Hip osteoporosis in women and men reduces bone strength. By the way, most often the representatives of the weaker sex suffer from this disease during menopause. Therefore, the symptoms and treatment of osteoporosis of the hip joint should be known to all women in the first place. Often, pathology leads to fractures. Other signs of calcium deficiency in the body may also occur .
What is this ailment?
Symptoms and treatment of hip osteoporosis have been known for a long time. The disease is a pathological change in bone tissue. A similar violation occurs with a deficiency of calcium and phosphorus. As a result of this, bone strength decreases, and the risk of bruises and fractures increases. For the patient, lifting weights and falling even from a small height becomes dangerous.
This disease also has other names: “glass” or diffuse osteoporosis. Often an ailment occurs in one place and gradually spreads to other parts of the body.
The hip joint takes on a load of both static and dynamic nature, and therefore, in osteoporosis, this particular section of the musculoskeletal system is most often subjected to various injuries. Thus, a fracture of the neck of TBS leads to almost complete immobilization, and in the elderly, to death.
Why does the disease occur?
Often, leaching from the tissues of the bones of elements that increase their strength occurs due to the breakdown of certain metabolic processes. As a result, the content of mineral salts in the body is reduced. Among the causes of the development of osteoporosis of the hip joint are the following:
- disturbances in the hormonal system;
- vitamin D deficiency arising from a lack of sunlight in the autumn-winter period;
- an age factor in which parathyroid gland dysfunction begins to progress , and a violation of the metabolic processes of the body also occurs;
- malnutrition, leading to a deficiency of calcium and phosphorus;
- during menopause, estrogen secretion decreases;
- bad habits: alcohol, drug abuse, as well as smoking;
- heredity, predisposition to the disease;
- congenital pathologies, including shortening of one of the limbs, scoliosis, dysplasia in children, etc .;
- surgical intervention associated with the removal of one or more internal organs;
- the use of drugs that can wash out calcium and minerals, for example, anticonvulsants, corticosteroids and diuretics.
Some statistics
If we consider the statistics of the disease in more detail, then we can note that:
- in 45%, a disease such as osteoporosis affects the hip joint and femur;
- in 90% of cases, a violation of the integrity of the neck of the hip joint occurs due to developing osteoporosis;
- in about 8% of all cases after a neck fracture, patients return to normal life;
- after violation of the integrity of the neck of the hip joint in about 75% of all cases, a person becomes disabled, and about 20% of patients die due to trauma.
Osteoporosis is the fourth most dangerous disease. And the death of the patient can occur as a result of trauma or a fracture of the neck of the hip joint. The disease is second only to diabetes, oncological ailments and cardiac abnormalities.
It is worth noting that the development of osteoporosis increases the risk of injuries and bone fractures that make up the TBS: the acetabulum located on the side of the pelvic bones, the epiphysis of the femur and so on.
Symptoms of Hip Osteoporosis
Often, the disease described is almost without symptoms. However, the gradual destruction of bone tissue occurs constantly. In this case, dividing bone cells - osteoblasts - do not regenerate. Signs of the disease begin to appear after some time. And, as a rule, this happens when a third of osteoblasts ceases to function.
The development of any ailment can be detected only when determining the provoking factors and the corresponding symptoms. So, pain with osteoporosis of the hip joint is observed:
- on the front of the thigh, as well as on the side, with increased loads (with the development of the disease, discomfort intensifies);
- in the buttocks and groin - sudden.
Pain sensations are variable. They can be chronic or acute. The pain intensifies during exertion, and decreases during rest. At the same time, changes in gait are observed - the patient thus tries to eliminate the feeling of discomfort. This pathology is also characterized by the absence of factors causing pain, as well as insomnia and a worsening of the general condition.
Symptoms and treatment of hip osteoporosis have been studied for many years. And at the doctor’s appointment, patients often complain of fatigue, increased irritability, depression, decreased ability to work. 12 months after the first signs of the disease appear, the patient may experience weakness in the leg.
What are the degrees of the disease?
Symptoms and treatment of osteoporosis of the hip joint depend on the stage of the disease. The main difference lies in the pathological changes identified in the diagnostic process. At the moment, 4 degrees of osteoporosis of the hip joint are distinguished:
- At this stage, the patient only has a suspicion of an ailment.
- Mild osteoporosis is observed.
- The disease becomes more pronounced.
- Signs of a serious illness appear.
How is TBS osteoporosis diagnosed?
Symptoms of osteoporosis of the hip joint, unfortunately, do not always allow timely detection of the disease, therefore, if any of the previously listed symptoms occur, the following studies are carried out:
- MRI - allows you to determine the exact location of the focus of rarefaction in the bone tissue.
- Densitometry is a diagnostic method that identifies the initial form of the disease by measuring bone density.
- Radioscopy is one of the available diagnostic methods, but which at the same time has low sensitivity. The disease can be determined only after a loss of 30% of bone mass.
- Analysis of urine and blood. This method is used to clarify the diagnosis and allows you to determine the amount of phosphorus and calcium in the blood, as well as the level of alkaline phosphatase, insulin, parahormone, thyroxine, estrogen and cortisol.
