Tea ceremony for the British is no less important than, for example, the samurai code for the Japanese. There is tea in every English home . Moreover, there is not one variety of this world famous drink, but several. In British society, tea drinking has its own characteristics and is included in the daily routine of every citizen. English tea has a special place in the lives of the inhabitants of Britain and England.
Traditions and customs
The first and second time English tea is drunk in the morning. The rise of the citizens of England begins with a cup of this strong, caffeinated drink. Tea "Ahmad. English breakfast" is ideal for awakening. First, they drink it with the aim of invigorating and waking up. This occurs between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. Then English teas are drunk at the first breakfast - about eight in the morning. At the same time, milk or cream is added to the drink.
The third time the British have a tea at noon. An indispensable component of the next breakfast - lunch - is English tea. Traditions dictate to drink at this time a fragrant and invigorating drink, not forgetting the rich table. You can drink tea with hard-boiled egg biscuit, with bread and butter, with toast and cinnamon, with almond cookies, jam or egg cakes, with muffins, jelly or with sweet tartar.
For the fourth time, tea drinking at the British is quite late. A break is made in the middle of the working day. He was called tea brea, that is, a short tea break.
For the fifth time, the British traditionally sit at the table at Five-o'clock. At this time, English teas are bottled in millions of families across England. Everyone, starting with simple laborers and ending with the queen, drinks this aromatic drink called “English afternoon snack”. This is a traditional English black tea, generously flavored with milk or cream.
For the sixth time, they drink the drink at about 7-8 o’clock in the evening. This is a thick, elite English tea. During this event, countless snacks and sweets are served. The house creates an atmosphere of good mood, warmth and comfort. English green tea is also suitable for such a ceremony. The addition of cream or milk to the drink is not prohibited. English teas can be consumed at night, following your preferences, but the drink should no longer contain caffeine.
Varieties of English Tea
Assam is famous for its rich and slightly tart taste. Kenyan and Darjeeling are among elite tea. Ceylon is famous for its unique aroma. Let's talk about these famous drinks in more detail.
Among the elite English teas, Darjeeling has a special place and is valued much higher than other varieties. Its second name is “tea champagne”. Darjeeling is manufactured under certain conditions. Its collection takes place over four seasons, and each of these teas differs from the other in color, saturation and taste.
"Assam" is a fairly strong drink. It has a rich taste with an unobtrusive malt flavor. The taste of Assam tea is remembered by tart and astringent notes. Despite this, such a drink is more velvety and softer, in contrast to Ceylon varieties. Interestingly, the shade of properly brewed Assam tea is called the "color of the biscuit crust."
When is the best time to drink tea?
A drink is best consumed when it is brewed, because tea, which has stood for more than four hours, not only acquires harmful properties, but also loses all the taste qualities that are so appreciated. In addition, a yellow plaque formed on the rim of the cup will remain on the walls of your stomach. English teas are tasty and healthy if they do not have time to brew.
Tea Party Start
At the beginning of the reception, cups and saucers are placed in front of the hostess or in front of the woman who will pour the drink. If the lady is right-handed, then the appliances are placed to the left of the tray, and if vice versa, then to the right.
During tea drinking, a plain tablecloth is appropriate on the table. It is also permissible to cover the table with material with a dim or small pattern. A disposable tablecloth is not forbidden, however, linen is the best choice. She can only close the table or hang from it by 15 centimeters. If the design has a transparent countertop, then you can not cover it.
Tea pair
To date, a tea cup and saucer act as a single subject, parts of which cannot be divided. Bowls are categorically not suitable for European tea drinking.
An interesting fact is that it was the British who came up with the idea to attach a handle to the bowls in order to get the now familiar tea cup.
In addition to a tea pair, each guest needs a personal plate for sweets. Its diameter should be 17-18 centimeters. A small plate is designed for cookies, cakes, pieces of cake, sandwiches and more.
The classic tea service in England has more than thirty different items. So, a porcelain set consists of twelve cups and saucers, a vase for sugar, a jug of milk, a container for jam, a teapot, a tray for spoons, a stand for a teapot, a tin can for measuring and storing the tea leaves, a jug for boiling water, and plates for lemon, sandwiches or cake.
In English culture, unlike pot-bellied Russian dummies, elongated forms prevail. A distinctive feature of the cups is a short leg at the base. The metal silver service consists of a kettle, a jug of milk, and also a spacing on which it all fits. Tongs, teaspoons, napkins, strainers and tablecloths in most cases are not part of the tea service.
In addition to the tea service, you need a small vase with white flowers, a fork and knife for each guest, a woolen or quilted cover for the kettle, as well as a strainer and a stand for it.
Instrument Location
Plates for cakes and pastries should be positioned so that their edge coincides with the edge of the table. Under each plate, you need to put a napkin or put them in a napkin holder on the table. The cups should be located to the right of the plate and a little diagonally. To the right of the saucer or on it put a teaspoon. A fork or a spoon for cakes must be placed to the right of the plate with sweets so that it is located between the plate and the cup.
Tongs should be provided for dry cakes, and a special spatula for fruit cakes. Holders for ground sugar or a spoon should be in the sugar bowl.
How to hold the cup?
In no case should you put your little fingers away or put your index finger into the ear of the cup. The capacity is held with three fingers of the right hand. The thumb, forefinger and middle finger should be involved. The upper part of the handle is held by the pads of the index and thumb. Medium, slightly bent, is located under the handle. The ring and forefinger are pressed to the middle of the palm.
If tea drinking takes place at the dining table, then only a cup needs to be raised, while leaving the saucer on the table. If tea is served on a low table, and guests are sitting on the couch or sitting in an armchair, they take tea pair together. That is, they drink tea, lifting a cup from a saucer, which is kept at chest level.
Snacks and sweets for tea
On the one hand, English pastries for tea drinking are not something supernatural. If you get recipes, then it can easily be made at home. The only requirement is that snacks should be simple, if the cake is too unusual, then it will eclipse tea.
Cakes are served on the table already cut or cut in the presence of guests. In vases of a classical form, that is, on a high stalk, there should be jam. If you want to treat guests with sweets, they should be served in a box.
In addition, sandwiches must be relied upon for tea, as some of the guests may not like sweets or may not eat them for their own reasons. For small canapes, bread is cut into very thin slices. In the cold season, you can serve hot sandwiches for tea.
The main quality of the sandwich for tea - it should be gentle and light. The most typical types of this appetizer are cucumber or tomato, placed on a thin slice of bread, as well as lettuce, pieces of crab meat or cream cheese on toast.
Bread must be yesterday. For better spreading, it is recommended to melt the oil first. When the sandwiches are ready, you will need to squeeze them between the two plates, and also put a press on the top of them.
Sugar is served on the table in two types: refined and sand. Only the first form, as a rule, is served exclusively at official receptions.
It is better not to put large pieces of meat and various sauces on the table, because they cannot be kept beautifully and accurately.
Lemon sliced into circles is served spread out on a small plate with a "rose". Next to it, it is necessary to put a special fork so that the guest can put citrus in tea.
Rum, dessert wine and cognac are quite possible to serve at the tea table. However, at an official reception, such drinks may not be appropriate.
How to pour tea?
The basic rule of any official tea party is that the drink in the guest’s cup must be poured exclusively at the table.
While the owner or the waiter is pouring tea, he approaches the people on the right side.
After the guest has poured tea, he needs to rotate the cup 180 degrees so that the handle is on the left, then put lemon and then sugar in it.