How to remove pus: drugs and folk remedies

Everyone faces scratches, cuts, injections and other injuries. As a rule, the injury quickly disappears after proper treatment of the wound with an antiseptic. However, in some cases complications develop. Pus on the finger may indicate that a bacterial infection has entered the wound. Improper therapy can lead to the spread of infection. Consultation with a doctor is the best solution to the problem.

What does pus come from?

Purulent wounds are the most common complication of open injuries. Exudate appears when bacterial microflora begins to multiply rapidly in the affected area. This happens most often when the affected area is improperly processed. A high-quality antiseptic reduces the likelihood of developing dangerous complications several times. Of great importance is the general condition of the body. If the immune system is weakened, the likelihood of a purulent process increases.

Complications of wounds are often encountered by people suffering from diabetes. In this case, pus often appears with punctured and lacerated lesions. Cuts usually heal faster. Even if exudate appears, it can be quickly eliminated.

Suppuration is a dangerous complication that can be life threatening with untimely therapy. Do not engage in self-medication. A high-quality drug to eliminate the inflammatory process will be prescribed by a doctor. Below will be described drugs, as well as folk remedies that are used most often.

Vishnevsky ointment

Those who do not know how to remove pus at home should pay attention to this drug. The medication is most often used by doctors in a hospital setting. There is Vishnevsky ointment in many first-aid kits. The role of the active component is xeroform. The substance has an astringent and irritating effect. Thanks to this element, the wound develops faster, pus comes to the surface. You can also use the ointment if the wound is closed and there is no opening for the exit of exudate.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky ointment has a special smell. The composition of the medicine includes birch tar, which gives the medicine a special aroma. This component promotes the regeneration of damaged tissue, stimulates local immunity.

Boils, carbuncles, abscesses - with all these pathological processes, Vishnevsky ointment can be used. The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components. The possibility of using the drug in pregnant or lactating women should be discussed individually with a doctor.

Like other medicines for pus, Vishnevsky ointment is intended only for external application. Previously, the wound is treated with an antiseptic. Then a small amount of the product is applied to the damaged area, a gauze bandage is applied. Such manipulations should be carried out once a day.

Ichthyol ointment

Antiseptic and disinfectant is widely used in surgical practice. You can use the drug for those who do not know how to remove pus at home. The medicine not only suppresses the activity of pathogenic microflora, but also relieves itching, removes pain.

If you believe the instructions, ichthyol ointment can be used not only for purulent wounds, but also for burns, streptoderma, prostatitis, eczema, etc. The only contraindication is an allergy to ichthyol. The medicine is applied in the same way as Vishnevsky ointment. A small amount of the drug lubricates the affected area. Previously, the wound must be treated with an antiseptic solution.

Ichthyol ointment

And which is better - ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky? Both drugs show excellent results. What medication to use in a particular case, the doctor will tell.


The combined antimicrobial drug will come to the rescue of those who do not know how to remove pus from an acne or wound. The substance is white or yellowish in color and quickly absorbs and begins to act within a few hours. Inflammation decreases in size, pus can be squeezed out easier. The active ingredients are chloramphenicol and methyluracil. The drug belongs to the category of antibacterial. However, it can be used for viral, herpetic and fungal infections as part of complex therapy after consulting a doctor.

Ointment Levomekol

Suppuration of a wound is the result of the multiplication of bacterial microflora. The most effective ointment "Levomekol" against gram-positive bacteria. Methyluracil accelerates wound healing. Means "Levomekol" is often used as a prophylaxis in surgery, even if pus is absent. The medicine is also widely used in dentistry. With its help, you can eliminate the symptoms of diseases such as periodontal disease, stomatitis, trophic ulcers. The drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected area, allowed to absorb.

Tetracycline ointment

If pus appeared in the eyes, most likely I had to face conjunctivitis. In this case, you can not do without an external antibacterial agent. Tetracycline ointment shows good results. The role of the active component is tetracycline hydrochloride. This substance inhibits the activity of many pathogenic bacteria. Additionally, the composition of the drug includes sodium sulfite, petroleum jelly, anhydrous lanolin. Positive results from the use of the drug are noticeable almost immediately. It is necessary to start using the medicine as soon as pus appears in the eyes.

