How to cook a pie with onions and eggs in a slow cooker?

A variety of goodies are prepared in the slow cooker, starting from borsch or soup and ending with delicious aromatic pastries. In this article, weโ€™ll look at how to make a pie with eggs and onions in a slow cooker so that it turns out to be extremely tasty. There can be absolutely any test, if only the dish becomes juicy, mouth-watering and satisfying.

Classic egg and onion pie recipe

To bake an original, mouth-watering and fragrant dish, you need to properly prepare not only the filling, but also the dough. To do this, you must adhere to the recipe.

In a batter, beat 2 eggs with a pinch of salt and 5 g of soda, gradually add 1 cup of sifted flour. The dough should be the same liquid and homogeneous consistency as the pancakes. Sour cream and mayonnaise are poured here for tenderness and airiness of baking. Prescription sugar is also poured (2 tbsp. L.).

pie with onions and eggs in a slow cooker

If you add a little more, the dough will not deteriorate, but on the contrary will become tastier. Cover with a towel and let it insist.

Meanwhile, we make the filling: we clean the remaining 8 pieces of eggs (they need to be boiled beforehand) and one, but a large bunch of green onions (can be replaced with onions), then finely chop the products. Mix thoroughly and add the necessary spices. Now everything is ready and you can start cooking the cake with onions and eggs.

It is advisable to grease the multicooker bowl with something bold, for example, butter or vegetable oil. If the container is non-stick, then it is not necessary to lubricate it. Pour half of our dough into the multicooker pan, and spread the filling on top with an even layer. Then pour the rest of the mass, close the lid and only then turn on the baking mode. We set the time to 40-50 minutes, depending on the specific model of technology. If you have a slow cooker, then 20 minutes is enough.

Do not remove any baked goods immediately after preparation. Let the cake cool first, and then carefully remove it.

Jellied pie with onion and egg in a multicooker

This cake is very easy to prepare.

First, mix 400 ml of kefir with soda, then add 2 eggs and mix thoroughly with a blender. Pour a pinch of salt with sugar (1 tbsp. L.) Into the same mixture and pour vegetable oil. Here we also add in advance 250 g of sifted flour. We mix everything until smooth so that there are no bubbles and lumps. The dough turns out liquid.

Now we proceed to the filling: cook 6 eggs, cool them and peel them, then grind them into small cubes. Onions (one, you can and two beams) are also finely chopped. Then we mix greens in one container with eggs and salt to taste. When the filling is ready, proceed to the preparation of our baking.

pie egg with green onions in a slow cooker

To begin with, do not forget to grease the cup so that the cake does not burn. Now we pour half of the prepared dough here, and evenly distribute our filling on top, which can be leveled with a spoon or fork. Then pour the remaining dough and close the bowl. Set the baking mode to 50 minutes, depending on the model.

Add mushrooms

Of course, you can diversify the filling. For example, add mushrooms. The taste of the cake does not deteriorate at all, but only improves. That is, the dough is doing exactly the same as in the previous recipe. We get jellied pie with onions, eggs and mushrooms. Eggs - 5 pcs.

Eggs (5 pcs.) And green onions to taste need to be peeled and finely chopped, and then mixed in one container. Mushrooms (300 g) can be chopped at random, and 2 pcs. onions - half rings.

jellied pie with onions and eggs in a slow cooker

Pour vegetable oil into the pan, let it heat well. Now we lower the mushrooms there and fry until half ready. Then add the onions and fry them all together until the mushrooms are ready. They can not be salted in a pan.

Now we shift the mushrooms to the already chopped eggs and green onions. All together, gently mix, salt and add any spices to your liking.

When the filling is cooked, bake the cake as described in the previous recipe. Pie with onions and eggs in a slow cooker is ready to eat. However, it is advisable that the baking is cooled first.

Add rice

This recipe is a godsend for housewives. The cake is cooked quickly and a delicious nutritious dinner is obtained. To prepare it, you will need very simple ingredients.

First, prepare the dough. It is necessary to pour in a bowl 100 g of sour cream and 5 g of soda, mix. Add one egg, 40 g of tomato paste and 1 tbsp. sifted flour. Mix the dough with a mixer until smooth.

Now we start the filling: chop 4 boiled eggs into cubes, and chop the onion arbitrarily. Mix these foods. Boil the rice until cooked and add to the onion and eggs. Mix everything gently, salt and add the necessary spices.

Lubricate the bowl and pour half the dough into it. Then spread the whole filling evenly. Top with the second half of the dough. Close the lid and set to bake for 40-50 minutes. Pie with onions and eggs in the slow cooker is ready!

pie onion with egg in the multicooker recipes

Layered cake

There are many recipes for pies with onions and eggs in a slow cooker. Consider one of them, which is done with puff pastry.

Puff pastry with egg and onion in a slow cooker cooks quickly and easily. If there is no time to make puff pastry, you can buy it in a store. It takes only two layers to prepare our baking. For the filling, cut into small cubes 7 boiled eggs and green onions, and rub the cheese on a fine grater. Then mix the products, salt, add the necessary spices.

Grease a bowl of a multicooker with butter, put a sheet of puff pastry on the bottom. Spread the filling evenly on top. Then cover the eggs and onions with a second sheet of dough. Tie the edges of the cake very carefully.

In a separate container, beat one egg with milk. Lightly salt the liquid mixture and grease the top layer of dough.

multicooker recipe for onion and egg pie

Close the lid and set the cake to bake for 40-50 minutes. It all depends on the specific multicooker model.

Cooking recommendations

  1. If you have health problems and you canโ€™t eat bitter green onions, then scald it first in boiling water, then all the bitterness will come out of it.

  2. Sour cream can be added to the filling itself, then the cake will turn out more juicy and tasty.

  3. To make the cake more magnificent, instead of soda, you can add baking powder. Its taste is not felt, but on baking it is perfectly reflected.

  4. Sour cream can be replaced with kefir. The main thing is that there is an acid that extinguishes soda.

  5. Mayonnaise gives baking tenderness, but there is one caveat: it is advisable to make this ingredient yourself at home, then the usefulness of the cake is obvious.

  6. It is advisable to take onions and eggs homemade and only then the cake will be more flavorful.


We examined several basic recipes for pie with onions and eggs in a slow cooker. If you follow all the necessary recommendations, then baking is not only nutritious, but also very useful.

how to make a pie with onions and eggs in a slow cooker

Look at the photo, how beautiful you can make a pie with an egg and green onions in a slow cooker. It is only necessary to show imagination. Cook with pleasure and delight your loved ones with new recipes that will not leave anyone indifferent.

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