contraindications should be found before taking this treat. To prepare candied fruit from ginger, you need to take one large root, peel it and cut into small slices, then pour them with water and cook for 30 minutes. It is not necessary to give the dish a strong boil so that ginger does not lose its beneficial properties in sugar. Otherwise, the plant will become useless.
The next step in the preparation of the dish "Ginger in sugar", the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we are considering, is to drain the liquid. Then we add sugar in the same proportion with the root and cook the mixture until it becomes transparent in color and a thick syrup forms at the bottom of the pan.
Finished slices can be run in powder and allowed to dry, after which they should be placed in a glass dish. That's it, now we have ginger in sugar ready! Useful properties and contraindications for him are as follows:
- the root can be used as a dessert;
- he helps fight sore throat;
- has ginger in sugar useful properties for weight loss;
- It is a component for various dishes;
- do not use in case of renal failure;
- contraindicated in breastfeeding;
- harmful for stomach ulcers.
In addition, ginger in sugar has beneficial properties for weight loss.
Dried ginger
A common dish is dried ginger, its beneficial properties are more pronounced. For cooking, clean the root and cut into thin circles. Put them on a baking sheet previously covered with parchment paper. Place the root in the oven and dry at 50 degrees for about 2 hours, then increase the temperature to 75 degrees. The door should be ajar to allow moisture to escape. When the root begins to break, it is ready. Dry ginger is recommended to grind in a blender and place in jars, where it can be stored for a long time.
In this form, the root retains all its useful properties, plus it is convenient to add to various dishes.