The name of Robert Green is known to everyone who at least once thought about changing their living conditions and increasing well-being. The famous writer, publicist and sociologist, Green not only wrote the legendary book â48 Laws of Powerâ, reviews of which made a lot of noise in foreign and domestic print media, but also published many other manuals based only on his own experience. Green himself was once an ordinary hard worker, but, contrary to fate, he was able to succeed by understanding the basic laws, following and obeying which, you can not only get rich, but also concentrate in your hands many important resources, including financial, social, economic.
Literary critics often compare Green with another famous rich man of his time, Jordan Belfort, who also described his own success story in The Wall Street Wolf. The similarity is manifested in the fact that Greenâs book â48 Laws of Powerâ is read just as interesting, written in an equally surprisingly understandable language, combining various economic, political and historical terms, documentary inserts, as well as fascinating art material that is presented so original that itâs impossible to tear yourself away from the book to the very end.
Robert Green is one of the most prominent marketing writers of our time. Many of his fans admire the authorâs life philosophy, experience and practical skills, which he generously shares in his half-documentary books. Greenâs first book - â48 Laws of Powerâ became a bestseller in the first days after publication, and the subsequent work only consolidated the authorâs success and his authority among publicist writers on financial issues, psychology and self-development theory.
The writer has repeatedly been recognized as the leading author of the modern generation in the field of sociology, as well as one of the prominent teachers and coach-trainers of our time. Most of all, Green was interested in the mechanism of the functioning of power in civil society, as well as the foundations of strategic thinking and the formation of personal psychology under the influence of modern trends in the development of society.
Having access to information concerning âthe powerful of this worldâ, the author of the book â48 Laws of Powerâ makes convincing arguments in favor of the theory of independence of power as such and that each person has hidden ambitions and a subconscious need to dominate others.
Robert Green was born in 1959 in Los Angeles. The father of the future writer was Jewish by nationality, and his mother was American. Green received an excellent education in one of the prestigious schools of his native city. Teachers noted the boyâs innate craving for knowledge and a penchant for learning languages. Since studying at school, Robert was interested in people and tried to understand why this or that person occupies the place in life in which he is, and not some other.
The young sociologist wrote down his first observations in a special notebook, which is still carefully preserved by the boyâs mother.
Having graduated with honors from school, Green brilliantly passes the entrance exams and becomes a scholarship holder at the University of California at Berkeley, where he soon moves to permanent residence.
After studying at this educational institution for about a year, Robert realizes that the initially chosen specialty is not his calling at all, and takes away the documents, starting to prepare for admission to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, deciding to choose a more creative profession for himself.
The story repeated itself. Green again exams brilliantly, enters the Faculty of Classical Literature and Comparative Philology.
Studying captures a young man completely. Green actively attends lectures, takes part in scientific conferences, congresses and symposiums, where he gives presentations on cultural studies, philosophy, literature and sociology. At lectures, intensives and seminars, Robert meets many interesting people for him whom he studies. This school habit will remain with him for life. Greenâs studentâs notebook with the characteristics of people again begins to be filled with a future writer, and soon he decides to write a book on its basis, but there was not enough material for work.
Four years later, Robert Green graduates from the university and receives the honorary title of Bachelor of Arts with the right to teach.
early years
After completing the training, Robert Green immediately begins to look for a suitable place of work, trying to choose a company interesting from the point of view of sociology, where he could, in addition to fulfilling his direct professional duties, also study the workplace personnel. The guyâs first job was Esquire magazine, to which he was able to get a job after two weeks of searching. The salary in the office was too small, and the future coach begins to find more and more part-time jobs, gradually turning into a freelancer writing any materials to order. Soon, tired of the monstrous load, Robert decides to start a career as a screenwriter, but after several months wasted in Hollywood, he leaves this venture and sits down to write his debut work - â48 Laws of Powerâ, reviews and reaction to which will subsequently make him one of the most attractive authors for publishers from a financial point of view.
Economist career
After the publication of his famous book, Robert becomes a welcome candidate for important posts in many financial companies. In the period from 2002 to 2007, he worked as a personal adviser to the director of one of these offices. Later, Green becomes a member of the board of directors of American Apparel, which significantly affects his authority among writers who develop financial management topics. This work gives the man the opportunity to visit many countries of the world, to get acquainted with the approach to the definition of power in various cultures. The material accumulated on business trips will later be actively used by Green in writing books on the theme of politics and sociology.
