Actinomycosis is ... Definition, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Actinomycosis is a purulent acute or chronic disease that can last for a long time. It affects mainly middle-aged people and has a tendency to progress in the absence of competent, timely therapy.

The main signs of the disease are the formation of granulomas and the course of chronic inflammation with suppuration and the attachment of a bacterial infection, the formation of phlegmon, abscess, as well as the formation of fistulas with the release of pus from them. Such a pathology can provoke intoxication of the body, impaired functioning of organs, which leads to the development of chronic anemia.

Disease feature

Actinomycosis (photo in the article) is an infectious disease caused by actinomycetes (translated as "radiant fungi"). It proceeds in acute and chronic form. It is characterized by the fact that dense granulomas, abscesses and fistulas are formed. Fungi affect both the skin and internal organs. They are normally present in every person, but the disease develops with a decrease in the body's immune defense.

Fungal infection

Among the interesting facts about actinomycosis, it is impossible not to recall that the bacteria that provoke the development of this disease have a rather unusual shape, and also cause the smell of rain.

Diagnosis requires inoculation on a nutrient medium, which makes it possible to detect characteristic mycelium. Antibiotics and immunostimulants are used for treatment, and electrophoresis and ultraviolet are also prescribed. In severe cases, surgery is required.

Main classification

According to the classification of actinomycosis, the disease is divided by the type of location of inflammation in the body and can be:

  • thoracic;
  • abdominal;
  • pararectal.

Thoracic appearance is characterized by the fact that the disease occurs in the chest area. Often the lungs suffer. Frequent colds can be a provoking factor, and infection occurs as a result of the penetration of external pathogens or under the influence of an internal infection. The manifestation of symptoms largely depends on the location of the lesion.

Breast actinomycosis

Breast actinomycosis is also referred to this type, the causes of which are the development of infection in the body or as a result of cracks in the skin or nipples. You can mistakenly make a diagnosis, since by all signs the disease resembles purulent mastitis. With its progression, pathology can affect the heart.

The abdominal appearance is characterized by the fact that inflammation occurs in the digestive tract, most often in the stomach, cecum and small intestine. The disease does not have a hidden period, so a person from the very beginning feels bouts of severe pain, he has a high temperature.

If a pathology develops in the cecum, then it can affect the liver. At the same time, a person has a fever, weakness and vomiting.

A pararectal appearance occurs if inflammation occurs in the rectum. The disease may result from damage or injury to the tailbone. A person suffers from constipation and pain in this area.

Actinomycosis can occur on the skin or internal organs. In particular, it affects:

  • cervical-facial region;
  • genitourinary organs;
  • bones;
  • nervous system;
  • skin.

Actinomycosis may be acute or chronic in form. Depending on this, a treatment technique is selected. Urinogenital actinomycosis affects the ureter, kidneys and bladder. In this case, a person experiences frequent urge to urinate or renal colic occurs. In the case of actinomycosis on the genitals, fistulas form, which leads to severe pain, the development of complications. The disease appears with injuries, and in women, the main reason is the intrauterine device.

Causes of occurrence

The causative agents of the disease form colonies in the form of a cluster of filaments with bulbous processes. Fungi are present in the normal microflora of a person, but without provoking factors they do not represent absolutely no danger. They can be found in the oral cavity, tonsils, in the bronchi, stomach, rectum and anus.

In nature, fungi are present in soil, dry grass, water. Therefore, infection with these microorganisms can be both on the surface of the skin, and develop inside the body. The most effective means in the fight against them are antibacterial drugs.

In many cases, it is impossible to detect the source of infection, as this may be contact with the carrier of the infection or its penetration from the environment. Allocate a number of main pathways of infection. It should be noted that actinomycosis is transmitted:

  • contact way;
  • airborne;
  • by inhalation of contaminated dust;
  • when ingested with water or food.
Provocative factors

In the absence of favorable conditions for the development of the disease, the fungi remain at rest for some time. With pathogenic effects, they begin to multiply actively, provoking local inflammation, and also spread throughout the body. Actinomycosis disease is exacerbated for several reasons. These include:

  • colds;
  • injury to the mucous membranes and skin;
  • diabetes;
  • purulent inflammation of the eyes;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • oncology.

