Poetry of A.A. Fet. Analysis of the poem "I will not tell you anything"

Afanasy Afanasevich Fet (or rather, Fet) was born on December 5, 1820, lived a long life and died in 1892. This is an unusual and definitely a great Russian poet.

analysis of the poem I will not tell you anything

Distinctive features of feta poetry

Fet's poems have always been associative. But it was a special associativity. He made omissions in the logical chain, which is why his associative connections were incomprehensible to an unprepared reader . Fet's poetry was considered difficult, obscure. All because he tried to speak with his soul, not with text, to convey his images on a subconscious level. The poet spoke of feelings that, in his opinion, did not need words.

Another characteristic is musicality. All works of Fet are imbued with sounds. For this feature of his, he was often attacked by parodists. In those years, it was fashionable to make parodies of poems by poets. And Fet suffered the most from such ridicule, but nevertheless did not change himself.

To whom is the poem "I will not tell you anything" dedicated

1885 year. The poet is mortally ill and realizes that his life will soon end. He thinks more and more about his life. And in this state he writes this poem. Dedicates it to Mary. But which one?

poems feta

Before analyzing the poem “I will not tell you anything”, you should understand the background and go back to the poet’s young years.

Two Marys. Tragedy and family life

During his military service Athanasius passionately falls in love with Maria Lizich. Their romance lasts two years. But both he and she are poor. Fet understands that under such circumstances, he cannot tie the knot with his lover. He is transferred to serve in another place, and they part. Two days after leaving, Athanasius learns that her beloved died in rather strange circumstances, she burned alive in her own room.

According to one version, Maria set herself on fire. According to another legend, Mary accidentally dropped a candle on her dress when she read the letters from her lover. The dress caught fire, and the girl could not put out the fire. And before her death, she screamed from the balcony to save Fet's letters.

The poet suffered a loss for a long time and even blamed himself for the girl's death. After all, if he had married her, if he had been with her, this would not have happened.

In 1857, the poet married Maria Botkina. Many claimed that on his part it was a marriage solely for convenience. However, their family life was by no means unhappy. The husband's wife idolized, took care of him. The poet appreciated the feelings and support of his wife. But, of course, his first, tragic love still lived in his memory.

Analysis of the poem “I Will Not Tell You Anything" by A. A. Fet

This poem is dedicated immediately to two Marys: the deceased beloved, and the current wife.

In it, he simultaneously confesses the love of Maria Lizich, and he does not dare to tell Maria Botkina that for almost thirty years of their life together, he loved another. The poet seemed to be trying to assure her that everything was fine, but in fact he was still haunted by an old pain.

feta works

When analyzing the poem “I won’t tell you anything”, you can clearly see how the poet compares his memories with the scent of flowers, and it is these, his ephemeral love, that give him strength, the feeling that he lives a full life. And the author wants to take this secret with him. However, Maria has long known and sympathizes with the poet, perhaps that is why she takes care of him with a vengeance and indulges all his whims, if only the beloved person smiles at least sometimes.

When analyzing the poem “I Will Not Tell You Anything,” we must also not forget how the poet did not trust the words. His phrase that he will not say anything does not only mean that he hides his true feelings from his wife. This also suggests that he believes that the fullness of feelings, soul movements cannot be conveyed in the language of words. This is the thought that runs red thread through all his lyrics. “I keep silent” - this oxymoron is only confirmation that all the feelings of the soul cannot be expressed in words.

The poem is built on the mirror principle - the beginning and the end consist of the same lines. When writing, the author used a three-foot anapaest with a cross rhyme.

The analysis of the poem can be ended by the fact that the poet did not say anything directly. He did not finish. He didn’t even make it clear why he was trembling - from the joy of memories, from the night cold or from something else. Only the main idea is clear - the pain is still alive and the feelings can not be expressed in words.

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