Not always the human immune system works without failures. Improper lifestyle, constant stress, as well as illness weaken the immune system. Sometimes the body cannot cope without outside help, and then various medicines come to the rescue. The preparation "Imunofan" is described by the instructions as an agent belonging to the group of immunomodulators. In this article we will consider the features of its use, indications, contraindications, as well as find out what it consists of, and reviews of patients and doctors about it. Carefully read this information to protect yourself as much as possible.
A few words about the composition and form of release
The medicine “Imunofan” is described by the manual as a drug produced in the form of suppositories for rectal administration, a spray, as well as a solution intended for intramuscular administration. The active component of the drug is arginine-alpha-aspartyl-lysyl-valyl-tyrosyl-arginine, however, in addition to it, the composition also includes auxiliary components, the variety of which depends on the form of release of the drug itself.
Please note that Imunofan prepapat is not available in the form of drops or tablets.
Suppositories for rectal administration are sold in cardboard packaging, each of which contains five or ten suppositories.
The solution for intramuscular administration is absolutely transparent. It is placed in glass ampoules, each of which contains one milliliter of the drug. One package will contain five or ten such ampoules.
The medicine is also available in the form of a spray intended for intranasal administration. One spray bottle holds 8.5 ml of the drug.
Pharmacological features
The preparation “Imunofan” describes the instruction as a very effective immunomodulating agent, which also has hepaprotective and detoxifying effects. The drug affects the human body by improving metabolic processes, as well as increasing human resistance to various fungal, bacterial and infectious diseases.
The tool begins to have a positive effect two hours after its use. In this case, there are several phases of the effect of this medicine on the body. The first is called fast. It begins within a couple of hours after using the medicine. The fast phase is characterized by the occurrence of a detoxification effect, as well as the cleansing of the body of decay products and cholesterol.
Next is the middle phase of drug exposure. It starts from the second day of using the medication and lasts about two to three days. At this stage, phagocytosis is stimulated, as well as the destruction of various pathogenic viruses and microorganisms by the body.
Next is the slow phase, which begins on the seventh day of the drug and lasts about four months. During this period, the body is able to significantly increase the level of the immune system, increasing the production of special specific antibodies.
When can I take this medicine?
The drug "Imunofan" instruction recommends not only to prevent the development of viral diseases and strengthen immunity, but also for the treatment of many diseases. Quite often, doctors recommend using this medication not only in the adult population, but also for people over the age of two. So, the main indications for the use of the immunomodulator "Imunofan" (instructions, price, reviews are listed in this article) are:
- serious poisoning of the body with toxic substances;
- various inflammatory pathologies of the internal organs of a chronic nature;
- serious malfunctions in the immune system, frequent colds and viral diseases, immunodeficiency state;
- the medicine can be used for psoriasis, hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, as well as in the presence of long non-healing serious wounds;
- Also, the tool can be used as a restorer of the body's strength after using antitumor drugs.
Are there any contraindications to the use of this tool
Imunofan injections, the instructions for use of which are very important to study before using this medicine, can be used by almost all patients, since this medicine has very few contraindications. However, note that this drug is a very serious drug, so you can use it with extreme caution and only on the recommendation of a doctor.
Do not use this immunomodulator in such cases:
- babies under the age of two;
- patients with hypersensitivity to any components that make up the product;
- the medicine is allowed to be used by pregnant women, but only if the pregnancy is not accompanied by a Rh conflict.
Spray "Imunofan": instructions for use
If the doctor prescribed you the drug "Imunofan" in the form of a spray, then in this case it must be used intranasally. In order to use the medicine, insert the nebulizer into the nasal passage and press on the bottle. Keep your head upright. It will be sufficient to do one click in each nostril. To provide a preventive effect, it will be sufficient to use the product once a day.
In the presence of colds and other diseases accompanied by reduced immunity, the drug is recommended to be taken twice a day. On average, a course of treatment lasts about ten to fifteen days. If necessary, the doctor can extend the duration of treatment or recommend the patient to take another course after a short break.
Using candles
Candles "Imunofan" application instruction recommends using rectally. In this case, the drug is injected into the anus once a day. At the same time, it is worth using one suppository at a time.
Most often, the course of use of the drug is about ten to twenty days. However, in the presence of serious chronic diseases, it can be extended for up to one to two months.
Typically, suppositories are prescribed as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of serious infectious diseases. The tool can be used for HIV infections, as well as in the presence of serious tumor processes. In any case, such a medicine should be prescribed by an experienced doctor as an adjuvant therapy method.
Injections "Imunofan" instructions for use recommend using intramuscularly. The dosage is selected in the same way as when using candles and spray. To provide preventive measures, it will be enough to introduce eight to ten injections once a day. In the presence of serious inflammatory and tumor-like diseases, the treatment period should be about twenty days, with a possible repetition.
Injections "Imunofan" instruction recommends use only in a hospital. It is best if the injection is done by an experienced specialist.
Use in veterinary medicine
The medicine "Imunofan", instructions, reviews, the price of which are described in this article, can also be used for the prevention and treatment of animals and birds. In this case, the drug is administered by injection intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Also, the drug can be used in the form of eye drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis.
Veterinarians recommend the use of the drug for the prevention and treatment of many viral diseases during epidemics. The tool has a really excellent therapeutic and prophylactic effect.
If you decide to use the drug for preventive purposes, it will be sufficient to inject once. But during an epidemic, it is recommended to use the medicine once every ten days.