In men, the disease is diagnosed much more often than in women. The risk group includes people aged 21-40 years. The effectiveness of therapy and its results are largely dependent on immunity. The incidence of the disease increases sharply in the cold.

Main symptoms

Actinomycosis is a rather complex disease that can take various forms and mimic other infections, and even malignant neoplasms. It basically has a number of small, interconnected abscesses. Among the symptoms of actinomycosis, it is necessary to highlight the presence of seals that merge with each other and are surrounded by granulation tissue. Depending on the type, they include:

  • tissue damage with scarring;
  • swelling and inflammation in the affected area;
  • purulent abscesses and abscesses;
  • fistulas where pus accumulates.

The severity of symptoms depends largely on the area of ​​infection. It is also possible the presence of soreness, fatigue, fever, a feeling of malaise. Symptoms of abdominal-type actinomycosis will be:

  • nausea;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • vomiting
  • abdominal pain.
Symptoms of abdominal lesions

There may also be fistulas and abscesses in the lower abdomen. Actinomycosis of the face usually begins with the formation of a small dense swelling, which may be accompanied by pain. Seals can extend to the neck, jaw, and under the tongue. As a result of this, purulent abscesses are formed. With the further development of the infection, it can affect the brain. Among the main symptoms you need to highlight:

  • temperature rise;
  • formation of tissue seals;
  • fistulas may form;
  • the skin takes on a red tint.

Thoracic actinomycosis has common symptoms with tuberculosis and is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • weight loss
  • chest pain
  • fever;
  • fatigue
  • shortness of breath
  • cough with sputum or blood;
  • the formation of fistulas in the chest.

Extensive damage occurs without severe pain. With pelvic actinomycosis, almost the same symptoms are observed as with abdominal.


Since actinomycosis is a rather complex disease, the symptoms of which are similar to signs of other ailments, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after a comprehensive examination. In this case, chronic infections, injuries, operations are of great importance.

At the initial stage of the course, it is quite difficult to detect the disease, so it is impossible to confirm the diagnosis only by the presence of characteristic skin lesions. For this, instrumental and laboratory studies are prescribed. Actinomycosis tests include:

  • the allocation of fungi in the purulent contents of the fistula;
  • study of sowing on Wednesday Saburo;
  • microscopic examination of grown colonies.

A preliminary result can be obtained after 3 days, and a final result after 12 days. In addition, an actinomycete culture may be required. The doctor can detect granulomas, as well as tissue breakdown and purulent changes. Also, fibrosis and necrosis are often found near the lesion.


For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe such studies:

  • immunofluorescence reaction;
  • X-ray
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • urine and blood tests.

After conducting a full study on actinomycosis, the doctor can choose a treatment technique that will give the most positive result.

Treatment features

If an actinomycosis is found in a person, treatment is usually carried out in a hospital, where you can fully carry out surgical treatment, which involves curettage of granulations and excision of the affected tissue. This will avoid tearing abscesses and getting their contents into internal organs.

Surgical intervention

In addition, conservative therapy is required, which is aimed at stopping the infection, strengthening immunity, as well as increasing the body's defenses. Physiotherapy and alternative medicine methods help to speed up the recovery process and prevent the exacerbation of the disease.

Treatment must be comprehensive. A stable result cannot be guaranteed by any of the medical techniques. Only together they are able to eliminate the disease at an early stage and prevent the development of irreversible consequences.

Drug treatment

How to treat actinomycosis with the help of medications, only the attending doctor can determine. The disease is treated quite successfully with the help of antibacterial drugs of the tetracycline and penicillin series. With their help, you can suppress the activity of the radiant fungus and prevent their reproduction. Antibiotic actinomycosis therapy lasts 1-3 months. Injection therapy recommended. Drugs are administered in courses and alternated to increase effectiveness.

If anaerobic bacteria were found together with actinomycetes, then carbapenems are prescribed. They help reduce the activity of aerobic and anaerobic microflora. At the same time, antifungal agents are used, which are selected strictly individually.

