Antonova Nina, actress: biography, personal life, filmography

There are actors to whom success comes in youth, other representatives of this difficult profession need years to reach heights. Nina Vasilyevna first appeared in the cinema in 1958, at a young age, but the real fame came to her after fifty, and life in the cinema continues to this day.

Actress childhood and youth

Nina Antonova was born in 1935 in the village of Bakaly in Bashkiria. Her father is a military man, and her mother is a housewife, engaged in raising four children, of which Nina got the role of the firstborn. Life in the village at that time was very difficult, it was necessary to help parents, to do housework.

Mom dreamed that the children had a decent education, for this the family first moved to the town of Oktyabrsky. Here Ninochka went to school, ran to the Club of Oil Workers with pleasure, studied in a drama club and took her first tiny steps on the big stage.

Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming an actress, although her parents were very opposed to this. Then the young star said that she would go to ballerinas, which upset them even more. They had to come to terms and watch how the little fragile daughter will soon conquer cities and countries.

Become an Actress

Russian Institute of Theater Arts

Like many other applicants who came to Moscow from the hinterland, Nina Antonova was struck by the scale of the capital, was afraid to cross the road or go on an escalator. The girl looked modestly against the background of relaxed and free beauties from Moscow, but she boldly went to the goal and submitted documents to three Moscow universities connected with the world of theater and cinema.

I didn’t pass the selection at GITIS and VGIK, but I won the examination committee at the Boris Schukin Theater School, the famous “Pike”. She performed in a dress sewn by a homegrown dressmaker - modestly, blue. I read an excerpt from a poem by M. Aliger about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, looked very sincere and clean.

At the school, she had a very bright, eventful life - studies and rehearsals, acquaintance with the basics of mastery and immersion in the world of real art. The role of this fragile, miniature girl is travesty, the list of roles includes children, adolescents and even the prince in the play “Three Fat Men”.

Great cinematic life

Since 1958, Nina Antonova has been working as an actress at the Lenfilm film studio, since 1964 - at the A. P. Dovzhenko film studio in Kiev, where she moved for family reasons. Since 1958, her work in the cinema begins, the first role is Natka Shaganova in the film "Military Secret", filmed on the novel by Arkady Gaidar.

Lenfilm studio"

Nina Vasilievna recalled that at that time she met the writer’s son Timur and the writer’s wife. They became close friends. Timur Arkadevich once was very upset when he found out that the actress had problems with entering the theater due to lack of registration, and she did not want to bother him.

Nina Antonova had in the films the main roles and supporting roles. For example, in the famous comedy “For Two Hares,” Antonova played a servant, although she auditioned for the main female role - Khimki. After the tests, it became clear that the type and color were different, Ninochka was cheerful, incendiary, and Khimka was mannered and flirtatious. In 1969, she plays the main role of Varya Kravets in the film "Varkina Land," in the 1970s. - already age roles: the mother of schoolchildren Toli Simagin and Petya Sunny, the wife of Lieutenant Colonel Klokov and a teacher.

In 1989, Nina Antonova for the first time in her cinematic life had the opportunity to try on the role of her grandmother (the film "Green Fire of the Goat"). Then in her acting life were the chairman of the regional executive committee ("Personal Weapons"), baba Zoya ("Bridges of the Heart"), baba Katya ("When the cranes fly south ..."), baba Ganya ("Black Cats").

Nina Vasilievna played in Russian films, and participated in the American project “Sex in the USSR” and in the German film “Shadow Times”. In 2014, when she was just under eighty years old, she played the role of an elderly nurse in the film "Poddubny", dedicated to the famous Russian strongman.

Interesting appearance - feature artist

interesting appearance Antonova

Many movie actors carefully monitor their own appearance, carry out procedures and perform plastic surgery. Nina Antonova is not one of those as she recalls. In her youth, the actress made egg and sour cream face masks, in adulthood she used conventional cosmetics. I was going to do the plastic to be in the trend, but was afraid of a divorce, my husband protested.

Now that the actress is well over eighty, she is very popular with Russian directors. Appearance is age-appropriate; she herself laughs that it is difficult to find such a “face of the face”, around are youthful faces that are tightened dozens of times. But her, unpretentious at first glance, small and modest, remembered from the first instant of appearing on the screen.

Main Cinematic Award

Antonova at the award ceremony

Sixty years passed before actress Nina Antonova received the largest cinematic award in her life. The main prize - "Golden Duke" - was awarded to her at the eighth Odessa Film Festival for her role in a documentary. It is interesting that the film was called “The Main Role”, and in it the actress had to play herself. The film was directed by the son of Antonova, the director Sergei Bukovsky, known today in Ukraine.

The film is dedicated to the life of Nina Vasilievna Antonova, talks about her cinematic fate and personal life. The director had to persuade her mother to star in this film for a long time, and until the last she doubted whether she was worthy to become the main character. Answering journalists' questions, Antonova emphasized that her main role is to be a loving mother and wife, a good person, and only then an actress.

Love at first sight

Antonova with her husband

Finding happiness in the profession is a good thing, but when happiness comes into personal life, then this world becomes completely different. Probably something like this could say Nina Antonova, whose personal life is associated with only one man - Anatoly Bukovsky. At one time, the girl was not taken to the Moscow theater due to the lack of a capital registration and she had to return to Kiev. But it was there that fate awaited her in the form of a pretty student at the Karpenko-Kary Institute.

They met on the set of her first film, Military Secret, where Anatoly worked as an assistant director, and no longer parted. Family life was difficult in material terms, the young couple huddled in a rented tiny apartment. Overcoming his own pride, Bukovsky, a former front-line soldier, turned to Sidor Kovpak, deputy. Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR.

Thanks to the patronage, the young family received their own one-room housing, and later they exchanged it for a two-room apartment. Nina Vasilievna Antonova lives in this apartment on the Lesnaya massif even now, continuing to act in films and delight fans with new roles and new films.

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