Elevated cholesterol is the main cause of atherosclerosis of blood vessels. The latter leads to the accumulation of plaques in the arteries. If untreated, this can lead to serious complications - stroke, myocardial infarction. Therefore, lowering cholesterol is necessary. Without statins, this can be done. There are several effective ways.
Usually, to preserve cholesterol, specialists prescribe statin drugs. But they have many side effects, so they are very harmful to the body. Can lower cholesterol without statins? For this, other effective methods are used, which are described in more detail below.
Cholesterol function
By this name is meant a fat-like substance, most of which is synthesized by the liver, intestines. Only 20% of the body receives animal food. This is an important component of cell membranes. Without cholesterol, hormones, bile acids, and vitamin D are not synthesized.
Cholesterol is needed for the normal functioning of the nervous, hormonal systems. In foreign medicine, it is called cholesterol. The consumption of this component is as follows:
- 17% for the liver;
- 15% - on brain cells;
- 55% - for the construction of cell membranes;
- 13% - for other purposes.
Without cholesterol, the gastrointestinal tract cannot work, the component allows you to produce salts, digestive juice. Deviation in its volume leads to various disorders, lowering immunity, worsening well-being. Is it possible to lower cholesterol without statins? It is possible, most importantly, to use effective methods.
Types of Cholesterol
It includes different fractions - lipoproteins and triglycerides. The first are divided into:
- Low density lipoproteins are bad cholesterol or LDL.
- High Density Lipoproteins - Useful or HDL.
Each level differs depending on gender. In men, total cholesterol is 3.5-6 mmol / l, and in women - 3-5.5. LDL molecules accumulate on the walls of arteries, leading to their narrowing. This causes vascular inflammation. HDL lowering LDL is valuable.
Why are statins dangerous?
Statins in medicine are the best way to lower cholesterol. Medications block a specific enzyme that is involved in the transformation of a cholesterol precursor. But inhibition of mevalonate affects not only cholesterol metabolism. The relationship of this component and the maintenance of homeostasis in the tissues has already been identified, so the effect of statins cannot be called harmless.
Although the drugs are effective, they must be used carefully. Statins greatly reduce mortality from heart attack, stroke by 40%, but have different contraindications and have many side effects. For example, with prolonged use, the development of diabetes and oncology is likely.
Other disadvantages of statins include:
- constant need to take drugs;
- high cost;
- serious side effects in the form of muscle weakness, acute muscle necrosis, memory impairment, liver damage, tremor of the extremities.
With long-term use of drugs, the risk of polyneuropathy increases. Uncontrolled treatment leads to big problems. It is advisable to reduce cholesterol without statins. For this, medications and natural remedies are used.
How to lower blood cholesterol without statins? In medicine, there are tools to replace these drugs. These are fibrates - medicines with fibroic acids. Other drugs can reduce cholesterol without statins, because they affect LDL and triglycerides. Experts distinguish: “Clofibrate”, “Fenofibrate” and others.
Statin-free cholesterol reduction can be performed by Questran, Cholestid. These drugs affect the synthesis of fatty acids and prevent them from being absorbed into the intestines. Only take them should be prescribed by a doctor. I wonder how to lower cholesterol without statins? To do this, you must adhere to a diet, maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Healing herbs
Some healthy herbs are also called natural statins. In practice, there are many cases when they lowered cholesterol and kept it at the right level for a long time. To achieve this goal, the following methods are allowed:
- sage;
- lemon balm;
- elecampane;
- immortelle;
- dandelion;
- nettles;
- raspberries;
- hawthorn.
They are allowed to be combined, creating plant harvests. It is important to familiarize yourself with contraindications so as not to harm your health. Rosehips, yarrow, plantain will help strengthen blood vessels and the heart, which improve digestion, saturate with antioxidants. You can brew 1 tbsp. l herbs or collecting boiling water (1 cup), insist an hour, and then consume 100 ml three times a day for 1-2 months.
