Bonfire marshmallows: name, cooking features and recipes

Desserts are an integral part of any holiday. Most often, cake or pastries are served on the table. But what if all this is boring? Try to end the party in an unconventional way. Get a marshmallow for frying at the stake and invite guests to the backyard. Original and bright dessert will be definitely appreciated by both children and adults. In any case, the evening will be memorable.

bonfire marshmallows

Dessert origin

Our compatriots spied the idea in American films. Fried marshmallows aroused genuine interest and a desire to immediately try a new treat. It only remained to find marshmallows intended for frying on a fire in stores. As you know, demand creates supply, and now in supermarkets packages with the mysterious name "Marshmallow" began to be sold. Yes, this is the desired product, which we will learn to cook.

Which to choose

You should immediately warn against errors. Do not buy ordinary marshmallows. He is good with tea, as it is. And if you try to put it on a skewer and hold it over a fire, it just drains from it. The composition of Russian-made sweets includes egg white and applesauce, which affects the properties of the product. Observing certain rules, you can subject it to heat treatment, but for this you need not a skewer, but a form. Therefore, do not fool your head and just lay out your favorite dessert on the table.

where to find marshmallows

Product Features

Bonfire marshmallows have a different composition. These are corn syrup, gelatin, starch, granulated sugar and glucose. Such a product is more like pastille. This dessert, when cooked, acquires unique properties. The pieces increase in size, a caramel crust forms on the surface, the structure becomes viscous, and the filling melts. By the way, today in stores in mass order there is an ordinary marshmallow, which was given the appropriate form and attached the name "marshmallows". But alas, frying awaits you when frying: it just drains drops into the fire.

Bonfire marshmallows are distinguished by their size and shape. It looks like sweets in the form of small corks. This product, although gaining popularity, is still not found in all stores. You can determine the true marshmallows only by composition on the package. Sometimes the manufacturer indicates that the product is suitable for frying. In principle, it can be done independently, there are recipes for this.

real marshmallows

Cooking process

This is the most magical and exciting part of the evening. Snow-white pieces become large, airy, with an original crust. It has already been mentioned above what the name of marshmallows is for frying on a fire. Marshmallow is an American word that has taken root with us. The domestic manufacturer decided not to change it, so we had to get used to the original name.

Why is it fried? Of course, sweets can also be eaten raw. But the traditional dessert is much tastier. Consumers have come up with other ways to use sweets. It is added to coffee, cocoa and hot chocolate. The aroma of drinks immediately changes, and the taste becomes more intense and vibrant.

When frying, a golden crust forms on the surface of the product. She is the main highlight of the dessert. And the internal caramel liquid only gives it originality.

bonfire marshmallows title

Variety of your picnic

The name of marshmallows for frying on a fire in translation into Russian means "pastille". But in fact, its composition is very different from traditional fruit sweets. The pastille is prepared on the basis of apples, and marshmallows do not imply a natural composition.

You can fry it during a picnic at the stake. At home, a frying pan, a microwave are suitable. You can also grill over a gas burner. The main thing is to constantly monitor the process. Dessert is being prepared very quickly and can easily melt or burn. You need to constantly flip the candy. As soon as they are covered with a golden crust, you can start tasting.

Cooking at the stake

When baking in natural conditions, it is best to use the original product, then there will be more chances to make a really good dessert. To make it easier to string on a skewer, it is recommended to first heat the tool, and then make a puncture in the center of the candy.

Bonfire marshmallows should not be carbonized. Therefore, it is necessary to cook it not on an open fire, but on smoldering coals. You need to bring sweets no closer than 10 cm. In addition to metal skewers, the use of wooden sticks is allowed. They are pre-soaked in water.

bonfire marshmallows

After the appearance of the golden layer, marshmallows can be removed and eaten. If you use ordinary marshmallows, then just remove the ruddy layer from it until the piece is completely melted.

At home

We have already examined what marshmallows are fried at the stake. If you are not sure that you bought this one, it is better not to risk it and cook it in a frying pan. This will not require special skills, only the following set of products:

  • Marshmallows or marshmallows - 0.5 kg.
  • Water - 4 tbsp. l
  • Powdered sugar - 0.4 kg.
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp
  • Butter.

Pour water into the pan and place a smaller pan on top. Make sure that it does not touch the water. Grease a frying pan and a shovel with butter. Spread marshmallows, add water and cook, stirring occasionally. Sprinkle with powdered sugar at the end.

marshmallows at the stake name

In the oven

Believe that this dessert, baked in the form, fully justifies its original name. Marshmallow at the stake is exotic, and at home based on it you can prepare an excellent cream that can be used to decorate the cake. Just spread it on cookies - and you get a great option for breakfast. You will need:

  • Large marshmallows - 15 pcs.
  • Butter - 1 tablespoon.
  • Crackers and chocolate chips - 300 g.

The form must be greased with oil. Put chocolate on it and sprinkle with crushed cookies. Fill the entire space with marshmallows and place the container in the oven for 10 minutes. After that, put the mass in a jar and put it in the refrigerator.

what marshmallows are fried at the stake

Benefit and harm

Such a product contains about 300 kcal per 100 g of product. Of course, 100 g of product will not harm the figure, but you should not get too carried away. A large number of it can disrupt the digestive tract. Do not forget that marshmallows contain a large number of flavors, preservatives and colorings. They can be harmful to humans.

delicious marshmallow cream

Instead of a conclusion

If you plan to leave the city next weekend, then it's time to try a delicious and original dessert. To do this, you only need to make a small fire and take skewers and marshmallows with you. Children from such an adventure will be delighted, because they themselves will be able to participate in the preparation of dessert, and then taste a delicious treat with a caramel crust and original filling. And if there is no possibility to build a bonfire, then you can make cocoa with a gentle foam or fry marshmallows in a pan.

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