Cerebrovascular accident: treatment, types, symptoms

Disruption of cerebral circulation in adults is a complex pathology of cerebral vessels, which is fraught with disability and death. If earlier it was observed mainly in older people, now the disease is significantly younger. More often, a pathology in children began to be diagnosed. An acute process can quickly turn into a chronic one.

Development reasons

Acute cerebrovascular accident

Treatment of cerebrovascular accident should be started in parallel with finding out the causes of this condition. Most often, it is caused by atherosclerotic lesion of blood vessels. At the same time, a plaque is formed in their lumen that impedes normal blood circulation. Since platelets gradually accumulate on it, after some time a blood clot forms in the vessel, which partially or completely blocks it. Due to this pathological condition, an acute stroke occurs.

In addition, there are other causes of cerebrovascular accident:

  • Heredity.
  • Traumatic brain injuries (with or without penetration into soft tissues).
  • History of brain damage or central nervous system.
  • Too strong emotional excitability.
  • Lack of movement.
  • Diabetes mellitus and other systemic pathologies that negatively affect blood vessels.
  • Hypertension or pressure surges.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Heart disease.
  • Diseases of the spine, as a result of which oxygen starvation of the brain develops.
  • Excessive body weight.
  • Bad habits.
  • Long-term use of drugs.

Acute cerebrovascular accident may be due to age, as dystrophic and degenerative processes (aging) develop in the body over time.

A factor contributing to the appearance of such a condition is a strong nervous tension, stress.

Disease classification

What is a cerebrovascular accident?

According to the ICD, cerebrovascular accident refers to the section “Cerebrovascular Diseases” code І60 - I69. There are several types of pathology:

  1. Acute violation. It develops very quickly. This group includes any stroke that occurs when a person needs emergency hospitalization. There is an acute ischemic disturbance of cerebral circulation and hemorrhagic stroke. The second type is a more severe organ damage, which is characterized by damage to blood vessels with blood flowing out of them. Due to this condition, the body contracts, problems arise with the work of the whole organism. In terms of mortality, it comes first. Ischemic stroke occurs due to blockage of the vessels of the brain with its subsequent oxygen starvation. Not only internal organs suffer, but also the speech center, motor and emotional-volitional functions
  2. Chronic cerebrovascular accident. In another way, it can be called discirculatory encephalopathy. A feature of such a disease is that it develops for many years. In the initial stages, the symptoms practically do not appear.

Each of these types of disorders is characterized by certain symptoms. Their intensity depends on the severity of brain damage.

Symptoms of a violation

Symptoms of cerebrovascular accident

Signs of cerebrovascular accident are as follows:

  • Persistent headaches.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Frequent dizziness.
  • Eye pain, which intensifies after intensive work at the end of the day, constant fatigue.
  • Sleep disturbance, fatigue, memory problems.
  • Tinnitus, as well as a feeling of stuffiness.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Cramps.
  • Numbness of body parts.
  • Decreased mental performance.
  • Problems with writing and speech.

With the development of the disease, the symptoms become more pronounced. The patient may become depressed, irritable, moody, emotionally unstable.

All types of acute or chronic cerebrovascular accident are characterized by some individual signs. In transient ischemic attacks, neurological symptoms appear in parallel with problems of coordination of movements, speech and writing. With ischemic stroke, nausea and vomiting appear.

Diagnostic Features

Treatment of cerebrovascular accident depends on what diagnosis will be made to the victim. In the acute form of pathology, a person will be provided with emergency assistance, after which he will be examined. Diagnosis includes such studies:

  1. A blood test for cholesterol, glucose.
  2. Coagulogram.
  3. Daily monitoring of changes in blood pressure,
  4. Neuropsychological testing using the MMSE scale.
  5. X-ray of the cervical region, because osteochondrosis is also capable of provoking a chronic or acute violation of cerebral circulation.
  6. Fundus examination.
  7. MRI or CT. The presented studies help to find problem areas of the nervous system, blood vessels. Not only hard, but also soft tissues are examined in layers. Tomography makes it possible to detect damage to brain structures in the early stages.
  8. Cerebral angiography.
  9. Doppler ultrasound using a contrast agent. Thanks to the study, areas are found in which blood flow slows down.
  10. ECG. Such a study is optional.
  11. Electroencephalography (determined by the conductivity of nerve impulses).

If symptoms of cerebrovascular accident are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will prescribe a treatment that allows you to restore the functionality of the organ, avoid disability and improve the quality of life.

First aid to the injured

First aid for cerebrovascular accident

During the development of an acute condition, the victim needs first aid in case of cerebrovascular accident. The faster this is done, the higher the chances of recovery.

First you need to find out if the circulation is acute. To do this, ask the victim to smile, raise both hands forward, give your name. In the presence of a stroke, he will not be able to do this. Next, an ambulance is called, with the clarification of the alleged diagnosis.

Before the arrival of doctors it is necessary to remove all constraining clothing from a person to ensure air access. The person should be in a horizontal position. It is important to constantly monitor the pulse and respiration of the patient. It is not worth giving a person any pills before the arrival of doctors, as his condition may worsen even more, and making a diagnosis will be difficult.

Conservative treatment

Medication of cerebrovascular accident

Treatment of cerebrovascular accident should be correct, timely and comprehensive. Its main task is to protect neurons from damage, restore normal blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, maximize the restoration of the body’s functionality. If the pathology is acute, then it is important to prevent its relapse.

