Eggplant Caviar Recipe

Eggplant caviar has long ceased to be a delicacy dish. In August and September, when the main harvesting of this caviar takes place, its main components are sold in abundance in stores and markets. Today, eggplant caviar recipe has at the same time the simplest and most widespread one, because eggplant has already received well-deserved recognition not only in Russia, but also in the cuisines of different countries of the world.

He came to us from Turkey and immediately got the name “Busurman vegetable”, but gradually began to be widely used not only as a vegetable for the preparation of caviar, various eggplant recipes appeared . For food, they began to use boiled, stewed, baked, fried, as well as cooked on the grill. Eggplant is also added to various kinds of salads. Those fruits that are still slightly ripened are usually suitable for food. They are rich in vitamin B and fiber, and also contain calcium, iron and phosphorus.

Nevertheless, the most famous dish of them was eggplant caviar, the recipes for which are quite simple. Of the components in it, in addition to eggplant, usually add tomatoes at the rate of one tomato per one not very large eggplant, onions and salt and pepper to taste. Previously, the eggplant should be baked in a frying pan in vegetable oil, they must be baked under the lid until they become soft. After baking, vegetables should be freed from the skin. You can not clean it, but simply cut it and clean the pulp from the skin with a spoon. To the resulting pulp add tomatoes, finely chopped onions, mix everything thoroughly together with salt and pepper. Put the whole mixed mass in the refrigerator and after cooling, your cold snack is ready.

There is also an eggplant caviar recipe for cooking, which provides for a slightly different order of culinary processing of products. Eggplant should be sprinkled with vegetable oil, chopped in several places with a fork and baked in the oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. During this time, you need to cut the onions into small cubes and peel the tomatoes from the skins, holding a little in boiling water before doing this. Then put one tomato, garlic, cilantro and a spoonful of olive oil in a blender. A more traditional version of eggplant caviar has a recipe, if you add baked peppers, however, some housewives prefer to lay them on the table as a separate dish.

All the contents of the blender should be crushed to a smooth mashed state. When the eggplants have reached readiness, that is, they have become quite soft, but have not yet turned into porridge, they must be carefully freed from the skin and cut into small cubes. Now you need to take the remaining tomatoes and cut them into small cubes, like onions. The cooking process has moved to the final phase, you need to mix the chopped vegetables and mashed potatoes from a blender, add some more vegetable oil and mix everything as it should. Such caviar immediately immediately pleases with its mouth-watering appearance and excellent taste, but to get the full taste it needs to brew in the refrigerator for one or two days.

There are a large number of eggplant recipes, in addition to caviar, eggplant recipes fried with garlic are quite popular. Cooking them is very simple, you need to thoroughly rinse, cut the green "ass" and cut into thin slices along. Then salt to taste and let salt accumulate for half an hour, then rinse, dry and fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil over medium heat for one to two minutes on each side. Finely chop the herbs, onions and grate the garlic, mix all this and put on the cooked slices. Eggplant with this mass must be rolled up and served. Such a dish can be consumed both hot and cold.

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