The benefits, harms and calories of darnitsky bread

This bread was popular in Soviet times. It first appeared in 1933 and since then has not lost its position in the domestic bakery market. It contains rye flour, which gives this product that unique taste and aroma loved by customers. Due to its low calorie content, Darnitsky bread can be considered a dietary product and can be used without the risk of gaining excess weight.

Origin history

Contrary to popular belief, Darnitsky bread has nothing to do with the suburbs of Kiev. The name was chosen by chance. The recipe for its preparation was developed by bakers of bakery No. 11, which is located in St. Petersburg.

The enterprise did not stop its work even in the besieged Leningrad and throughout the war provided residents of the city with essential goods.

Characteristic and composition

A quality Darnitsky block should not have lumps, seals or voids. Key product features are as follows:

  • The shape of the roll is rectangular, round or oval. Most often, this variety is found in the form of a block.
  • Its taste is slightly sour.
  • Color is brown with a gray tint. Sometimes the flesh is beige-gray or milky.
  • The weight of 1 piece is 340 or 700 g.
  • The aroma is strong enough, with a sour (rye) smell.

In the manufacture of this product, rye and wheat flour were used. The first Darnitsky bar was baked with natural sourdough, but later it was replaced with dry yeast. The test also includes water and salt.

Benefit for health

Rye flour

Peeling (rye) flour has a brown tint, transmitted to the crumb. It contains a large number of useful substances, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • Folic acid. Stimulates the production of hormones and ensures the health of the genital area.
  • Biotin improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
  • Trace elements - magnesium, potassium, calcium and iodine - are involved in the creation of the immune system and significantly strengthen the body's resistance.

It contains wheat flour of the first grade. It has a yellowish tint and a high gluten content.

Wheat flour

The crushed grain shells complement the product with a number of important health elements.

  • It presents all the vitamins of group B, responsible for the coordinated work of the nervous system and digestive organs.
  • Vitamins H and PP are involved in the process of cell renewal of all tissues of internal organs.
  • Trace elements - iron, zinc, sulfur and sodium.

Wheat baking helps people with high acidity for stomach pain. Thanks to rye flour, the calorie content of Darnitsky bread per 100 grams of product barely exceeds 200 calories.

Harm and contraindications

A fairly large amount of gluten causes fermentation in the stomach. Gas formation occurs and stool is disturbed. Because of gluten, a person can suffer from diarrhea and constipation. Yeast dough alone is not considered a useful product and is not recommended for frequent use. A large number of flour products are contraindicated for those people who suffer from diseases of the liver and gall bladder. This is especially true for Darnitsky bread.

Calorie content of the product

100 g contains: 206 kilocalories, 41 g of carbohydrates, about 6 g of protein and 1.1 g of fat. The calorie content of black Darnitsky bread is not so high. For example, white wheat has 223 kcal, malt - 281, and corn - 290. White with the addition of oatmeal - 278 calories, and mustard - about 300. White with raisins or nuts has an even higher calorie content. Its energy value sometimes exceeds 340 kilocalories, depending on the number of additional components.

Thus, of all such products, Darnitsky bread has the lowest calorie content. If you refuse the additives in the form of butter, sausage or cheese, then rye bread can be safely consumed during a diet for weight loss. An ordinary, lunch piece weighs no more than 30 g.

Despite the fact that Darnitsky bread is sold in every store, it is often cooked at home.

How to cook

Cooking dough

At home, trying to expand the range of ingredients in order to improve the taste of the future product. To do this, honey, brown sugar and vegetable oil are added to the dough. You will need:

  • One tablespoon of liquid honey.
  • One and a half glasses of pure water.
  • Flour (1 glass of rye and 1.5 wheat).
  • Dry sourdough (6 g) and salt.

Bread is baked both in the oven and in the bread maker. In a special form, all the necessary products are added according to the recipe. Sugar and salt are laid in different angles so that they do not touch. Yeast is placed in the middle of the mixture. The form is fixed as tightly as possible and closed with a lid. The color of the peel and the volume of the product are further regulated. After the dough is kneaded, it is checked and, if necessary, water is added. The fact that the roll will be ready, you can find out by the timer.

Cooking in a bread machine

Without honey, the caloric content of a piece of Darnitsky bread is 90 kilocalories. With additional components, it increases by 10-20 kcal.

Thus, the preparation of Darnitsa bread is not difficult and will take very little time. Thanks to home baking, you can save money and protect yourself and your family from unscrupulous manufacturers.

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