Drug treatment

An important component of treatment is immunotherapy. Traditionally, "Actinolizate" is prescribed, which:

  • enhances antibody production;
  • activates phagocytosis;
  • prevents the involvement of healthy tissues in the pathological process;
  • counteracts secondary infection.

This remedy helps reduce an allergic reaction. The drug "Actinolizate" is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly in 3-4 ml 2 times a week. The course of therapy is 15-20 injections. For a complete recovery, 3-5 courses are carried out with 1-2 months between them. The last preventive course is prescribed only after the patient has recovered and there are no signs of the disease for several months. Treatment with Actinolysate can produce a reaction in the form of reddening of the skin and a short-term increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees. At the same time, a large amount of pus is secreted from the fistula. In parallel, vitamin-mineral complexes are used, as well as anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents intended for external treatment, as well as detoxification drugs.

During therapy, iodine preparations are used. Some experts prescribe them if antibiotic treatment is not available. Iodine preparations begin to be used with a small concentration, and then more concentrated solutions are used. For treatment, potassium iodide is prescribed, which you need to drink for 4-6 tbsp. l per day. Therapy lasts for 12 weeks.

Physiotherapeutic Techniques

Treatment of actinomycosis with physiotherapeutic methods helps to eliminate the main symptoms of the disease and enhance the effectiveness of the therapy used. Good results are obtained by exposure to ultraviolet radiation with electrophoresis. For this, the drug "Actinolizate" is used. A similar technique helps to activate immunobiological processes, as well as reduce the harmful effects of fungal infections. Combined therapy allows you to remove pathogens and accelerate recovery processes. Actinomycosis is successfully treated with the help of physiotherapy:

  • phonophoresis with iodine;
  • novocaine electrophoresis;
  • fluctuations;
  • UHF therapy.

Phonophoresis with iodine has an antiseptic effect, improves tissue repair and inhibits fungal growth. In addition, this tool contributes to a faster absorption of infiltrates. UHF-therapy stimulates the growth of healthy cells, prevents the occurrence of relapses, and also improves immunity.

Electrophoresis with novocaine is carried out directly in the area of ​​inflammation. This remedy helps eliminate soreness. The course of therapy is 20-25 procedures. With a purulent form of the disease, fluctuation is indicated. A similar technique stimulates the recovery process, and also improves the discharge of pus. The course of therapy is 8-12 procedures.

With a longer course of the disease, UHF therapy and general UV radiation are prescribed. Similar techniques help activate immunity. If the disease continues to progress, then vital organs and systems will suffer.

Folk remedies

If the symptoms of actinomycosis, the photo of which shows the peculiarity of the course of the disease, do not decrease, then alternative methods of traditional medicine can be used to help strengthen the main therapy. The disease is very dangerous, therefore, it is impossible to cure it only with the methods of alternative therapy, however, with its help it is possible to recover much faster and avoid the development of undesirable consequences.

First of all, you need to adjust your usual diet. Unhealthy foods should be avoided, including yeast, carbohydrate-rich foods, and blue cheese. With a fungal infection, products with a large amount of iodine are of great benefit. These include iodized salt, seaweed, fish, asparagus, radishes.

In addition, it is recommended to use proven herbal remedies. Mix equal proportions of lemon balm, horsetail, birch buds, St. John's wort. Take 1 tbsp. l mixture and pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Insist, filter and drink for 2-3 months. This tool helps to boost immunity, cleanse the body and eliminate inflammation.

Folk remedies

Combine water shamrock, frankincense and mint leaves in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. Then 2 tbsp. l add 500 ml of water to the mixture and insist. You can rinse the eyes with a ready-made product and take it inside. The broth contains useful substances that help stop the growth of fungi.

If fistulas have formed on the face, then you can treat them with alcohol tincture of garlic. Before using the finished product, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. It is important not to touch the skin near the eyes. It is recommended to lubricate the affected area with the juice of fresh onions. Tincture Eleutherococcus take 2 times daily, 40 drops. It helps strengthen immunity and speed up the healing process. With the occurrence of actinomycosis, folk remedies can be used only after consulting a doctor. Self-medication is completely unacceptable.

Pregnancy disease

Since the disease of actinomycosis occurs due to a decrease in immunity, pregnancy is simply an ideal period for its development. The disease affects the female genital organs after a previous flu, tuberculosis, and diabetes.

