The lymph node under the jaw is inflamed: causes and treatment

Lymph nodes are part of our body, which functions as a fairly accurate sensor, reporting the appearance of infections in the body that cause various diseases. If the lymph node under the jaw or elsewhere in children becomes inflamed , this is a kind of signal for parents and has the scientific name “lymphadenopathy”. It can be of two types: localized (with inflammation in one group of lymph nodes) and generalized (inflammation in two or more different groups of lymph nodes).

the lymph node under the jaw is inflamed

Features of the device lymph nodes

The children's body includes over 500 lymph nodes, the task of which is to "filter" dangerous bacteria. As a result, the lymph nodes provide body protection. They are located in groups or one at a time, subdivided into cervical, axillary and inguinal, which can be found by feeling, for example, if the lymph node under the jaw becomes inflamed. Other groups of lymph nodes cannot be palpated due to their deep location. In a normal state, the lymph nodes have sizes that do not exceed the size of a pea. When an inflammatory process occurs, their characteristic increase and the appearance of painful sensations occur. This indicates both a common cold and more rare diseases, such as leukemia. To identify the cause of problems with the lymph nodes, a special diagnosis is required. If the child's lymph nodes become inflamed, then the treatment should be aimed specifically at the inflammatory process, along with lymphadenopathy. It is also worth noting that the warming up of the lymph nodes is prohibited until all the necessary tests are performed.

lymph node under the jaw

Treatment of the inflammatory process

The doctor’s task is to conduct a thorough physical examination, including tonsils, and detect the epicenter of the inflammatory process, including cuts on the skin and scratches left by the animals if the lymph node under the jaw becomes inflamed. If it is not possible to find the cause of inflammation by examination, a chest x-ray and blood donation are prescribed. In addition, they can take on the study and tissue of the lymph node with a special needle. Usually, after recovery, the lymph nodes take their previous normal form. After a sore throat, it takes several days due to the use of antibiotics. In the case of more complex diseases, this can take much longer than when the lymph node under the jaw became inflamed due to a sore throat.

the child's lymph nodes become inflamed

What is the inflammation of the lymph nodes?

If the lymph node under the jaw or in the back of the cervical muscles is enlarged , then the focus of infection (bacterial or viral) can be located in the nasopharynx, which symbolizes tonsillitis, scarlet fever or chronic tonsillitis.

If the lymph nodes near the ears increase , then furunculosis or the presence of an inflammatory process in the middle and outer ear is possible.

If the size of the lymph nodes under the chin is increased, then we can talk about inflammation in the region of the lower lip or front teeth.

If the lymph nodes in the abdominal region have grown in size, then a viral or bacterial infection in the gastrointestinal tract may occur, which can also be accompanied by severe pain.

With an increase in the size of the lymph nodes in the groin area, an infection in the lower extremities is likely (most likely in the muscles, bones, and skin). As a rule, this occurs in case of inflammation in the joints, with diaper dermatitis and other diseases.

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