Treatment of cerebrovascular accident with drugs involves the use of such drugs:

  1. Anticoagulants. They prevent blood clots.
  2. Neuroprotective drugs.
  3. Means for improving blood circulation "Reopoliglyukin", "Eufillin."
  4. Preparations for improving cardiac activity, stabilizing blood pressure "Korglikon", "Dibazol".
  5. Means that prevent brain edema "Furosemide".
  6. For the expansion of blood vessels, Atomax, Mefacor.
  7. To improve metabolic processes in the tissues of the organ "Cerebrolysin", "Aminalon".
  8. As symptomatic therapy: "Cinnarizine", "Diazepam".
  9. Sedatives: Oxazepam, Elenium.

In case of cerebrovascular accident, drugs are selected depending on the severity of the disease. If the pathology is acute (stroke), then it is important to normalize the functionality of the respiratory system, blood vessels, heart, eliminate convulsive syndrome.

In addition, therapy involves the use of herbal remedies that help saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, strengthen immunity. Metabolic processes in this case are restored faster.

Massage and manual therapy will help improve blood flow. However, such procedures also have limitations, for example: vascular thrombosis. Nutrition plays an important role in treating problems with cerebral circulation. The menu includes sea fish, cereals, beans, vegetables and fruits, berries, green tea. You should not eat fatty foods, seasonings, smoked foods, alcohol and soda.

Folk remedies

Symptoms of cerebrovascular accident can be eliminated not only with the help of drugs, but also through folk remedies. Since the presented pathological condition threatens health and life, you should consult your doctor before using alternative medicine. In the acute form of the disease, folk recipes are inappropriate.

For the treatment of chronic pathology, such agents will be useful:

  1. Tincture of clover on alcohol. Inflorescences should be filled with liquid and insisted for 3 weeks. Drinking the medicine is required for 1-2 tsp. three times a day before meals.
  2. When a spasm occurs, you can use tea from a collection of herbs, which includes rosehip, valerian, motherwort, yarrow, anise. It is enough to brew Art. l mix a glass of boiling water and drink immediately after a spasm.
  3. You can thin the blood with a decoction of nettles.
  4. To strengthen the vessels, you can use a rosehip decoction, it is enriched with vitamin C.
  5. Decoction with a small periwinkle. Art. l herbs, as well as 300 ml of boiling water. Next, the mixture will have to be infused in a water bath for 20 minutes. Insisting will require another 45 minutes. The drug is used three times a day for 1/3 cup. This decoction will help expand the vessels.
  6. A compress with vinegar (diluted with water), as well as a cold foot bath at the same time, will help eliminate pain and spasm.
  7. Infusion of flowers of viburnum.
  8. Dandelion root. It will help clear blood vessels of cholesterol plaques. To prepare the product, 200 g of raw materials and a liter of boiling water are required. You need to take the medicine daily 50 ml before meals.
  9. Alcohol infusion of valerian. It is enough to inhale its aroma every evening.
  10. The infusion is celandine. 1 tbsp required herbs is poured in a glass of boiling water and infused for a quarter of an hour. Take filtered liquid should be 2 tbsp. three times a day. The course of therapy is 21 days, after which you need to take a break. It is important to observe the exact dosage of the medicine.

Alternative treatment is not a panacea, but it can help to cope with the problem if it is used in conjunction with drug therapy.

The need for surgery

Treatment of cerebrovascular accident is sometimes done in an operative way. This method of therapy is necessary for stenosis of blood vessels (narrowing their lumen by more than 70%), clogging their cholesterol plaque. The decision about the intervention is made by the doctor. Most often, it is prescribed for health reasons.

To eliminate stenosis, part of the vessel is removed, followed by its replacement with a prosthesis. Also, special expanding stents can be inserted inside it.


Rehabilitation after cerebrovascular accident

If with a chronic form of pathology, therapy consists in improving the functionality of the circulatory system, then in case of an acute violation a person will need rehabilitation. Moreover, the sooner it begins, the more likely the victim to restore all body functions.

Rehabilitation includes:

  • Proper patient care. At first, it is necessary for the patient to do passive gymnastics, to prevent pressure sores. The room should have an acceptable temperature - 19-23 degrees. You should also adapt the room in which the victim will be under his needs (install handrails, make the floor non-slip, walls safe, put a multifunctional special bed).
  • Rational and nutritious nutrition. It should be fractional, easy to digest.
  • Speech recovery. Classes with a speech therapist-aphasiologist necessarily begin immediately after the stabilization of the patient's condition. At the same time, a person needs maximum attention and communication with others, so that he does not become isolated in himself.
  • Physiotherapy and exercise therapy. The load increases gradually.

In the first weeks after an acute circulatory disorder, relapse is possible, so it is important to do everything to avoid it. Also, the patient will benefit from rest in a rehabilitation center, sanatorium.

Possible complications and prevention

Prevention of cerebrovascular accident

Patients with cerebrovascular accident should carefully monitor their health, because the pathology presented is characterized by a large number of complications, even if therapy was provided on time. Among them are the following: stroke, disability, problems with speech, mental functions, death.

As for prevention, it consists in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following such recommendations of doctors:

  • Constantly monitoring blood pressure, taking antihypertensive drugs.
  • Good nutrition with the exception of fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, foods that contribute to blood clotting.
  • Avoidance of severe stresses, emotional overload, excessive physical activity.
  • Timely treatment of any cardiac pathologies, diabetes.
  • Normal physical activity.
  • Reducing the amount of salt consumed.
  • Compliance with the normal regime of work and rest.

Violation of cerebral circulation, regardless of its form, is fraught with disability and even death, therefore, such a disease is best avoided at all.

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