Actress Evgenia Dmitrieva: biography, filmography, personal life. Husband and children of Evgenia Dmitrieva

In 1994, after graduating from the VTU. M.S.Schepkina, actress Evgenia Dmitrieva for a long time did not play anywhere, in the 90s there was a lull in cinematography. The institute saved the situation, where she was left to teach the discipline "Actor's skill".

actress evgenia dmitrieva

Who is she, this fragile woman?

So far, Eugene is a teacher. Bright comedic actress, because of her temperament, she did not remain within the framework of a narrow genre, starred in more than sixty films and TV shows of various subjects. In 2009, she won a prize, which was named after Alexander Abdulov. Its name is “For Best Actress in a Domestic Debut Movie”. They handed it to the festival of cinematic debuts, which was called "The Spirit of Fire" in Khanty-Mansiysk (project "Zaza", directed by Andrei Silkin).

actress eugenia dmitrieva personal life

Naive student years

In her youth, actress Evgenia Dmitrieva wore bandages and hid under long skirts because of furunculosis, she was a rather well-fed girl. Arriving for a test at the school, she took off her slippers and put on shoes. She went on stage in a red dress, began to perform the Spanish dance violently and passionately. She did not understand why the commission was laughing: after all, my mother had once professionally danced, and she, the daughter of a ballet dancer, had no way to dance? I read a nursery rhyme, meanwhile answering questions, and, to my surprise, was enrolled in students. In these fun years, Eugene considered herself a fake actress, all the students were thin, nervous and smoked, and she, with her fullness and calmness, didn’t fit into the world of young theatergoers. Contrary to her opinion, there was complete harmony between fellow students. As Evgenia Dmitrieva (actress) recalls, the family of students was strong, united, they lived in their own world, without seeing anything and nobody. Sometimes, in order not to part, they stayed overnight at the institute, argued on literary topics, read poetry, sang songs. During her studies, Eugene made friends with Rimma Gavrilovna Solntseva, affectionately called her second mother. After training, Dmitriev was invited to Gubenko, Kalyagin. Nevertheless, the young actress listened to the advice of Rimma Gavrilovna and chose the theater of Yuri Solomin.

The family is behind the scenes

Evgeniya Dmitrieva actress husband

While studying at school, the love for the actress came unexpectedly, she fell in love with her fellow student, and lost 17 kg in the wake of the booming romance. The wedding was played noisily, with their friends and fellow students - novice actors. Only two years was married to Evgenia Dmitrieva (actress), her husband is a famous actor and showman Andrei Kaykov. The motivation for the divorce, apparently, was the distribution after graduation to various theaters, mutual interests did not, living together was boring and dreary. The family dispersed quietly, without mutual reproaches and insults. Former spouses are currently on friendly terms. Although the actress considers the information about her personal life not for outsiders, yet in one of the interviews she mentioned that she became a mother on September 5, 2011. She called her son Mark. Eugene is especially gentle and attentive to her child, because she became a mother at a fairly mature age. Is she married a second time or not? She is delicately silent. According to actress Evgenia Dmitrieva, personal life should not distract viewers from working in the cinema and theater.

Evgenia Dmitrieva actress children

Favorite life credo - teach

As a teacher at the Shchepkinsky school, actress Evgenia Dmitrieva notes that her activities are undoubtedly difficult, in the first place - this is the responsibility for those 20 or 30 people you study. At the same time, she herself is constantly tormented by the question: did you understand correctly, could you convey the idea? It is much easier to play than to teach, but nevertheless, this has its own charm - so says Evgenia Dmitrieva (actress). Children (students) are satisfied, and this is the best gift for the teacher. Repeatedly tried to leave work at the institute.
Indeed, with the advent of the son of actress Evgenia Dmitrieva, her personal life began to demand more time, which she had previously devoted to her students. The actress is the author and director of theses. In 2013, Evgenia released the play “Zoykina Apartment” with students. They play it at the Vysotsky Theater.

Life on the stage of the theater

Actress Evgenia Dmitrieva has been working in the Maly Theater troupe since 1994, where she was invited after graduation, the debut on the stage of the theater was the production of P. P. Ershov's The Little Humpbacked Horse. Subsequently, there she played in 1995, Princess Irina (A. K. Tolstoy, “Tsar John the Terrible”); in 1996, Zinu (M. Gorky "Eccentrics"); in 1998 Maria Pavlovna (Leo Tolstoy's Resurrection). She played in other, no less well-known productions. Eugenia's acting talent revealed itself in all its splendor, evoking respect for the theatrical world, in the role of Olga in the Chekhov's “Three Sisters” directed by Declan Donnellan.

She played in the performances "Kitchen", "Woe from Wit" in the theater board of Oleg Menshikov "814". He takes an active part in the entreprise of Tatyana Dogileva “A lady waits, plays the clarinet”, in the “Empire of Stars” theater “Tram“ Desire ””, the debut center - “Uncle Vanya”, in the workshop of Fomenko - “Five Evenings” in 2011.

Thousands of frames of talented game

Evgenia Dmitrieva actress family

In the movie, the actress starred for the first time at the age of 27, in the debut small role of Fufigina in the film "Chinese Service". Since that time, she has repeatedly played small episodes in famous films: "Brother-2", "Bless the Woman" and many others. Even in small roles, the actress is so accustomed to the image that it is not possible to forget her play. After thirty, Eugene actively starred in films, agrees to roles in both films and television series. In 2004, she starred in the series “Farewell Echo,” as well as “Full Ahead!”. Received invitations to collaborate with such directors as Pavel Lungin, Ivan Vyrypaev, Sergey Ursulyak. In 2006, at the invitation of Alexei Kolmogorov, actress Evgenia Dmitrieva played a leading role in the comedy Foreigners. In 2007, she embodied the image of a single mother in the Ukrainian film Psychopath, while playing in Olga Perunovskaya’s comedy Husband for an Hour. Two different roles, but with what ease she enters the image, very accurately conveys the character and personal qualities of each heroine, embodying the director's idea!

The Russian actress won huge popularity and love of the audience after filming in the film "Zaza" by Andrei Silkin (in the title role). In 2014, Eugene will see on the screens in the series “Scream of Owls”, “Perfect Marriage” and in the detective film “Farewell, beloved!”. This actress was so fond of the viewer that he eagerly awaits the release of every new film with her participation.

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