Papillitis of the stomach: description, diagnosis, prevention and treatment features

Papillitis of the stomach - what is it? How to treat a similar disease? Before answering these questions, it should be recalled that any neoplasms that appeared on the skin of a person (face, neck, limbs) or his mucous membranes clearly indicate the activation of papillomavirus activity. What is the danger of their presence in the body? Doctors say that when external papillomas are detected, there is a high probability of their occurrence on internal organs. Moreover, their existence is almost impossible to find out without a special examination.

basic information

The most common digestive tract disease caused by papillomatosis is stomach papillitis. Such a pathology is dangerous in that it is not visible to the naked eye and can not be found on palpation. Therefore, experts recommend regular visits to doctors, especially if there are obvious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

What it is?

What is papillitis of the stomach? In medical practice, this term is used to refer to benign formations that occur on the mucous layer of the said organ. An inflammatory process that causes, for one reason or another, develops on the walls of the stomach, causes such a disease.

papillitis disease of the stomach

The timely detection of such formations, as well as their thorough treatment ensures the absence of serious consequences. After all, it is no secret to anyone that papilloma viruses can easily develop into cancer. That is why, after the detection of stomach papillitis, doctors try to quickly determine the type of virus, which helps to find out about all the risks.

Description of the disease

What are papillomas of the stomach? Such benign formations can have a round or oval shape, as well as a smooth or rough shell. The most common papillomas are similar in appearance to cauliflower. By the way, it is they who tend to pass into a cancerous tumor.

Types of entities

Papillitis of the stomach, the treatment of which should be carried out immediately after its detection, may be different. In medicine, it is customary to divide it into two groups:

  1. Single or, conversely, multiple growths that have peculiar legs and rise above the gastric mucosa.
  2. Mild papillae that accumulate in small groups and resemble the meanders of the brain in shape.
what is papillitis of the stomach

Typically, the diameter of such formations reaches 3 cm. Moreover, they can have both a pink color and a bright red color.

Forms of development

Papillitis of the stomach has such forms of development as:

  • Erosive. This form is characterized by the presence of erosion directly on the tumor, as well as a strong inflammatory process.
  • Chronic form. Such a disease usually occurs due to a constant irritating factor. It is characterized by a long healing of existing ulcers and their severe bleeding.

There is also catarrhal papillitis of the stomach. Its distinctive feature is that benign formations occur only in a certain section of the main digestive organ (catarrhal).

Symptoms of the disease

What signs indicate the development of catarrhal or erosive papillitis of the stomach? According to doctors, in the early stages, such a disease does not cause any serious symptoms that would force the patient to consult a specialist. Mild malaise in the form of heartburn, leukoplakia, heaviness in the epigastric region, as well as a lack of appetite, a person usually blames on banal fatigue, the use of stale or poor-quality products, etc. And only when all these signs begin to intensify and become acute, the patient turns for help to the doctor.

papillitis of the stomach what is it how to treat

Gastric papillitis has the following symptoms:

  • violation of the stool;
  • aching and pulling pains in the epigastric region, which often go to the lumbar region or shoulder blades (more often after eating);
  • putrid breath;
  • active salivation;
  • frequent manifestations of gas formation;
  • vomiting and nausea (occur due to hyperesthesia of the tissues of the stomach);
  • bleeding in the stomach (usually cause large polyps).

Development risk

Which category of people most often has a disease such as papillitis of the stomach? As you know, such a formation arises upon infection with the corresponding virus. Due to the fact that the transmission rate of papillomavirus is very fast, its carrier can infect a healthy person even through normal contact.

papillitis of the stomach

Thus, at risk are people with reduced immunity, various diseases of the digestive tract, as well as a certain age category. By the way, the presence of chronic diseases of the stomach causes fibrotic changes in its tissues, which greatly complicates the diagnosis of such formations. Also at risk are smokers and drinkers. The fetus in the womb of an infected woman can also become infected with papillomavirus.


How is papillitis of the stomach (papilla) diagnosed? Reviews of patients with such a diagnosis contain a lot of information about how to suspect the development of this disease. However, experts do not recommend doing self-diagnosis, and even more so self-treatment based on personal assumptions.

To identify such a disease, you should contact a therapist, who subsequently must refer the patient to a narrow specialist - a gastroenterologist. After examination and questioning, the doctor recommends a full examination. As a rule, it includes procedures such as the delivery of biomaterial for laboratory analysis.

papillitis of the stomach how to treat diagnosis prevention

Also, to make an accurate diagnosis and identify papillitis, a specialist may recommend to undergo one of the following examinations:

  • radiography of the stomach;
  • Ultrasound performed with a special composition that is injected directly into the digestive organ;
  • fibrogastroscopy;
  • endoscopy, that is, a detailed study of the stomach from the inside, which is carried out using a special device with the output of the image on the monitor screen.

The use of one or more research methods will necessarily confirm or refute the presence of papillomas on the mucosa of the main digestive organ.

Papillitis of the stomach: how to treat?

Diagnosis and prevention of this disease should be carried out in a timely manner, since in the future such formations can cause the development of a cancerous tumor. As for the treatment, it should be prescribed only by a gastroenterologist. This is done on the basis of the collected material and the results of the analyzes, which show not only the picture of the disease, but also help to build a strategy for further therapy. Usually, treatment of the initial stage of the disease in question is dispensed with without surgery. In this case, the patient is strongly recommended to observe a number of rules, due to which there will be no further exacerbation:

  • Drug therapy aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and suppressing the activity of the virus in the body.
  • Proper nutrition in fractional mode.
  • The complete exclusion of bad habits, including drinking alcohol.
  • Constant rest, stress elimination and good sleep.
  • Annual full examination of the digestive tract.

In the event that a systematic check reveals the growth of formations, then doctors recommend other methods, namely the removal of papillomas.

at the appointment with a gastroenterologist

It should be noted that the choice of type of operation for such a disease depends on the size of the formations and their forms:

  • With an average size of the papilloma, which is elongated on the leg, use endoscopic intervention. Its essence lies in the fact that the formation is removed by means of a special metal loop. At the same time, the wounds resulting from the surgical procedure heal very quickly.
  • The most difficult operation is carried out in relation to large papillomas. Very often, concomitant cardiovascular diseases interfere with its implementation. Such an operation involves the use of a scalpel, although it is possible to use a high-frequency current, which serves as an alternative to a laser.
  • As for the laser removal of benign growths, this procedure applies to multiple formations. At the same time, they should be flat and not have legs. To stop bleeding from a wound, electrocoagulation is used.

It is important to know that after any operation the patient should be observed by a doctor for at least two weeks. In this case, the patient is prescribed a strict bed rest, any physical overload is prohibited and a specific diet is recommended.

Preventative measures

How to prevent the development of papillitis of the stomach? Reviews of people with this disease are full of regrets that they never thought about the prevention of papillomavirus. After all, it is quite possible to avoid the development of this unpleasant disease with serious consequences.

hand hygiene

To do this, you need to follow only a few simple rules:

  • Avoid unprotected intercourse
  • when visiting bath complexes and pools, be sure to use slippers or slates;
  • Remember to wash your hands regularly, especially after a seemingly ordinary handshake or visiting a public toilet;
  • use only personal hygiene products and utensils;
  • Do not wear other people's clothes and underwear.

It's important to know!

Unfortunately, a lot of people do not understand the seriousness of the development of the disease in question, letting it go by itself. Moreover, some patients try to get rid of this disease using traditional medicine. Therefore, experts are increasingly repeating that in the presence of stomach papillitis, you should definitely seek medical help. Only in this case is it possible to avoid serious consequences and completely eliminate benign growths.

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