It is much more difficult to treat actinomycosis during pregnancy, since a woman undergoes various kinds of hormonal changes in the body. In addition, the doctor can not prescribe all the required drugs, as they can harm the baby. Doctors recommend protecting themselves in the presence of genital mycoses, since the birth canal can become a child's infection site.

Illness in children

Actinomycosis is a complex and dangerous disease that develops not only in adults, but also in children. The affected area in them becomes dense to the touch and acquires a bluish tint. In the foci of lesion, fistulas are formed with purulent contents of a light yellow color. Often, children develop bone or maxillofacial actinomycosis. It is subdivided as follows:

  • cutaneous;
  • musculocutaneous;
  • subcutaneous.

Primary and secondary lesions are also distinguished. The provoking factor of the first is bad teeth, and the second is soft tissue damage. A typical sign of actinomycosis in children is actinomycotic granuloma.

As for bone tissue, in childhood the disease is more resistant to the necrotic process. However, with the active course of actinomycosis, a large amount of pus accumulates, which leads to resorption of bones, the formation of fistulas and cavities in them. Bone actinomycosis has two forms.The first is characterized by a brighter course of symptoms and pronounced plastic changes, and the second - almost imperceptible necrotic processes in the bone tissue. At the initial stage, almost no signs are observed, which is why it is quite difficult to detect the disease.

To reduce the risk of the disease, you need to monitor the condition of the child’s teeth. With timely detection and treatment of bone and skin is restored. To completely get rid of the disease, complex long-term therapy is required with interruptions for 1-2 months.

With actinomycosis, clinical recommendations must be followed very strictly to prevent the spread of infection and the development of complications. These include thorough hygiene, increased immunity, timely rehabilitation of foci of infection.

Possible complications

Actinomycosis of the skin is a disease that, without a comprehensive and timely treatment, has an unfavorable prognosis. Quite often, various kinds of complications develop, the most common of which is the formation of abscesses, which are vast areas of purulent inflammation. A similar problem requires surgical intervention, as abscesses do not heal well. After removing them, scars often remain on the skin.

The skin form of actinomycosis can lead to its spread to other organs and tissues. Often the bones located next to the affected areas of the skin are affected. The maxillofacial form can extend to the teeth and bones of the jaw. The lymphatic system of the face and head has a special structure. Inflammation in this area can lead to infectious damage to the brain and its membranes. Among the main complications of the disease, it is necessary to highlight:

  • brain encephalitis;
  • chronic meningitis;
  • endocarditis;
  • proliferation of abscesses;
  • hepatic abscess.

If the fungus affects the internal organs, then untimely therapy can lead to a very serious condition and death.


With a mild course of the disease, the prognosis is quite favorable. Facial actinomycosis in the initial stage is quite successfully stopped. Immunity to this disease is practically not formed. That is why, after completing the treatment course, maintenance therapy is performed. For this, immunostimulating drugs are prescribed.

Even after a complete cure, the likelihood of developing a second actinomycosis is not excluded. In this regard, the patient should be observed by a doctor for 2 years. During this period, it is important to exclude all agricultural work, carefully and timely reorganize any foci of infection, and provide competent care for the mucous membranes.

In case of eye damage, an observation by an ophthalmologist is required. Even with the successful treatment of actinomycosis, the occurrence of negative consequences for vision is not excluded. Often inflammatory processes of the organs of vision develop.


Prevention of actinomycosis does not require too much effort, it is enough just to lead a healthy lifestyle, abandon bad habits, monitor your health and follow simple rules. In order not to get sick or speed up the healing process, you must:

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • timely treat diseases of the teeth and gastrointestinal tract;
  • to destroy the foci of infection; to carry out their sanitation;
  • maintain good immunity, avoid hypothermia;
  • undergo preventive examinations.

With bronchial asthma, cirrhosis, enterocolitis, as well as many other diseases, you need to regularly visit a doctor. It must be remembered that if timely actinomycosis of the skin and other organs is not diagnosed and medical care is not received at the initial stage, then the disease can be fatal. Irreparable harm to health can also be caused by self-medication.

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