In order for the medicine to have a good therapeutic effect, it must be used within eight days, introducing the drug intramuscularly once a day, every other day. That is, all you need to do the animal four injections.
Features of the use of the drug by pregnant and lactating women
Candles "Imunofan" instruction allows the use of lactating and pregnant women. However, this must be done very carefully, observing all recommendations for use, as well as being under strict control of the attending physician.
The composition of the medicine does not have any components that could have a negative effect on the pregnant woman, as well as on her unborn baby. However, doctors still do not recommend using this drug in the third trimester of pregnancy.
Despite the healing effect that Imunofan immunomodulator can provide (instructions for use, reviews are given in this article), it is allowed to use it only if the benefit from it for the mother significantly exceeds the possible harm that it can cause baby.
There is no necessary data on how the medicine will affect the health of the baby during breastfeeding. Therefore, doctors still do not recommend using the drug for breast-feeding women. If there is still an urgent need for this, then you will have to transfer the child to artificial feeding.
Is the development of adverse events possible?
The drug "Imunofan", an instruction whose analogues you can find in this article, is usually very well tolerated by all patients. Only some people who used the drug in the form of suppositories for rectal administration complained of itching and discomfort in the anus. However, this phenomenon is temporary and very quickly passes by itself. In this case, it is not necessary to cancel the use of suppositories.
Also, sometimes patients complained of the occurrence of allergic reactions while using the medicine “Imunofan”. This only happens if the patient has hypersensitivity to any component that is part of this medication.
In general, adverse reactions occur very rarely, which indicates the high safety of this drug.
Is an overdose possible
Spray "Imunofan", the instructions for which are enclosed in a cardboard package, just like a medicine in other forms of release, usually does not lead to an overdose. However, it is still not recommended to increase the dose recommended by your attending physician, as this can lead to an increase in the side effects that we talked about in the previous paragraphs. Take full responsibility for your health.
A few words about drug interactions
The drug "Imunofan" (price, instructions are listed in this article) is able to enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs that have anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. Therefore, the drug must be used very carefully in conjunction with antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids and non-steroidal drugs. To make the treatment as effective as possible, try to abandon alcohol. Also, be sure to tell your doctor about the medicines you are currently taking. Only in this case, the treatment will be as effective and safe as possible.
Important notes
Before you start using any drug, it is very important to study all the features of its use. The medicine “Imunofan” is no exception. Instructions for use, price, reviews - this is very important information that every patient should be familiar with before using the medication.
Please note that at the very beginning of the use of this pharmaceutical agent, cell phagocytosis is significantly activated. This may contribute to the fact that at the beginning of treatment, diseases of a chronic nature may aggravate a little. Do not be scared, as this is the norm. There is also no need to increase or decrease the dosage. The condition stabilizes after a few days. However, in any case, notify your doctor about your health condition.
The tool does not adversely affect the central nervous system, nor does it slow down psychomotor reactions, so you can use it even when driving a car or working with serious mechanisms.
Are there any analogues
The drug "Imunofan", the instructions to which it is very important to read the reviews before starting to use it, has a large number of analogues that have exactly the same therapeutic effect on the human body, but they all differ slightly in composition. Usually, doctors recommend using analogues in those cases if it is not possible to use this medication. For example, a patient has excessive sensitivity to the components that make up his composition.
Pay attention to such substitutes for the Imunofan medication as Famvir, Immunomax, Powid, Acyclovir, Medovir, Flavozide and many others. All of them have different active components in their composition, and also have various forms of release. However, each of them has a similar effect on the human body.
In no case do not pick up substitutes on your own, as you can cause significant harm to your health. Only a doctor can decide to replace a drug, even one so safe.
Price and storage conditions
The drug "Imunofan" (instructions, price, effect, reviews are described in this article) is not cheap. For one package of funds you will have to pay about four hundred to five hundred rubles. However, for the entire course of treatment, usually one package is not enough. The tool can be bought absolutely at any pharmacy, without having a prescription from your doctor. However, once again it is worth repeating that self-medication is extremely dangerous to health. Buy drugs that increase immunity, only on the recommendation of a specialist.
It is best to store the product in the refrigerator, away from children. Shelf life of the drug is two years from the date of manufacture. However, note that if you store the medicine in the wrong conditions, its shelf life is significantly reduced. In no case do not use the product if the expiration date has expired.
Reviews of doctors and patients
The drug "Imunofan" is very popular, as it really has a very good therapeutic effect on the body. Doctors quite often prescribe this tool to people suffering from low immunity, especially during the seasons of the spread of viral diseases. And the tool really works. Also, the drug is able to have a good therapeutic effect in the treatment of many chronic inflammatory diseases. However, in this case, it is very important to find the right comprehensive approach to treatment.
Patients are also pleased with the effect of the drug Imunofan. Very pleased with the fact that you can choose the most convenient form of release. The medicine improves well-being, speeds up metabolism and enhances the body's resistance to various infections. It is also very pleasing that the use of this drug does not cause side effects, and the treatment is tolerated very simply.
Of course, the price of the product “bites” a little, but the effect that it has is able to cover this disadvantage.
The drug "Imunofan" is a very good effective tool that increases the body's defenses. Despite the fact that this pharmaceutical product is safe, it must be used with extreme caution. Do not self-medicate, be sure to consult your doctor about the need for its use.
Take care of your health today. Change your lifestyle for the better, and perhaps you don’t need a medicine that can strengthen the body’s immune system. Take care of yourself and love yourself, and then your body will begin to take care of you.