“Kustodievsky women”: a song to Russian beauty

Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev (1878-1927) worked in various genres, but most of all his name is associated with a number of portraits. Vivacity, the ability to convey on the canvas the admiration of the world that was already leaving, the cozy and sedate world of the merchants. He was somewhat idealized. The women portrayed by B. M. Kustodiev are always beautiful and often majestic and monumental.

Some facts from the biography

Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev was born in the family of a seminary teacher in Astrakhan. My father died early, but the boy, finishing the gymnasium, began to study painting with a local artist. The life of a merchant city on the Volga will be forever imprinted in his memory, and Kustodiev’s paintings, even if other places are shown on them, for example, “Fair” or “Walk”, will resemble their native places. Since 1896, Kustodiev studied with I. Repin for six years. And since 1906, he has been looking for his way in art and comes to the image of a philistine-merchant life in the province. Later, he will be inspired by the Slavic type of woman, what is called “blood with milk”: black eyebrows screaming, huge eyes, snow-white skin with a delicate blush all over her cheek, bright lips.

Kustodievsky women
Later, this type of Russian Venus will be called "Custodian women." In 1900, the artist married the graceful, fragile girl whom he met, having left for sketches in the Kostroma province. I must say that Julia Evstafievna steadfastly suffered her husband’s disease. And when the doctors put her in a dilemma about what to leave in motion after surgery - arms or legs, then she chose her hands. For a husband full of creative plans could not exist without painting. Since 1909, Kustodiev used a wheelchair, and for the same years and subsequent years, his creative activity peaked.

Cheerful canvases

The disease did not break Boris Mikhailovich. And the hungry 20s brought to his paintings that type of women who are called “Custodian women”. Western ladies and girls, lean, with narrow hips and fairly broad shoulders, are very different from Russians. In Russia, the people (unlike the nobility) have developed their own ideal of beauty: a tall, stately, dense, strong, with round full shoulders, with wide hips and a thin waist woman. This we see in the painting "The Merchant" (1918).

Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev
It depicts a tall, full-bosomed girl (a married woman would have a scarf on her head) in a bright satin dress. She is full of calm confidence in her beauty. You look at her and are surprised - what a static! Truly Russian woman. Occupying the forefront of the picture, it rises above the surrounding reality. Everything in comparison with it is small, insignificant. Yes, “Kustodievsky women” are just that. In addition, at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, pampered sad women entered the fashion of V. Borisov-Musatov, K. Somov. And what is worse than “Kustodievsky women”? Nothing. They are just different.

People's view of beauty

It became very close to a sick painter whose legs refused. And what was the concept of beauty among the Russian people? Of course, in health, in full legs, a white and ruddy face, in sable eyebrows, and stoop and thinness were considered a drawback. A thick braid was also valued. A married woman had a special beauty, which was associated with fertility. Does a thin, narrow-handed woman bear a large, viable child and will quickly resolve in childbirth? It is much more difficult for her to do this than a physically strong woman.

Kustodiev's paintings
So Kustodiev’s “Merchant in front of the mirror” appears on the canvas. A golden-haired, burly beauty admires the new shawl, and next to it is a servant who holds a fur stole. The fitting will continue. A father peeps out of the doorway, who cannot look at the beautiful daughter. Here they are - "Kustodievsky beauties."


Not only portraits, but also full-blown canvases were created by the artist. Kustodiev’s paintings are full of joy of life. Here are examples: “Fair” (1908), “Walking” (1909), “Day Off” (1920).

kustodievsky beauties
It is sunny on all canvases, summer colors are rampant, everyone calmly went out into the street - to see the people and show themselves.

Tea party

What can warm a cold gray day or quench your thirst on a hot day? Of course, tea. It is good both on holidays and on weekdays. The table is bursting with traditional Russian pies, pies, jam of different varieties. On the table, by all means, a pot-bellied samovar polished to a mirror shine, which is melted with fir cones. A teapot is on top, and when tea is poured into cups, it is certainly bred with boiling water. And so that he does not burn, then you can pour it in a saucer.

Kustodiev merchant at tea
This is exactly the picture we see on the canvas, which Kustodiev wrote, "The Merchant's Cup of Tea." And what a charm this woman is full of! White-faced, with full shoulders and arms, with puffy fingers, with which she holds a saucer a little manner and picture. There is a kind of chic in this. No, the nobleman would ridicule this manner, but what does she care about him. And if an unexpected guest comes in, the mistress will not hit him in the face in the mud. An elegant hostess will seat the dear guest with dignity. Pear earrings sway in her ears and the white collar of her dress is sealed with a bow with an expensive brooch. She sits on a cool veranda in the shade of oak trees. A tricolor cat is lying on it. That's where coziness and contentment. It may be a little funny, but it’s so good!


The woman’s stubborn desire, contrary to her nature, to push herself into the parameters imposed by the West makes women and girls drain themselves with a variety of diets. At the same time, health, skin, character deteriorate. Another thing, if you do yoga for pleasure and flexibility. Then the gait, and posture, and the look at yourself will change. Men will look differently at a girl who is satisfied with life with curvaceous forms, who is not afraid to eat an extra piece and does not chew at the table. Here you come to this conclusion when you look at the beauties whom B. M. Kustodiev forever captured on his canvases.

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