Nervous scabies: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

The term "scabies" is associated with some kind of infectious disease. However, this condition may occur due to external nerve irritation. Simply put, scabies on nerve soil can begin if nerve cells suddenly go into a state of nervous excitement, for example, from a negative signal from the sense of smell or hearing. As a rule, such skin rashes proceed similarly to allergic dermatitis.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of scabies on nerve soil are quite extensive:

  • rashes on the skin;
  • sometimes hyperemia;
  • swelling;
  • itching, which can even bring pain;
  • dryness and peeling, up to flaking of the epithelium.

In this case, the patient's condition is accompanied by general anxiety, anxiety and even an obsessive state, uncontrollable emotions.

The nature of the rashes

As can be seen in the photo, scabies on nervous soil can manifest itself in the form of small red dots that are located at the folds or in the groin, on the neck or behind the ears. Such a rash can merge into a single huge redness and spread far beyond the bends of the body.

Nerve rash

In many patients, a rash appears on the scalp, causing dandruff and pain from touching these places and the hair itself. Normal fatty lubrication of the scalp, up to and including hair loss, may be impaired. Facial skin can also become oily.

Why is this happening?

Despite the fact that the nervous system is highly protected, nevertheless some factors can weaken the immune forces, and a person will not be able to cope with the huge nervous load. It is at such moments that the compensatory mechanism starts , manifested against the background of skin rashes and other symptoms of nervous strain. The body, in turn, perceives nervous strain as an allergy, as a result of which protection is activated, antibodies to the putative allergen are synthesized and a rash appears.

How to distinguish "nervous" rashes from other species?

Symptoms and treatment of scabies on the nervous system are very similar to other types of rashes. But how to distinguish them?

The easiest way is to start taking sedatives. Although it is not recommended to prescribe them on their own, nevertheless, if the rash has passed after a couple of days, then it is clear that all the cause of nervous tension. In any case, it is recommended to consult a doctor and conduct all diagnostic examinations in order to identify the true cause of the rash.

Nervous man

First of all, the doctor will begin by collecting an anamnesis. Symptoms of scabies from nerves can be not only a general feeling of anxiety, but also constant, sometimes even causeless tantrums. A person can behave atypically, be in a constant depressed state, lose his appetite and sleep poorly.

Very often, a โ€œnervousโ€ rash is confused with allergies or infectious agents. The simplest example, when antibacterial agents are prescribed for local treatment, and they do not give any results, the rash does not go away. Therefore, it is very important to be screened for allergens.

In addition, the so-called booster effect is characteristic of scabies from nerves. Simply put, a rash can appear instantly and disappear completely after a couple of days, without leaving a single trace.

General treatment rules

First of all, therapeutic measures should begin with stabilization of the patientโ€™s nervous status. Then, drugs are selected to treat external manifestations. After this, therapy is prescribed that allows you to strengthen the body's immune forces, nutrition is adjusted. The patient should not forget that a healthy lifestyle is the key to the health of the whole organism. Sedative therapy may be recommended.

Conservative treatment

Conservative therapy

If the patient's condition does not require the inclusion of funds from the group of bromides in therapeutic measures, then medicines are prescribed with the content of motherwort, valerian, peppermint and / or passionflower. However, it should be remembered that such drugs can cause inhibition of all processes in the body, addiction and drowsiness.

In cases where the patientโ€™s mental state is very severe, the treatment of scabies on the nervous system consists of taking tranquilizers and antidepressants. Such drugs can only be prescribed by a psychotherapist, since they cause dependence, so the course of treatment can not exceed 30 days. The psychiatrist determines the dosage individually. Perhaps it will be prescribed to take such medications sporadically, with the onset of a severe attack of anxiety.

Rash treatment

In combination with tabletted forms of drugs, antihistamines are prescribed topically. It can be Claritin, Suprastin or Fenkarol. They allow you to remove the inflammatory process, get rid of puffiness and itching. However, such ointments, gels and creams also have side effects, so it is best to be prescribed by your doctor, especially when it comes to children and pregnant women.

You can use local preparations containing hydrocortisone, for example: "Fluorocort", "Lokoid" or "Sinaflan." You can get rid of itching with the help of ointments that have an anti-allergic effect: Fenistal or Gistan.

To improve the functioning of the immune system, it is recommended to take minerals (necessarily with magnesium content) and vitamins (necessarily from group B). Proteins, dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates should predominate in the diet. In order to prevent relapse, it is necessary to monitor the regimen of sleep and rest.

Other means

In the treatment of scabies on nervous soil, in addition to conservative therapy, it is recommended to take soothing baths and make applications. Very good results are given by air salt baths and aromatherapy.

Soothing valerian

It is recommended to undergo a course of mud therapy and acupuncture. And most importantly, you should undergo a course of treatment with a psychotherapist in order to prevent further nervous strain, reconsider your attitude to life and learn not to take everything to heart.

Alternative therapy

It is in the presence of scabies on nervous soil that the preparations prepared according to the recipes of traditional medicine give an excellent effect.

Excellent results are given baths with the addition of decoctions of medicinal herbs: marsh rosemary, pansies, chamomile, celandine and a succession. Decoctions can be made from one plant, or you can make a mixture. To prepare a decoction, you will need to pour 4 tablespoons of grass or pickle with one liter of boiling water, leave for about 30 minutes and add to the bath after straining. There you can add essential oils, after such a procedure it is recommended to treat the lesion with a rash of olive oil.

Itching can be eliminated with a decoction of barn and / or elecampane. The grass (1 tablespoon) should be poured with 1 liter of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes in a water bath. After filtering and cooling, take three times throughout the day, 1/3 cup.

Relaxing bath

Nervous scabies can be treated well with ointment, which can be prepared at home. There are only 3 ingredients in such an ointment: tar and sulfur powder. Pasteurized fat should be melted and mixed with sulfur and tar. Ointment should be treated with a rash damaged area on the skin.

Affected areas on the skin can be treated with vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 1, and this family processes places where there is a rash. It is best to apply the solution to cleansed skin after taking a bath or shower.

Inside, you can take decoctions of celery, birch buds or flax.

At the same time, it is not recommended to rely solely on traditional medicine recipes in treatment, the main thing is to receive qualified psychological assistance in order to stabilize your nervous state.


Particularly impressionable and emotional people should devote most of their efforts to stabilizing their own emotional state. And this is not just about visiting a psychotherapist, you can do relaxing or breathing exercises. Even if you decide to do yoga at home, then exercises should be done daily, even if for 20-30 minutes. You can learn to meditate and conduct small sessions before the start of an important event to relieve nervous tension.

You should sleep at least 7 hours a day, but you should not overdo it and devote no more than 9 hours to sleep. Never give up holidays, days off in favor of money. A full rest and sleep is a great chance to avoid stress and, as a result, scabies.

Yoga classes

Try to spend more time in the fresh air and strengthen immunity on an ongoing basis. Refuse bad habits and the wrong food, the one that is sold in fast foods and departments with convenience foods.

Remember - that a person who is balanced and calm is much less susceptible to all kinds of diseases and skin rashes.

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