How to make pancake dough

Pancakes are the national Russian food. They have not become less popular over such a long time. At any time, pancakes on the table are a very relevant dish. The options for fillings and fillings that are served to them are very diverse, you can choose them for every taste. If you learn how to fry pancakes, then the family can easily feed traditional dishes.

How to make pancake dough

To make pancakes, you need to make a dough consisting of the following ingredients: a kilogram of flour, three eggs, two tablespoons of sugar, five glasses of milk, three tablespoons of butter, a certain amount of salt, forty grams of yeast, two glasses of water, as well as frying oil. Cooking the dough. First you need to put the dough, dilute the yeast in warm water. Pour in two glasses of warm water, add flour and mix until smooth. Cover the dishes with a clean cloth or towel, put in a warm place for lifting. Add salt, two tablespoons of sugar and three egg yolks to a suitable dish of salt. Stir everything with utmost care, pour in three tablespoons of oil. Add the second part of flour and knead everything completely.

Heat five glasses of milk, pour into a dough in a glass, stir the milk until completely dissolved. Cover the dishes with the dough, place in a warm place to rise. Using a wooden spoon, stir the approached dough. In the process of kneading, part of the carbon dioxide formed during fermentation will come out of the dough. Instead of carbon dioxide, oxygen will enter the dough, due to which fermentation will increase and rise will be provided. Beat three proteins in a strong foam, stir the dough and combine it with the proteins. After it rises, you can bake pancakes. That's all for this method, how to make pancake dough. Now they can be fried in a pan with a thick bottom, in which a certain amount of oil is heated. Pancakes are stacked on a dish. They can be served with sour cream, butter, jam, jam, honey, jam, caviar, red fish. You can make the filling for them to your taste.

How to make pancake dough: recommendations

A variety of dough can be prepared for pancakes, each hostess prepares it according to her own recipe, adding some kind of her own ingredient. However, with all the variety of cooking methods, the principles of preparation do not change. The most popular basis for the dough is milk, but the dough for pancakes on the water also has some advantages. Some use beer, brine, juice, but this is more typical of foreign cuisine, rather than classical Russian. If you choose between eggs and egg powder, then preference should be given to eggs. There are many different types of flour, but it is best to take premium grade wheat flour for pancakes. The dough is kneaded very quickly from it, and tasty, thin and beautiful pancakes are obtained. You can use pancake flour, which is a mixture of a set of ingredients.

How to make pancake dough - options

Pancakes can be prepared not only in the traditional way, but also to make pancake dough in a bread machine. Heat three glasses of milk, dissolve the yeast in them, add half a glass of sugar, yolk, ghee and salt, mix, add 300 grams of flour. Cover the dough with a towel, place in a warm place. Dilute the dough with milk after two hours, add sugar and flour, pour whipped proteins. Knead the dough and let rise again. In general, the dough should roam for about three hours. Now you can fry pancakes. For this, the pan should be heated, pour a little oil on it, pour in the dough with a ladle, spread over the entire bottom. When the pancake is browned, it needs to be turned over, and after a few seconds you can remove it.

Everything is ready. Enjoy your meal!

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