Whole grain flour is the key to your health

Whole grain flour is a variety that is obtained by grinding grain together with the germ and outer shells. In its manufacture, a minimum preliminary cleaning of grain is carried out, which is crushed in one go. It is worth noting that after grinding whole grain flour is not sifted.

whole grain flour
What is the difference between different varieties? The main difference is the degree of grinding and purification from bran. The higher the grade, the whiter and finer the flour. In addition, it contains less nutrients.

So, grind ordinary white flour several times and carefully sift. It consists of endosperm grains and contains a lot of starch. There is practically no fiber and vitamins in it, but it is with its help that you can cook delicate and airy pastries.

Whole grain flour contains many nutrients. Its composition includes a large amount of fiber. It is most beneficial to the body. Bread with the use of such flour turns out to be dark, rather dense, but satisfying and easy to digest. Its main producer is Belovodye, as well as Diamart and Altai Health.

whole grain flour
I must say that such flour contains many substances with high biological value. It also consists of vital compounds, including minerals and essential amino acids.

Whole grain bread is considered an excellent dietary product. It positively affects the body of people with obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, impaired digestive system motility and even cancer. In addition, such bread effectively removes harmful substances from the body - salts of heavy metals, toxins and radioactive compounds.

It should be mentioned that it is whole grain flour, which you can buy at an affordable price, includes anticarcinogenic selenium, as well as hematopoietic vanadium.

Like all products of biological origin, it increases life expectancy. Thus, American scientists say that mortality among people who regularly include baked whole wheat flour in their diet is reduced by almost 20%. In addition, when consuming whole grain products, the body is provided with the necessary amount of fiber, dietary fiber, B and E vitamins, as well as important minerals - iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium and zinc.

buy whole grain flour
I must say that whole grain flour with regular use in the process of baking bread can improve the general well-being of people and improve their health. Its application is very simple - the dough rises perfectly even without yeast (only on homemade sourdough).

Today, everyone can purchase such flour of different types - buckwheat, oat, barley, rye. True, it is worth noting that wheat is still the most commonly used.

I must say that whole grain flour contains a significant amount of oil and is not stored for long. Therefore, it is very important that it is freshly ground, pay attention to this.

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