Sports loads
How to lower bad cholesterol without statins? Sport accelerates fat metabolism, so the substance is processed and removed more actively. Physical education positively affects the heart and blood vessels - increases tone, enriches the blood with oxygen.
A year of regular exercise is enough to reduce the level of the harmful component. And for some, it can normalize. 3-4 workouts per week are enough - jogging, walking, exercise therapy, swimming, cycling. Thanks to sports, weight is normalized, and obesity is an important risk factor for atherosclerosis.
Simple recipes also help reduce bad cholesterol without statins. The best ones are as follows:
- Propolis tincture (10 drops) is added to warm water (100 ml). You need to take half an hour before meals for 4 months.
- Before eating, you need to eat red mountain ash (5 berries each). The course is a week, followed by a break of 10 days, after which the course is repeated.
- Statin-free cholesterol lowering is performed by lemon and garlic. From them you need to prepare a useful remedy. It will take 1 kg of lemons, which are ground in a meat grinder. Then they add chopped garlic (1 cup cloves). The product is stored in the refrigerator. Drink should be 1 tsp. twice a day until the end of a meal.
- In the morning, in the evening, before eating, you need to take linseed oil (1 tsp), which significantly reduces LDL.
- It is necessary to cut a leaf of a golden mustache (20 cm). It is poured with boiling water (1 liter), insisted day. You need to drink it 30 ml 3 times a day before meals. The treatment lasts 3 months.
You should not end up taking drugs on your own and using folk remedies. You must first obtain the permission of a doctor.
How to lower cholesterol without statins? This can be done with products. They must have pectin. This is a cholesterol-lowering component. There are other components that need to be added to the diet.
The basis of nutrition should be plant products - vegetables, fruits, cereals, normalizing the activity of the digestive tract, preventing the absorption of fats and toxins. They also remove toxins. Antioxidants, minerals and vitamins protect the walls of blood vessels from damage. Statin-free cholesterol reduction is provided by apples. If you eat 1 fruit per day, then in 2 months the harmful component will decrease by 20%.
An effective statin-free cholesterol reduction is provided by:
- citrus fruits;
- lingonberries, black currants;
- red grapes, wine;
- bell pepper;
- cabbage;
- Jerusalem artichoke;
- avocado;
- carrots;
- turmeric
- celery;
- parsley.
How to lower cholesterol without statins? Phytosterols are analogues of steroids that are found in plant foods. They provide better absorption of fats, protecting against the absorption of excess cholesterol in the intestines. Phytosterols are:
- in vegetable oils, especially sea buckthorn;
- corn;
- soybeans;
- nuts
- legumes.
With the help of such products, the content of good cholesterol increases and the level of bad cholesterol decreases. Therefore, phytosterols monitor harmful fats and protect against sterosclerosis. Now there are even dietary supplements with campesterol, brassicasterin, stigmasterol, which lower cholesterol by 15% in a month.
Reducing bad cholesterol without statins can be achieved by eating plant foods. These components increase HDL levels and are used as prophylaxis of atherosclerosis. Polyphenols also provide blocking of free radicals, which increase the aging process of the body and lead to oncology.
These components are:
- in lingonberry;
- blackcurrant;
- grapes;
- brown rice;
- legumes.
If you use these products regularly, accelerates the overall metabolism, including lipid metabolism. And this has a positive effect on overall health.
Unsaturated fatty acids
These are natural statin substitutes, as doctors call them. Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids participate in lipid metabolism and capture the “bad” fractions in order to transfer them to the liver, process and remove them. Omega-6 and 9 have the same effect, but have a less effective property.
Omega-3 is not produced in the body, so they should be obtained with food or dietary supplements. Most of the component is in the fat of sea fish - anchovies, salmon, sardines, and mackerel. Omega-6s and 9s are found in avocados, nuts, and vegetable oils. If you have these products in the right amount, you can reduce weight and restore metabolism.
