Landscapes Nature Watercolor

What could be more soothing for any of us than to look at the stunning landscapes of nature executed in watercolor. It's no secret that the work done with a pencil, gouache, crayons and other means - cause no less admiration. But not always the pretentiousness of drawings made in pencil or gouache is compared with the ease of watercolor. Nature pencil drawings written by various authors certainly deserve attention, but in turn, the landscapes of nature in watercolor leave an indelible impression on us for a very long time! Watercolor creates the integrity of the picture, involuntarily forcing her to admire her for hours.

Long gone are the days when little attention was paid to landscapes. Today, landscapes of nature - this is what we see around us, this is our world! The immense beauty of the native land, foreign wild spaces, the raging ocean or the playful sea - all these are colossal landscapes of nature. But how to draw landscapes, while conveying all their mystery and splendor?

The mysterious combination of colors and smooth transitions of watercolors allow you to most accurately convey what they saw with human eyes on the canvas. Watercolor landscapes create a feeling of lightness and airiness. The unity of form and content, allows you to plunge headlong into the disturbing sea, run through your thoughts in a golden field or feel all the warmth and tenderness of the sun rising above a birch grove. To immortalize with the help of a canvas, a brush and a watercolor the rays of the autumn sun playing on fallen leaves, an old willow-tree leaning towards the water, to convey all the inspiration of birds flying to the warm edges, to focus not on the whole forest glade, but on a large pine tree, curled from centuries gone by - this is the highest degree of art!

Of course, any painting can be ruined by its naivety or cynicism of execution, but creating masterpieces, most great artists invested in their work not only a hidden lofty meaning, but also all the spiritual beauty that they themselves were filled with. That is why, at first glance, unpretentious landscapes of nature, when examined in detail, reveal to us particles of the mysterious living world and the world of the human soul, the hudonik soul! Watercolor landscapes are not just paintings to decorate our daily lives, but also an indispensable attribute of spiritual perfection and unity with nature!

Landscape in photography

Not so long ago, such a form of art as landscape in photography came to us. The pictures capture various corners of the world, starting with the most famous natural monuments and ending with the most hidden corners of the planet. We must pay tribute to modern art and say that high-quality pictures of nature fully convey all its splendor and accuracy of forms. But in any case, even the highest quality photo cannot be compared with a watercolor painting! And even if there are inaccuracies in the picture, but nature will appear before us as we will not see it in everyday life! You can argue and say that a photographer, like an artist, sees landscapes of nature in his own way and that will be true! But who, if not the artist, conveys on canvas not only authentic splendor, but also state of mind, the look of a simple person on the great creation of the world ?!

Summing up, we can say that each of us has the right to choose the type of art that he likes best, whether it be photography, pencil drawing or watercolor painting. But in any case, before talking about the simplicity and uncomplicated nature of paintings painted with watercolors, you need to plunge into the artist’s world and try to see what he wanted to express and convey to you in his creation.

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