Appetizing fig. What is it and what does the product look like?

In order to talk about some things, one must clearly understand what this is really about. The word "fig" is familiar to many culinary experts. What is it and why did the object get such a name?

In search of truth

Usually people try to take explanations of certain words in explanatory dictionaries. This behavior is understandable, because it is in these books that the wisdom that has accumulated in people for centuries is collected. Take, for example, a word with the not very ordinary sounding “fig.” What it is? What is the answer to this question experienced linguists can give? In the explanatory dictionaries of Ozhegov and Ushakov there is a similar opinion on this subject. Both of them believe that the fig is called the fruit of the plant. Now it is familiar to everyone as a fig. And earlier it was called a fig tree. Very interesting name.

fig what is it

What does a fig look like? What is it really? The tree on which such fruits grow is very tall. On its powerful branches there is a lush crown, consisting of a large number of large fleshy leaves. In favorable conditions, the fig tree bears fruit all year round. Its fruits can be of different colors depending on the plant variety (green, blue, red, orange and even black). Sweet to the taste, they will not leave anyone indifferent. What else is this plant called? Residents of Transcaucasia and some European countries believe, saying "fig", that this is such a tree, which many still call fig. There is even a mention of him in the Bible.

Culinary opinions

In any language there are words that have several meanings. It all depends on the context in which they are used. For example, even in ancient cookbooks, a recipe was known, which was called "apple fig." Rather, it can be attributed to desserts.

apple fig

The preparation of the dish is very simple. Only two products are needed for work:

apples and sugar in a ratio of 2: 1.

The process should take place in several stages:

  1. First, apples must be peeled, freed from the core, and then wiped using a sieve.
  2. After this, prepare the prepared products in a saucepan or basin, and put on fire. During boiling, they must be stirred.
  3. As soon as the mass is thickened, it must be poured onto baking sheets or wooden panels covered with parchment.
  4. Put the products in the oven for final drying.

Get a mass similar to marmalade. It can only be cut into portioned pieces and put into boxes or jars. Such a dessert can be stored for a long time. Sometimes, to prevent sticking, the pieces are sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Different opinions

Some people think that fig is a pastille. But it is not so. There are several significant differences between the two recipes.

fig pastille

For example, fig has a darker color and really looks like marmalade. Her appearance resembles a frozen fruit puree. The pastille is lighter and not transparent. This becomes the product after whipping. As soon as the main liquid in the pan boils, it is immediately placed in cold water. After cooling, the mass is filtered and until it brightens. Next, you need to do everything as in the previous recipe. This procedure is easy to do at home. Similarly, you can cook puff pastille. To do this, one plate should be smeared with some jam, and the second should be pressed down firmly with the same one. Over time, the elastic layers absorb a little moisture and become softer. Such a product can be cut into pieces of any shape and stored in a closed container. Such a dessert is not only tasty, but also healthy. It has a huge amount of minerals and a rich vitamin complex. It all depends on which fruit was used as a raw material.

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