The summer season is drawing to a close, which means it's time to harvest. Among the vegetable beds and bushes with berries, there is a wonderful plant that has a bright aroma and is suitable for absolutely any dish. Have not guessed what this is about? We are talking about garlic, or rather, about garlic shooters, which are so eagerly torn off by careful gardeners and are thrown into a bunch with weeds. Collect arrows rather, today we will learn how to cook delicious garlic paste.
Garlic shooters - what is it?
Garlic is truly a wonderful plant that has been gifting us with its fruits for centuries. The cloves add spice and a unique aroma to our dishes, and the leaves are perfect for salads or for cooking garlic oil. The whole plant, from the roots to the arrows, is filled with taste and smell.
What is rich in garlic: beneficial properties of the plant
Garlic was imported and cultivated in many countries from the East. The birthplace of an amazing plant is Altai and Dzungaria. Since this plant has a bright unforgettable smell, they began to use it as a means against parasites. It was believed that the pungent taste, pungency and “pungent” odor scare pathogenic microorganisms, because the plant itself is practically not attacked by insects.
The plant contains a large amount of vitamins E, C, K and group B, and it is also rich in amino acids. Eating garlic helps partially saturate the body with calcium, iodine, iron, germanium, manganese, zinc and folic acid. The plant is also rich in essential oils and fiber. Compared with the usual cloves, the leaves and arrows of garlic are oversaturated with ascorbic acid and vitamin A. For this reason, it is not recommended to dispose of garlic arrows and leaves.
How to make garlic paste
Garlic paste is not just seasoning, but a way to add sophistication to any dish. The main advantage of pasta in its preparation. All recipes are so simple that even a child can handle the process.
Garlic paste is a grated cloves mixed with butter. Often, to create a unique taste and aroma, cooks can include salt, spices and herbs in the recipe. You can store the finished product in the refrigerator for several months, but, as a rule, garlic paste is so beloved by its inhabitants that it barely lasts for several weeks. This is not surprising, because the milled plant can be added to soups, and to sandwiches, and to salads. There are so many options that experiments can take years! Let's learn how to cook garlic paste using not only cloves, but also famous arrows.
Classic pasta
This is a no frills garlic paste recipe. Cooking takes no more than 10 minutes, and the most difficult thing in the recipe is peeling garlic. In this case, we will prepare a classic toothpaste.
- Garlic (cloves) - 300 g.
- Vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn) - 100 ml.
- Sea salt to taste.
Stages of preparation:
- Clean all cloves by carefully removing the outer layer. With a sharp knife, remove the base of the clove so that the paste is tender.
- Transfer peeled cloves to a deep bowl or to a blender, add oil and salt. Beat for several minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
- Transfer the prepared garlic paste to a clean container with a tight lid. Store the product in the refrigerator.
Note: before preparing a paste of garlic arrows, they must be processed. This information applies to all subsequent recipes. To do this, use a sharp knife to cut off the part with seeds (pouch) and leave only the pods. As a rule, only the soft part of the stem goes into the paste, which can reach 10-20 centimeters in length.
Arrow paste
The paste of garlic arrows has not only a pronounced taste, but also an attractive color. In appearance, such a product is like pesto sauce or avocado paste. Unfortunately, during the preparation of the paste, garlic arrows are not always enough, therefore, in the recipe we will use the leaves of the plant, which are also edible and no less useful. Cooking time: 10-15 minutes.
- Garlic shooters - 200 g.
- Garlic leaves - 100 g.
- Vegetable oil to taste (can be replaced with butter) - 150 ml.
- Salt and pepper to taste.
Stages of preparation:
- Garlic leaves and arrows must be added to a blender or placed in a deep bowl. If you have a meat grinder, you can skip the ingredients through it several times.
- Add butter and spices to the paste, and then beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
- We also transfer the finished product to a clean dish, close it tightly with a lid and send it to the refrigerator for storage.
Ginger and Garlic Pasta
Garlic shooter paste with ginger will be a great salad dressing and main course dressing. The unique aroma and sharp-bitter taste will not leave indifferent any gourmet. Cooking time: 10 minutes.
- Ginger (root) - 100 g.
- Garlic shooters - 200 g.
- Olive oil - 100 g.
Stages of preparation:
- To get a tender paste, garlic arrows and ginger are cut into small pieces.
- The finished mixture must be crushed with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
- Mix mashed potatoes with butter and place in a clean bowl.
Garlic pesto sauce
The recipe for garlic pasta “a la pesto” will help to prepare an excellent dressing for any Italian dishes. The noble green color causes appetite at first glance, and the delicate texture of the sauce will give an unforgettable gastronomic pleasure. Cooking time: 15 minutes.
- Garlic shooters - 200 g.
- Hard cheese, such as parmesan - 100 g.
- Olive oil - 100 ml.
- Basil - 50 g.
- Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l
Stage of preparation:
- Before you start cooking pasta, garlic arrows must be chopped with a knife.
- Put cheese, basil and garlic in a bowl, pour olive oil.
- Beat the mixture with a blender until the paste becomes homogeneous.
- Add lemon juice to taste.
- If, according to the recipe, the paste from the garlic arrows turned out to be thick, then it can be diluted with olive oil.
Garlic is ideally combined with meat and vegetables, so the product cooked according to our recipes will be an excellent seasoning for any dishes. You can modify pasta recipes: garlic arrows can be replaced with leaves, and the amount of ingredients can be easily varied up or down.