Publicist career
On July 11, 2006, Robert Green, whose reviews on the â48 laws of powerâ reached an unprecedented number, opened his blog, where he personally consulted many of his fans. âPower, seduction and warâ is still the most sought-after information resource in the field of coach training, and Robertâs articles are of great value to inexperienced political scientists and sociologists who can draw from them the basic premises of a personâs desire for power.
1995 was a landmark year for Robert Green. He taught lectures at the Venice Art School, where he met concept designer Jost Elffers, who offered him a collaboration. Robert agreed, and Jost designed the cover of his future bestseller â48 Laws of Power,â Green, reviews of which included praise including the talented designer who was able to convey the atmosphere of a cynical power structure in the cover. The novel instantly became a bestseller, sales in the first two weeks amounted to about half a million copies. The book has been translated into 21 languages ââof the world.
Reviews of Green's â48 Laws of Powerâ mark the unique structure of the work. For each of the derived laws, a theoretical justification is given and a life example is given that confirms the practical use of the statement. This is precisely the reason why the book was so popular, as it not only provided the reader with information, but also taught how to use it in everyday life.
Maccillian intelligence
The definition of intelligence given by Robert Green in the comments on the reviews of the â48 Laws of Powerâ is extremely close to the so-called âMakkieliansky intellectâ. In the concept of this Italian philosopher, intelligence and politics are only a means of achieving authoritarian power, a means of creating operations to deceive and destroy competitors, a means of directly influencing the subordinate masses.
Readers of the book leave mostly positive reviews on the â48 laws of powerâ, they are generally in solidarity with the opinion of the author. This is partly due to the fact that Robert teaches his audience how to get tough power over the crowd, recognizing authoritarianism as the only ideology in which a strong-willed person can succeed.
Green uses only the most effective laws of power, but they are the ones that are the least positive from a moral point of view. The writer is guided exclusively by the position of dominant, not leaving his subordinates the opportunity to choose their own path.
Part of the reviews of the book â48 Laws of Powerâ is also devoted to the chapter, which describes the principles of seduction, which is the second most effective method of achieving the desired after psychological pressure. The author claims that in order to achieve his goal one cannot disdain by any means, because only success can make a person happy, and moral principles are not always appropriate, as they are a braking factor in the process of struggle for a place under the sun.
Inconsistency with Real Facts
Many researchers in the field of psychology and sociology note that Robert Greenâs book â48 Laws of Powerâ and reviews on it are largely inconsistent with real facts. The author himself changes the theoretical provisions in the evidence, fitting it to his theory, and people leaving reviews exaggerate their success, since the technologies described by the author in the book cannot produce the effect presented in the reviews and thanks from readers. Often the enthusiasm for such literature is widespread and most readers do not even check the information, succumbing to the "crowd effect", as well as the intrusive and even aggressive advertising of works in the media.
Many literary scholars who have expressed an opinion about the work of the â48 laws of power and seductionâ note the rather low moral content of the book. The author does not disdain to promote low and dishonorable ways of gaining authority among people, in some way imitating the theoretical concept of Machiavelli, based on the principles of strict centralization.
Success from the point of view of Green is a phenomenon that can be achieved only in authoritarian ways, without resorting to constructive models of behavior. In this, his theory is close to the concept of medieval feudalism, when any conflict was resolved from a position of strength, and the most successful was the most physically developed and immoral person of the entire population. Most reviewers spoke of the book in a negative way, not recommending it to people who have life and philosophical moral principles that go against the ideology of violence.
Robert Green's â48 Laws of Powerâ is a kind of theoretical guide to the use of aggressive psychological techniques to suppress the will of a large number of people and subject them to themselves. This practice was widespread among coach-trainers of the late eighties of the last century. However, closer to the beginning of the 2000s, psychology took a huge step towards humanism, recognizing such programming techniques of consciousness as dangerous and even harmful to the psyche and health of an ordinary person.
Ordinary readers who do not have experience in the field of psychological programming or are not related to the concept of authoritarian fundamentalism leave enthusiastic and positive feedback on the book â48 Laws of Powerâ, as it motivates them to act to change their own financial situation. Properly structured content of the book and a good artistic component allow the reader to put himself in the place of the character and follow the course of his actions, which leads to the desire of the reader to repeat what he learned from the book. This is the reason for the negative reviews of psychologists about the â48 laws of powerâ, which are sure that the book teaches the reader either not at all what is actually necessary to achieve success, or generally true facts, but with very distorted details, which makes their description incorrect and not recommended for perception by an untrained audience.