Is it possible to smoke with angina? Doctor's recommendations

You can talk as much as you like about the dangers of smoking, but the process of getting rid of this habit requires composure and willpower. Smokers have their own problems that need to be addressed, for example, is it possible to smoke with angina, how this will affect the healing process, and how not to harm yourself.

One of the problems that can aggravate the situation is that in everyday life they call any disease that is characterized by painful sensations in the throat. But not every disease can be cured with hot tea with raspberry jam, and sore throats are different.

treatment of angina in adults at home

Angina or a similar disease?

There are several types of tonsillitis or acute tonsillitis, the main symptom is inflammation of the tonsils. Glands or palatine tonsils redden, increase in size, ulcers may appear on them, swallowing becomes painful. High temperature against the background of acute tonsillitis is an absolutely normal phenomenon for the inflammatory process.

Before wondering whether it is possible to smoke with angina, it is worth determining whether it is really about tonsillitis. Perhaps this is pharyngitis, pharyngeal abscess, diphtheria or scarlet fever. Doing self-diagnosis, as well as self-medication, is not worth it - you can miss the moment and aggravate the situation if we are talking about some kind of serious disease. Even if it’s a sore throat, its course can be different in the degree of inflammation of the tonsils, and can be caused by various bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms.

Can I smoke with angina

Throat condition with angina

Determining for yourself whether it is possible to smoke with angina, first of all, it is worth sensibly assessing the condition of the throat. Inflamed tonsils hurt, it feels like the throat has become very narrow, it becomes difficult to swallow food and even water. Of course, tobacco smoke does not need to be swallowed, but it can cause pain when puffed, so it would be wise to limit smoking at least until the moment the condition improves.

The effects of tobacco smoke on sore throats

Smoking belongs to bad habits, it is an indisputable fact, but smokers usually do not think about the details. How does tobacco smoke affect sore throats and is it possible to smoke with angina? Each cigarette gives the smoker a certain amount of nicotine and tar, the smoke contains carcinogens, a whole bunch of allergens. Even without acute tonsillitis, smoking can cause an unpleasant sensation of painful soreness in the larynx - this mucous membrane of the throat signals a negative effect.

With tonsillitis, the tonsils and mucous membranes are inflamed, the body's natural protective functions are reduced, the probability of injury to the vulnerable larynx, even a sharp cough, is seriously increased. A portion of tobacco smoke can spur inflammation, provoke an allergic reaction, even if in healthy condition the patient is not allergic.

is it possible to smoke cigarettes with angina

Treatment of angina in adults at home

In most cases, angina does not require radical treatment if the pain is moderate and the temperature does not rise above 39 degrees. Of the medications, an antipyretic is prescribed, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used as the main treatment. To diagnose and determine the daily dosage of drugs, you must consult a doctor, this will help to cure sore throat as quickly as possible and without excluding the presence of aggravating factors or a more serious illness.

It is advisable to observe bed rest, not to tire and not try to heroically transfer the disease on the legs, this will help to avoid complications. In addition to pharmaceuticals, plentiful warm drink helps a lot. If swallowing is very painful, lidocaine candies help, they temporarily reduce the sensitivity of the throat and allow you to eat calmly.

sore throat what to do

Diagnosis and choice of treatment, if a visit to the doctor is not possible

It is not always possible and time to visit the clinic, so you should know how to make an indicative diagnosis and alleviate the condition of the patient. In the vast majority of cases, tonsillitis or acute tonsillitis is visible visually - look into the patient's throat, enlarged reddened tonsils are visible to the naked eye. If white or yellow spots are clearly visible on the tonsils, this is most likely a type of acute tonsillitis. Is it possible to smoke with purulent sore throat, when abscesses are visible on the tonsils? Try to abstain at least for the duration of the acute course of the disease, this will help to recover faster.

Scarlet fever, of course, is dangerous, but if you vaccinated at one time, then the chances of getting sick are extremely small. If there is no extremely high temperature, vomiting, blurred consciousness, other types of pain, then it is advisable to put the patient to bed, bring down the temperature with antipyretic drugs, and provide plenty of warm drink. Traditional tea with raspberry jam or cranberry juice is perfect.

is it possible to smoke with purulent tonsillitis

What to do if you want to smoke?

The recommendations of doctors are understandable, but you have to take into account the needs of the smokers themselves, it is far from always possible to refuse a cigarette. If the temperature is very high, the patient will not be up to them - a febrile state and deep sleep automatically repel cravings for smoking. Treatment of angina in adults at home implies compliance with bed rest, so it is better to sleep off. If you try to tolerate the disease on your legs, it will be much more difficult to resist the habit of cheering yourself up with a cigarette.

what is possible with angina

What can be done with angina?

Perhaps this is due to the stressful rhythm of life and the inability to take care of oneself, but according to statistics, most adults and responsible people believe that bed rest is intended only for wimps and in very serious conditions. This is especially true for women who regard the sick-list as an extra opportunity to arrange cleaning or solve other domestic problems. Is it possible to smoke cigarettes with angina, go to work, arrange spontaneous repairs or solve other problems? It is advisable to avoid all of the above, this can aggravate the disease.

It is better to choose a sparing diet, to exclude heavy fatty foods - the general intoxication of the body with inflammation of the tonsils reduces the possibility of normal digestion. You can eat dairy products, chicken stock, boiled or stewed chicken. It is advisable to exclude coffee, strong tea, alcohol is strictly contraindicated.

Electronic cigarette during a sore throat

It is during a sore throat that a smoker can visit the idea that it is worth replacing regular cigarettes with electronic ones. Indeed, they will create the illusion of the so-called “harmless smoking”, in the smoke, or rather, in the vapor, there are no resins and combustion products, but can it be considered that this does not harm at all?

Doctors unanimously argue that using electronic cigarettes is extremely undesirable, because it does not eliminate nicotine. In addition, it leaves a psychological habit to smoke for any reason and even without it, and fragrances can be an additional opportunity to get an allergy. With sore throat, the soft tissues of the throat and mucous membranes are completely defenseless, practically this is an open gate for any negative factors. If it is possible to refrain from smoking, it is better not to fool yourself, replacing one type of nicotine with another.

highly undesirable

Sore throat, stress and cigarettes

Why are you drawn to a smoke even during an illness? This is largely due to stress; for an adult, a forced downtime caused by an unplanned sick leave can be a source of additional concern. At work, a report is on, someone has to follow the children, there is no one to cook dinner, and then this sore throat, what should I do? For smokers, stress and cigarettes are closely related, so during the illness pulls to smoke. An additional factor may be forced idleness, if there is nothing to do, you want to go and smoke a cigarette or two.

To reduce the craving for smoking, you should seriously think - is everything really so sad that you need to feel guilty for just a little sore throat? Rest and bed rest during illness is not a whim, but the implementation of the doctor’s prescriptions, which, in turn, are prescribed not as a meaningless ritual, but for a speedy recovery and elimination of possible complications. Therefore, you can not do self-flagellation, do not exacerbate stress, and the need for cigarettes is reduced.

Do not engage in self-deception. Cigarettes do not reduce sore throat during a sore throat, tobacco smoke does not have medicinal properties. Menthol cigarettes can create a false impression of relief. It’s just that the nerve endings are slightly numb, but it’s much safer to achieve the same effect with ordinary pharmacy lollipops with a small content of lidocaine.

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