Biography of Angelina Vovk - famous TV presenter

The famous leading Russian television on September 16, 2013 celebrated its seventieth anniversary. Despite her venerable age, Angelina Vovk looks great, skiing, wintering, and is actively involved in the life of Russian television. The biography of Angelina Vovk indicates that she is a person with a clean and open heart. What is the secret of her youth and harmony?

biography of angelina vovk

Biography of Angelina Vovk: career choice

The future TV presenter was born in the city of Tulun, Irkutsk Region in 1943. Mikhail Nikitich Vovk, Angelina's father, served in the air forces and died in 1944, when his daughter was only one and a half years old. Her mother, Maria Kuzminichna, with her baby in her arms left for Moscow, got a job as an accountant at Vnukovo Airport. Angelina was fond of sports, dancing and attended a drama club. When the girl was in ninth grade, a television screening took place on Shabolovka, in which she decided to participate. She was noticed and advised to come after she graduated from school.

After graduation, Angelina Mikhailovna entered GITIS. While studying, she worked as a fashion model. And at the end of the institute, in 1966, she starred throughout the year in the film "Farewell" as the bride of the protagonist. In the same year, Angelina married Gennady Chertov. He then worked as an announcer of CT and acted in films, but he reacted extremely negatively to the acting profession. The husband to some extent influenced her decision to change the type of activity.

The biography of Angelina Vovk contains information that the famous TV presenter was considering an option for the director's profession. In 1968, she entered the Institute of Television at the faculty of directing. But a year later I realized that this was not her way. Then she, on the advice of her husband, decided to go to announcer courses. After graduating, I worked in the announcer department of the CT.

angelina vovk biography personal life

Biography of Angelina Vovk: gaining popularity

At first she only conducted news releases. Viewers began to recognize her later, when the children's programs Goodnight, Kids, Nanny Hurry to Help, and Alarm Clock appeared on television. Then there was the "Music Kiosk", "Morning Post", which was loved by almost all the inhabitants of the country. She began to be invited as a host to various concerts, music competitions and festivals. Angelina Mikhailovna also managed to work in foreign projects, including “Speak Russian” (Japan), “Learning Russian” (1981, Czechoslovakia).

One of the most popular projects in Russia was the Song of the Year festival, hosted by Angelina Vovk for the first time in 1987. Since 2003, the children's festival "Song of the Year" has been broadcast - the author’s project of the TV presenter. Now she is one of the leading programs in our time and Good morning, Russia. It is interesting that last year, at the age of 69, Angelina Mikhailovna successfully participated in the project "Dancing with the Stars."

Angelina Vovk, biography. Personal life

angelina vovk biography children

She lived with her first husband for 16 years, but it so happened that in 1982 they broke up. For the second time, the TV presenter married the artist and architect Indřich Getz, with whom they were together until 1995.

Angelina Vovk, biography. Children

Unfortunately, neither in the first nor in the second marriage, Angelina Mikhailovna had her own children in connection with the two operations undergone. But she believes that her whole life and work is only for children and for the sake of children, albeit strangers. Now the TV presenter is fighting for the preservation and revival of the traditions and creativity of the people of Russia, goes in for sports, often happens in nature and continues to work for the delight of viewers.

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