Everyone knows about how useful the lingonberry berry is. It is very rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. I would like to eat such a tasty and healthy lingonberry with honey all year, and not just in the summer season. The most reliable and easy recipe that will preserve not only the taste, but also all the beneficial properties of the berry is lingonberry with honey for the winter without cooking. You should take care of the preparations for the winter in advance, so that in the cold season you stay healthy and not get sick, because lingonberries just perfectly work against colds.
Lingonberry with honey
The recipe for those who love sweets, but do not want to gain extra pounds. This dish is made of lingonberry very quickly. And, despite this, the berry practically does not lose its useful properties, because all the exposure to heat is pumped by steaming cans, where it will need to be folded.
To cook lingonberries with honey for the winter without cooking, you do not need to be a great specialist. Absolutely any person can make such a dish if he wants to eat a tasty and healthy berry in the winter. You just need to grind lingonberries with a blender or a meat grinder, mix it with honey, carefully arrange it in sterilized cans in advance and send it to the refrigerator. You can also pack the berry in disposable bags and put in the freezer. Depending on where the lingonberry and honey will be stored in the refrigerator, the recipe may be slightly different.
How to store lingonberries?
- If you store berries in honey in a freezer, the proportions should be as follows: 1: 5 (honey / berries) or 2: 5 (honey must be put to taste).
- If you store lingonberries with honey for the winter in the refrigerator, then the proportions should be as follows: 1: 3 (so the berries last longer).
These are brief basic procurement principles. Now you can consider this recipe in more detail, taking into account all the nuances. In general, many delicious dishes are prepared from lingonberries for the winter. They make jam out of it, make compotes. Unfortunately, after heat treatment, many vitamins lose their properties, so cranberries with honey without cooking will be the most useful option.
How to cook lingonberries?
The composition of fresh berries includes a special substance - pectin. Due to this, in combination with sugar or honey, the berry mass takes a jelly form. And from it you can cook various desserts in winter and bake delicious sweet cakes. The berry harvested in advance will not spread.
Lingonberries do not need to clean and remove bones from it. You can prepare it very simply by putting it on a colander and thoroughly rinsing it under running tap with running water. Then grind in any convenient way, but it is better not to use metal at the same time. You can use a wooden mortar or nozzle for a plastic blender. Then you need to mix lingonberries with honey in the above proportion. Let this mass stand for a while and melt, then roll it all up in jars. Before you roll up, the cans need to be washed and held over the steam. Now lingonberry with honey according to the recipe without cooking is ready. This is the fastest recipe. But you can dream up and add other fruits and berries to this dessert.
Lingonberries, mashed with sugar: proportions
- Lingonberries - 2 kilograms.
- Sugar - 2.5-3 kilograms.
Cooking process:
Step number 1. You need to sort out the berry from debris, twigs and leaves, put it on a colander and wash it thoroughly. Then you need to wait a little while the water drains.
Step number 2. Pour into a prepared deep bowl. Then crush the berry with a wooden mortar or blender, but preferably with a plastic nozzle. You can also use a meat grinder.
Step number 3. Pour granulated sugar (1 kilogram) and wait about an hour for the lingonberry to give juice.
Step number 4. Then add another 1 kilogram of granulated sugar. And let stand for another 20 minutes.
Step number 5. While lingonberries are standing and letting the juice, you need to prepare cans. Wash them using soda, and then steam them in a water bath.
Step number 6. You need to carefully put lingonberries in jars. Pour sugar on top of 2 centimeters.
Step number 7. You can close the dishes with ordinary nylon covers or roll up with special iron ones.
Step number 8. Turning over the banks is not necessary. You can store lingonberries in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place, for example, in a cellar.
Lingonberry with honey for the winter. Jelly
Essential Ingredients:
- Lingonberry berries - 600 grams.
- Water - 700 milliliters.
- Gelatin - 3 tablespoons.
- Vermouth or gin - 3 tablespoons.
- Sugar - 300 grams.
- Honey - 100 grams.
How to cook:
Another recipe for lingonberries with honey for the winter. Only in this version will it have a jelly consistency.
- Put the well-washed berry in a deep bowl and chop it in any convenient way.
- Pour sugar in a small amount and leave for 20 minutes.
- You need to boil the water and then let it cool to a warm state. And fall asleep, mix gelatin into it, wait until it swells.
- Then you need to add gin or vermouth, honey and granulated sugar to this mixture, which remains. Then mix it all very well to get a homogeneous mass.
- Then mix the gelatin mixture with lingonberries and refrigerate until the jelly hardens.
- In the same way, you can lay out jelly in layers. Or dream up and add whole lingonberries or any other.
- You can cook such a dessert with the addition of layers of cottage cheese, yogurt, whipped cream.
Lingonberries, mashed with sugar with strawberries
Grocery list:
- Sugar - 2 kilograms.
- Powdered sugar.
- Strawberries - 1 kilogram.
- Lingonberry berries - 1 kilogram.
Practical part
Step 1. Go through the berries from leaves and twigs, wash well in a colander under the tap. Remove leaves from strawberries and also rinse in a colander.
Step 2. Strawberries and lingonberries need to be scrolled in a meat grinder or chopped with a blender. Pour sugar and refrigerate for several hours.
Step 3. After the sugar has dissolved and mixed with berries, you need to mix everything very well until smooth. And then it is necessary to decompose all this mass into banks, which had to be sterilized in advance. Sprinkle icing sugar on top and cover with nylon covers.
Step 4. Store such jelly in the refrigerator.
Lingonberry with black currant
Products that are needed:
- Lingonberry - 700 grams.
- Blackcurrant - 500 grams.
- Honey - 500 grams.
How to cook:
Step number 1. It is necessary to sort out and peel the berries of black currant and lingonberry from the leaves.
Step number 2. Wash all berries in a colander under running water. Wait until water drains from them and put them on a dry towel.
Step number 3. Transfer blackcurrants and lingonberries with honey into a large bowl. Grind with a blender or meat grinder, you can use a wooden mortar.
Step number 4. The mixture should stand for about an hour, then it needs to be stirred and put in glass jars, previously sterilized. And close with iron or nylon caps.
Step number 5. It is good to store the berry prepared in this way in the refrigerator or in a dark, cool place, for example, in the cellar.
Lingonberries with the addition of gooseberries
- Lingonberry - 500 grams.
- Gooseberries - 500 grams.
- Honey - 250 grams.
- Water - 200 milliliters.
Step 1. Go through the leaves and twigs of berries. To pick leaves from gooseberries. Rinse in a colander. Put in a large bowl.
Step 2. Grind the berries with a meat grinder or blender.
Step 3. Put honey in a large pot and pour water there. Boil, stirring the mass all the time so that the syrup does not burn.
Step 4. As soon as it begins to boil, immediately remove the syrup from the heat, cool to a warm state, sometimes stirring.
Step 5. Pour the berries with this syrup, stir. Refrigerate for several hours.
Step 6. Remove from the refrigerator, stir again, and only then put into jars, which must be sterilized before. Cover with lids, put in a cold place.
These recipes, how to cook lingonberries with honey for the winter, are very simple and at the same time useful, because the berry does not undergo heat treatment and therefore does not lose useful substances. Therefore, such simple preparations for the winter are an excellent contribution to health so as not to get colds during the whole year. And vitamins will be missed all winter, and not only in the summer, during the period of fresh berries and fruits.