Vegetable fiber
In vegetables and fruits, plant fiber is present that protects against the penetration of cholesterol into the blood. Daily consumption of plant foods leads to improved intestinal motility, lower absorption of fats and sugar.
Almost every plant product contains polysaccharides that prevent cholesterol from entering the intestinal wall. To reduce cholesterol, all experts recommend a diet with an increased fiber content, which provides an excellent treatment effect.
Garlic is used to create many dishes. Its valuable properties perfectly compensate for the specific smell. This is a powerful natural statin that allows you to lower cholesterol in a few months of constant use. Garlic lowers LDL and increases HDL.
Turmeric is also a natural statin. It tastes like a mixture of hot pepper, ginger and nutmeg. This spice perfectly complements any dish. Turmeric lowers cholesterol, protects against blood clots.
A similar effect has a plant of commissor mukul or guggul. But to find it as a spice, spices is not so simple. But a wide selection of capsules with guggul can be purchased at the pharmacy. It should be noted that spices and spicy foods are prohibited for patients who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Berries and nuts
In almonds, the natural statin is the peel of a nut. With it, the LDL content decreases. And due to antioxidants, the walls of the vessels will be clean. Almonds can be consumed both independently and added to various dishes.
Hazelnuts, walnuts, and pistachios are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids that control cholesterol. But these nuts are high-calorie, therefore it is allowed to eat no more than 25-30 g per day.
Antioxidants are found in prunes. Of the berries, blueberries are useful because they are saturated with pterostilbene. Thanks to raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries, HDL production is stimulated. Such berries can be eaten raw, and also make mashed potatoes and juices from them.
Many people know about the benefits of alcohol to eliminate atherosclerotic plaques. But you should not take alcohol as the best remedy for all diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
The use of strong alcohol, red wine, beer is prohibited for hypertension, arrhythmia. They can also not be used by people with diabetes and liver diseases.
Juice therapy
If elevated cholesterol is manifested by unpleasant symptoms, you can use natural juices that cleanse the blood of lipids and toxins. With drinks you can quickly normalize weight.
There is a juice diet. You need to drink a certain amount of drinks every day:
- On day 1 - celery (70 g), carrot (130 g).
- Beetroot (70), carrot (100), cucumber (70).
- Apple (70), celery (70), carrot (130).
- Carrot (130), cabbage (50).
- Orange (130).
The exclusion of pharmacy products is not always justified. With the help of products, you can lower cholesterol by 10-20%, but for many this is not enough. Do not give up treatment with pills with an advanced form of atherosclerosis. If a heart attack, stroke was suffered, then all actions must be agreed with the doctor.
Many people know that with the help of physical activity, rejection of bad habits, restoration of the nervous system, it will be possible to reduce cholesterol by 10-20%. It also reduces the risk of cardiovascular ailments, atherosclerosis by 40%.
Physical activity will allow improving metabolism and lowering cholesterol: morning warm-up, hiking, swimming, light running, Nordic walking. Timely treatment is important:
- high pressure;
- diabetes mellitus;
- thyroid disease;
- hormonal disorders;
- kidney and liver dysfunctions.
If you do not treat illnesses for a long time, because of this, lipid metabolism is disrupted, the composition of blood, blood vessels, and heart function deteriorates. Excess LDL accumulates on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques.
To detect a high concentration of cholesterol does not work out according to external signs. This is done only with the help of a blood test - a lipid profile. It should be performed:
- after 5 years - for men, women over 25 years old;
- after 2-3 years - with risk factors;
- every 6-12 months - in old age, with a hereditary predisposition to hypercholesterolemia.
Elevated cholesterol is not dangerous if detected in a timely manner. If the deviations are insignificant, then you need to follow a diet for 2-3 months, use folk remedies, adjust the lifestyle so that the indicator returns to normal.