Cream cake cream - the most delicious filling

In anticipation of a significant date, many are puzzled by the question: which cake is better - store-bought or home-made? After all, what is a festive table without a cake? Even if everyone is already full, according to tradition, he is still supposed to at least stand it, to reveal a masterpiece to the public. For special occasions, many order cakes in company stores from confectionery factories. But still, homemade baked goods can sometimes put in the belt the best factory confectionery delicacy. And there is an explanation for this: a piece of the soul of the one who baked it is embedded in the simplest homemade cake. In the store you will buy a cake made by machines, and they, as you know, have no soul.

So, if you still decide to make a cake yourself, here are some simple recipes for you. The cream cake cream used in each recipe is made from cream, it will provide your bakery with a delicious milk aroma and delicate taste.

Chocolate cake with cream

To prepare this dessert, stock up on the following ingredients:

for shortcakes:

- egg - 4 things;

- sugar - 4.5 table. spoons;

- flour - 3.5 table. spoons;

- cocoa powder - 1 table. a spoon;

- sunflower oil - 1 table. a spoon.

The cream for the cream cake will go:

- fat cream - 1 cup;

- nonfat cream - 0.5 cups;

- sugar - 4.5 tablespoons;

- vanilla essence - half a teaspoon.

For decoration:

- pieces of pineapple (canned);

- cherries.

Now that all the components are at hand, you can proceed. First, beat the sugar with eggs to a uniform dense consistency, then add flour and cocoa there. After pouring the sunflower oil, mix gently. We also coat the round baking dish with oil, put the resulting mass into it and bake in the oven for 45 minutes at 180 degrees. When the baking is ready, it should be cooled and cut carefully along to make three cakes.

In the meantime, the uncut base cools down, prepare a cream for the cake with cream. Beat both varieties of cream with a mixer, add sugar and vanilla and whip again. The cream is ready, now it remains only to smear them with each layer of the base of the cake and lay them on top of each other. Try to, after you smear the top cake, a little cream is left: you will need it for decoration. Put the remaining cream cake cream into a confectionery syringe with a tip โ€œasteriskโ€ and make a pattern on the edge of the cake. Next, beautifully lay the cherries and pineapple slices. Chocolate cake with butter cream is ready.

And one more simple but very tasty biscuit cake with meringue and cream made from cream and condensed milk.

For shortcakes will be needed:

- egg yolks - 4 things;

- fatty kefir (preferably homemade) - 150g;

- vegetable oil (sunflower) - 3 table. spoons;

- flour - 200g;

- sugar - 60g;

- soda - 1 tea. the spoon;

- vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10 g).

For meringues:

- egg whites - 4 things;

- sugar - 150g;

- vanilla sugar - 1 tea. the spoon;

- peeled walnuts - 1.5 cups;

- A pinch of salt to taste.

For cream:

- boiled condensed milk - 1 can;

- cream 33% - 200g.

For syrup:

- water - 10 table. spoons;

- jam (any) or sugar - to taste.

For decoration - 4 squares of black and white chocolate.

At the very beginning, you need to divide the eggs into yolks and squirrels, and temporarily put the proteins in the refrigerator. Then whisk the whisk yolks, granulated sugar and vanilla sugar. In kefir, extinguish soda and pour it to the yolks. Pour in vegetable oil. It is better to mix flour with a spatula. The dough should be relatively liquid. In a parchment-laden form, bake with one cake for about 20-25 minutes at 175 degrees. Readiness can be checked by a match or a toothpick. When the cake has cooled down, cut it into two parts along and thinly cut off the top - it will serve as a powder for the cake.

Now we make meringue: beat the chilled proteins, adding a little salt to them. Then gradually add sugar to the proteins (you can use powdered sugar). Only in this way will a strong foam be obtained, and not a liquid egg-sugar solution. On a covered with parchment and greased on top of it form (the same as the base for the cake was baked in) lay out the nuts in a thick layer and fill them with a protein-sugar mass. Bake at 100-125 degrees for about one hour.

Further syrup. It is necessary to mix water with jam, bring to a boil and cool. Pour the cakes with this syrup.

Now the cream. The cream and condensed milk cream recipe is surprisingly simple - they just need to be whipped with a whisk. Some lovers add a little brandy to the cream, but this is not necessary.

The โ€œspare partsโ€ of the product are ready, you can start assembling it: the cream cake for cream and condensed milk cake is rather oily spread on the lower cake, walnut meringue (with nuts up) is laid on top, on which you also need to spread the cream and lay the second cake. Also, coat it with cream, and with a brush, grease the cake on the sides. Sprinkle the sides of the cake with chopped scraps of cake. Grate the chocolates (separately) and decorate the top, sprinkling black and white chocolate in turn, to get the effect of a checkerboard.

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