Compare Results
To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to identify signs of osteoporosis of the hip joint, as well as compare the results of bone mineral density with certain indicators:
- A normal indicator is the T-test from +2.5 to -1 deviations from peak bone mass.
- Osteopenia With this violation, the T-criterion is from -1 to -2.5 deviations.
- Osteoporosis. In this case, the T-test has an indicator below -2.5 deviations.
- Severe osteoporosis. T-test has an indicator below -2.5 deviations. Moreover, the patient has a history of more than one fracture.
How is the disease treated
How to treat osteoporosis of the hip joint? In order to avoid the negative consequences and serious complications of the described pathology, it is necessary to start the treatment of the disease immediately after diagnosis. It is worth noting that injuries sustained with such an ailment heal very slowly. Treatment consists of complex measures aimed at restoring damaged tissues, as well as stopping the development of pathology. In this case, the treatment of the disease is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Treatment for osteoporosis of the hip includes:
- Taking medications aimed at slowing the destruction of bone tissue. Such drugs should help eliminate the root cause of the development of the disease, as well as trigger regenerative processes.
- Maintaining the required level of calcium in the body with medication and eliminating vitamin D deficiency
- Relieving stress on the damaged joint, the use of physiotherapy exercises to restore the bones of the diseased joint.
It is worth noting that the methods of treatment of osteoporosis of the hip or knee joint do not differ in the nature of therapeutic procedures from the described disease.
Methods of traditional medicine
Transient osteoporosis of the hip joint and other varieties of the disease can be cured if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. In the presence of such pathologies, the following can be prescribed:
- Anabolic drugs that activate bone tissue repair processes, for example, testosterone drugs, Raloxifene, Teriparatide, and so on.
- Antiresorptive medicines that slow down the destruction of tissue structure, such as Risedronate, Alenronate, Ethyldronate, Calcitonin.
- Hormonal drugs that eliminate the root cause of the disease, as well as replace all the missing hormones. Such drugs are prescribed for women with menopause and with the extinction of sexual function. They are able to restore the level of gestagens, androgens and estrogens.
- Medicines with calcium, allowing to eliminate the deficiency of this mineral, slow down destructive changes, relieve pain. Ideal for Calcitonin, Caltrate, Calcium Gluconate.
- Vitamin D, as well as its metabolites. Often prescribed "Calcium D3", "Alfadol-Sa", "Natecal D3", "Aquadetrim."
Alternative Medicine Methods
Some experts welcome the alternative treatment of osteoporosis of the hip joint. This is considered a good addition to the traditional treatment of the disease. However, it is not recommended to take or cancel the prescribed drugs on your own. It is worth consulting with a doctor. Most often recommended:
- Apply a compress to the affected area, which contains "Dimexide" and an extract of comfrey grass. The course of treatment is no more than two weeks.
- The area of the damaged joint can be rubbed daily with ointment. To prepare it in a water bath, it is necessary to heat 50 g of spruce resin, 25 g of copper sulfate and 150 g of olive oil. After cooling, 2 tablespoons of onion juice should be added to the resulting mixture.
- Take a warm bath. To do this, a decoction of willow bark should be diluted in water. The procedure must be performed 20 minutes.
Disease prevention
Any disease is much easier to prevent than to get rid of its consequences. Preventive measures in this case include:
- Power control. The diet should contain the required amount of foods rich in fiber and protein. It is necessary to completely abandon alcohol, as well as foods rich in cholesterol. It is regularly recommended to use foods that contain a large amount of minerals. Also, milk should be present in the diet.
- It is worth taking vitamin complexes and sun baths.
- Lifestyle must be active. However, it is recommended to avoid heavy loads.
- It is worth performing special exercises for osteoporosis of the hip joint. Such gymnastics is able to exert a dynamic load. In addition, there are exercises on resistance and flexibility. When doing gymnastics, avoid overloads, sudden movements and jerks.
Exercise list
To prevent osteoporosis of the hip joint, experts advise the following exercises:
- "Bike". Lie on your back and make circular movements with your feet.
- Stand on all fours and simultaneously raise your right hand and left foot, and then your left hand and right foot. In this position, you need to linger for 8-10 seconds.
- Lie on your side and raise your leg up. Hold in this position for 10 seconds. Then carefully roll over to the other side and do the exercise already with the second leg.
What is the forecast
Only a timely visit to a doctor and making an accurate diagnosis will avoid the further development of osteoporosis of TBS, its complications and consequences. If you start therapy at an early stage of the ailment, then the chances of restoring mobility will be much higher than with an operational solution to the problem. The complete cure of osteoporosis TBS gives a chance only the strict implementation of all medical prescriptions and recommendations.
In conclusion
In most cases, osteoporosis of TBS occurs as a result of neglect of preventive measures that can protect bone tissue from many pathological processes. Do not forget that the development of the disease is fraught with a complete loss of mobility, therefore it is important to take preventive measures, and if any signs of osteoporosis of TBS occur, you should immediately contact specialists. Only a doctor can prescribe complex therapy. Self-medication in some cases may not give a result and lead to more serious complications.