Parvovirus enteritis is a viral disease of dogs and is manifested by vomiting, diarrhea, development of puppy myocarditis.
This type of enteritis is caused by a DNA-containing virus that belongs to the parvovirus family. The size of the viral particles is about 22 nm. This virus is resistant to organic solvents (chloroform, ether, ethanol), bile. In feces and frozen parenchymal organs persists throughout the year. The causative agent of the disease "parvovirus enteritis" is also resistant to antibacterial agents: penicillin, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, neomycin, tetracycline. Under the influence of 2-3% hot solutions of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, the pathogen inactivates within a few minutes.
Dogs are most susceptible at an early age - from two weeks to a year. Animals older than two years are very rarely ill, and even then, the disease proceeds without pronounced symptoms.
From patients to healthy animals, the virus spreads through contact, through the organisms of flies, rats, mice, attendants and care items. In the spread of the disease, virus-carrier dogs take an active role.
The predisposing factors (poor conditions for keeping and feeding animals, the presence of helminth infections) have significant significance in the occurrence of the disease, operations, vaccinations, change of ownership, etc.
The incubation period in natural conditions lasts up to 10 days. Moreover, under experimental infection, this period is about 3-4 days. In young animals aged three weeks to seven months, the disease often proceeds in a super-acute form, puppies die in a coma within three days.
Sick animals refuse to feed, they record vomiting with mucus, and sometimes blood. Initially, feces are gray, then yellow with an admixture of blood or watery with a fetid odor. Parvovirus enteritis is very often accompanied by fever. In puppies, signs of gastroenteritis and myocarditis are observed, mortality sometimes reaches 70–80%, in adults - 5–35%. A characteristic symptom of parvovirus enteritis in dogs is the development of leukopenia on the 4th-5th day. The number of white blood cells in the blood decreases and ranges from 300 to 2500 T / L.
Diagnose the disease using serological, electron microscopic and hematological studies. Parvovirus enteritis should be differentiated from leptospirosis, plague, infectious hepatitis.
If your pet is diagnosed with parvovirus enteritis in dogs, the treatment is pathogenetic in nature. Therapeutic actions are aimed at eliminating vomiting, dehydration (dehydration) of the body, diarrhea, acidosis, as well as second infection. Active detoxification and dehydration therapy is carried out using a 10–20% glucose solution. The drug is administered intravenously using droppers. The loss of salts is made up by the introduction of potassium and calcium solutions in a ratio of 2: 1. Prescribe antispasmodics (no-shpa, baralgin) by intravenous or intramuscular injection with an interval of 3 hours. An effective tool is a 0.1% solution of atropine at a dose of 0.3–1 ml / 10 kg of body weight. This drug is administered parenterally (intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously) with an interval of 3 to 12 hours. With damage to the heart muscle, puppies are given intravenous digoxin or corglucon.
In order to prevent the development of the disease, isolation and treatment of sick animals is carried out. Places of keeping animals are thoroughly disinfected with an alkaline solution of formaldehyde (2% concentration). Conditionally healthy animals are vaccinated. Immunization of dogs must be carried out at the age of 2 to 12 months. Immunity lasts 12 months.
Dog coronavirus enteritis is a viral disease characterized by hemorrhagic inflammation of the digestive canal, dehydration and cachexia (depletion). The most susceptible to the disease are puppies under the age of five months. Coronovirus enteritis is caused by an RNA-containing virus that belongs to the Canine coronavinis family. The treatment and prevention of this disease is identical to parvovirus enteritis.