Conjunctivitis is not the only indication for the use of the drug. The medication is widely used in the treatment of advanced forms of acne, furunculosis, eczema, trophic ulcers. It is worth considering that addiction can develop to an antibacterial agent. If unpleasant symptoms do not disappear within five days, you should consult a doctor again.

Syntomycin ointment

An effective and affordable remedy is widely used for purulent inflammation. The role of the active component is chloramphenicol. The substance inhibits the activity of pathogenic bacteria, does not allow them to fully reproduce. Some viruses and pathogenic fungi also come under attack. Syntomycin ointment is widely used as part of complex therapy of purulent wounds. For preventive purposes, the medication is used in surgery, after complex surgical interventions. Ointment is treated with a seam area.

Syntomycin Ointment

The drug has virtually no contraindications. In some patients, hypersensitivity to the components can only develop. In agreement with the doctor, the medication can be used during lactation to heal cracks in the nipples. During pregnancy, the use of the drug is not recommended.


How to treat an abscess near the nail, if you can’t get to the doctor, and there are no special medicines in the house? Recipes of traditional medicine will come to the rescue. Aloe is a plant that grows on the windowsill in almost every home. It is widely used in the treatment of many ailments. Aloe will help with purulent wounds. The juice of the plant has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, it helps to draw pus from the wound.

For treatment, use only freshly squeezed juice. A few drops of raw materials must be squeezed onto a wound surface previously treated with an antiseptic. It is further recommended to bandage the wound. Dressings should be performed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. With proper therapy, the abscess disappears completely after 3-4 days. The very next day after the start of treatment, the amount of pus decreases, pain disappears.


How to remove pus, if the trouble found in the country? Ordinary white cabbage will come to the rescue. The juice of the plant helps eliminate pus from the wound, removes edema, stimulates local immunity, accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged tissue. There are several ways to use the product. Finely chopped cabbage, squeezed juice out of it. Finished raw materials are used to treat the wound surface.

Using a whole cabbage leaf, you can prepare a therapeutic compress. How to remove pus in this way? The damaged area is carefully treated with an antiseptic. Then a clean cabbage leaf is applied to the wound, the compress is fixed with a gauze bandage. After 12 hours, you must replace the sheet with a new one. If the procedure is performed correctly, significant improvements will be noticeable after the first compress.

Salt and soda

With purulent diseases of the oral cavity, saline rinse is widely used. Such treatment makes it possible in a few days to get rid of stomatitis or purulent sore throat. Home solution is used as part of complex therapy.

Salt also shows good results with external wounds. How to remove pus under the nail? In a liter of warm water, it is necessary to dilute a tablespoon of salt, add a teaspoon of soda.

Baking soda

In the resulting solution, it is necessary to lower the affected finger for 15 minutes. The procedure can be performed several times a day. After a few days from purulent inflammation there will be no trace.

Chamomile decoction

Chamomile is a natural antiseptic. The plant is used in many recipes of traditional medicine. How to remove pus using chamomile? It is necessary to prepare a medicinal decoction. A tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials (available at the pharmacy) must be poured with 200 ml of water, brought to a boil and cook over low heat for another 15 minutes. Ready broth should be cooled and filtered.

Chamomile decoction

Such a medicine would be even more effective if you add a teaspoon of fresh honey to it. The product is thoroughly mixed, gauze is moistened in it. A compress is applied to the pre-treated with an antiseptic wound, fixed with a bandage. Change the solution twice a day.

Garlic tortilla

Garlic has excellent antibacterial properties. It will be possible to cure a purulent wound faster if you use the product in combination with ordinary laundry soap. The pre-purified product is baked in the oven for 20 minutes. The soap is rubbed on a fine grater. The two prepared ingredients are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. It turns out a kind of cake, which is applied to a cleaned wound for 4-5 hours. The procedure should be up to three times a day.

Three heads of garlic

How to treat purulent wounds? Use folk recipes or, say, ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky? What's better? Only the doctor can give the correct answer. The article is for guidance only. In no case should one engage in self-medication.

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