Unfortunately, the process of growing up does not always go unnoticed. In some cases, due to hormonal jumps, many unpleasant symptoms and diseases can appear. One of them is the hypothalamic syndrome of puberty (GSPP).
Consider in more detail the basic information about the disease.
What is puberty hypothalamic syndrome ?
It represents a wide variety of symptoms, the appearance of which was provoked by violations of the hormonal-exchange functions of the body as a result of damage to the hypothalamus and adrenal glands.
At the same time, the hypothalamic syndrome of puberty in girls is more likely to occur about 10 times more often than in boys.
In the medical literature there are many other names for this disease: puberty-youthful basopilism, basophilism of the puberty period, diencephalic syndrome of the puberty-youthful period, dispituitarism of the puberty-youthful period, puberty-youthful dispituitarism, puberty-basophilia syndrome.
Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease
Hypothalamic puberty syndrome can be accompanied by many specific symptoms. Moreover, they are observed in one or simultaneously in several body systems.
So, what are the signs that characterize the hypothalamic puberty syndrome?
- On the part of metabolic processes. Patients are worried by constant thirst and a marked increase in appetite. During the examination, the specialist notices uniform deposition of fat in the shoulders, neck, hips, lower back. In this case, the face becomes rounded and has a pathological blush.
- From the nervous system and psyche. Patients complain of frequent dizziness, headaches, memory and sleep impairment, fatigue, depression, irritability, and tearfulness. An objective study determines the different size of the pupils, as well as the deviation of the tongue to the side of the horizontal line, the asymmetry of the reflexes, nasolabial folds and palpebral fissures, horizontal nystagmus.
- From the cardiovascular system and blood pressure. The disease is accompanied by its decrease. In 55-75 percent of cases, pressure is asymmetric, labile, and hypertension may occur. In addition, there may be a violation of the rhythm of the second tone above the aorta, intracranial hypertension, increased secretion of cortisol and aldosterone in the blood, and retinal angiopathy.
- From the reproductive system. Disruptions can be observed in the form of menstrual irregularities, uterine bleeding. The doctor also conducts an objective examination. Young people who have hypothalamic syndrome of puberty look a little older than their age. Moreover, their puberty occurs 1-2 years faster in comparison with peers. In boys, the face acquires a female type, hair grows very poorly on it even after puberty. Perhaps the development of gynecomastia. With all this, the sizes of the penis, scrotum and testicles are fully consistent with age and reach their final development by 15 years. As for the girls, they have the formation of secondary sexual characteristics ahead of time. Failures usually begin some time later (up to five years) after the start of the first menstrual cycle. They appear in the form of amenorrhea, uterine bleeding, very painful menstruation, hypomenstrual syndrome. Possible ovarian enlargement.
- On the part of the skin. The patient complains of dry skin and a violation of their integrity (stretch marks) in the abdomen, shoulders, hips, mammary glands, as well as excessive hair growth. During an external examination, the doctor additionally notes a marble-cyanotic skin color and the presence of thickening of the stratum corneum in the shoulders, elbows, as well as in places of friction of clothing. In addition, the skin is cold to the touch, especially in the hips and buttocks. It contains pink or red striae and an excessive amount of hair.
In addition to all this, there is an increase in the thyroid gland.
Causes of the disease
Scientists still have not been able to establish the exact cause of the onset of a disease such as hypothalamic puberty syndrome. It is only known that several factors can contribute to this process, such as frequent infectious diseases in childhood or the presence of a hereditary predisposition, sustained birth trauma.
The pathogenesis of hormonal disease
Hypothalamic syndrome of puberty can occur as a result of hereditary or non-hereditary factors.
In the first case, from generation to generation, carriers of the adiosis genotype transmit cells that are able to accumulate fat in themselves, while changing the intestinal mucosa. Patients with a disease of this type have a hyperliposynthetic orientation of metabolic processes and increased absorption in the intestines, as well as enzyme defects.
In the second case, namely, in the presence of non-hereditary factors, the nuclei of the hypothalamus are damaged or there is a violation in the interaction of pituitary and gonadotropic hormones.
Based on various indicators, the hypothalamic syndrome of puberty can be divided into types.
Depending on the nature of the course of the disease:
- stable;
- regressive;
- progressive;
- recurrent.
Depending on the clinical course:
- with a predominance of neurocircular disorders;
- with a predominance of hirsutism;
- with a predominance of obesity;
- mixed.
Depending on the severity:
Depending on the form:
- vegetative-visceral;
- neuro-trophic;
- hypothalamic epilepsy;
- vegetative-vascular;
- neuromuscular
- psychosthenic, pseudo neurotic;
- impaired performance and sleep;
- violation of thermoregulation ;
- neuroendocrine.
Who to contact for help?
Who will help eliminate a disease such as hypothalamic syndrome of puberty? Reviews of those faced with this problem suggest that you need to contact several doctors at once. This is an endocrinologist, pediatrician, otolaryngologist, neuropathologist, and for girls an additional gynecologist.
At the same time, a doctor’s observation is mandatory, since the disease is characterized by a sharp deterioration during stressful situations and in the absence of the necessary therapy.
Hypothalamic syndrome of puberty: methods of treatment
Getting rid of the disease includes taking pharmaceuticals, following a specially designed diet, and exercising. In this case, for a successful recovery, it is important to strictly comply with all the doctor's instructions. For greater convenience, we consider each of the types of therapy separately.
Drug treatment
What drugs can help get rid of a disease such as hypothalamic syndrome of puberty? Treatment involves the combination of several types of therapy to eliminate all its symptoms.
- Lipotropic drugs.
- Antihypertensive therapy.
- Sedatives.
- Absorbable therapy.
- Anorexic drugs (Orlistat, Meridia).
- Means for improving blood microcirculation (Cavinton, Stugeron, Cinnarizine).
- Preparations for improving the nutrition of cell structures (Cerebrolysin, Nootropil).
- Dehydration therapy ("Furosemide", "Magnesium Sulfate", "Voroshpiron").
Diet and exercise
First of all, it is important to review the diet. It is necessary to cancel numerous snacks, avoid overeating. At the same time, it is important to remove all high-calorie foods from the teenager’s menu, such as fatty meat, chocolate, ice cream, fast food, and so on.
Treatment involves diet No. 8. It includes reducing the calorie content of foods due to carbohydrates and partially fats. The introduction of vitamins C, E, A into the diet and the holding of fasting days are also provided for.
Physical activity is aimed at reducing the amount of fat mass. It should include morning exercises using special exercises, outdoor games, sports, water procedures, evening walks.
Forecast for the future
According to statistics, complete elimination of the disease occurs in 20-40% of cases.
In 20 percent of patients, disease progression is observed.
The rest remains a hidden form of the disease, which is characterized by the occurrence of relapses. Those, in turn, can lead to the development of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, infertility, complications during childbirth, hypothalamic syndrome of neuroendocrine form, secondary sclerocystosis of the ovaries.
The main ways to prevent the onset of hypothalamic syndrome of puberty are adolescents' observance of a healthy lifestyle and the observance of the rules of good nutrition. It is important to have physical exertion and frequent walks in the fresh air.
In addition, it is mandatory to carry out the rehabilitation of chronic foci of infection.
Be healthy!